Name | historical texts |
Owner | philpatjj |
Level | 4 |
Topic | Literacy |
Unit | Narrative |
Description | a guided reading pack with exercises including literal questioning, inference/deduction questioning and some word/sentence development work. |
File 1 | 756_philCHILDREN OF WINTER.doc |
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Prior to reading :
What do you expect a bookcalled The Children of Winter to be about?
Discuss the front cover.What type of story do you think this will be?
To think about :
How does Berlie Dohertycapture the readers interest in this opening chapter? Who do youthink the main character/s will be? This is a very remote place,quiet, lonely. Where have you been to which is like this place?
1. Why do you think the busclimbed slowly out of Sheffield ?
2. What did Dad mean when he said,Its a bit fresh up here today. ?
3. How do you know Catherine was alittle behind the others as they walked ?
4. Why did Catherine say shewanted the berries ?
5. What made their minds up forthem to run to the barn ?
Here are some verbs from the book.Form sentences to include at least one in each sentence. Add detailto try and tell us where, when or why something happened.
felt pressed staredthought struggling thump carried noticed foundswung thought covered caught huddled pushedgasping
(sentences can be extended throughusing words such as :
behind the the lastweek mid day.because.)
To think about :
Do you think the barn is a warm,cosy place to shelter or a little frightening ?
1. Why did Mum say they shouldntworry about Dad ?
2. What was moving around like anexploring finger ?
3. What caused the light to dimquickly ?
4. Where did Mum suggest that Dadwould be now ?
5. Why did Catherine lead Andrewto the straw ?
Here are some verbs from the book.Form sentences to include at least one in each sentence. Try totell us where, when or why something happened.
running seeingshook trickled showed lunged rushingfound moved caught muttered handed openedlurking struggling
To think about :
Have you ever been withfriends and started to act as if you were all someone else ?Have youchanged your mind about the type of story you think this willbe?
1. In which year did the villagehave to cut itself off from the rest of England ?
2. Who were the childrenpretending to be ?
3. How did Dan hurt his leg?
4. Why is Andrew no longer worriedabout being there ?
Here are some verbs from the book.Form sentences to include at least one in each sentence. Try totell us where, when or why something happened.
hushed insistedwhispered telling reminded prompted remindeddecided swinging looked awed wantedreassured
To think about :
Why do you think thischapter is called The First Day ? Does the chapter seem to be abouta different set of children ? What do you imagine it will be likefor the three children living alone in the barn?
1. What had mother and father donethe day before ?
2. How had the hem of Catherinesskirt become damp ?
3. How did Catherine attend toDans injury ?
4. What made Dan say that therewas enough food for a feast ?
Here are some verbs from the book.Form sentences to include at least one in each sentence. Try totell us where, when or why something happened.
held join pushed startedforgot swung carrying crossed clutchedsmiled glanced changed knelt wonderedcrammed
To think about :
Why were the berries placed besidethe barn ? Would you be starting to worry why your parents hadntreturned to collect you ?
1. Which event has caused thevillage to be sad and frightened ?
2. How did Tessa make sure thatthe candle did not go out ?
3. Was Catherine that Mother wouldcome to them ?
Here are some verbs from the book.Form sentences to include at least one in each sentence. Try totell us where, when or why something happened.
Stared stoppedshare faltered whispered wriggled plungedcrashed clambered pushed tiptoed hungmurmured crept
To think about :
Would you be confused waking up ina strange place ? Has it ever happened to you ? How do you think thecharacters are feeling now ?
1. What was Catherine trying toremember ?
2. What made Catherines Motherlook old and ill ?
3. Which word did no-one darespeak of in the village ?
4. Why do you think Mother doesnot want the children to touch her ?
Here are some adjectives from thebook. Form sentences to include at least one in each sentence. Tryto tell us where, when or why something happened.
thin largefavourite pale old bright happy safe
To think about :
Would you be confused waking up ina strange place ? Has it ever happened to you ?
1. What was Catherine afraid thatMother might be carrying ?
2. Where did Mother say she wouldleave things for them ?
3. Why do you think Catherineassured Tessa they would be alright ?
Here are some adjectives from thebook. Form sentences to include at least one in each sentence. Tryto tell us where, when or why something happened.
terrible warmstubborn brief youngest strickenwooded
To think about :
Why did the girls delay tellingDan about the problems of the village ?
1. Why do you think Tessa led Danoutside to see Cloudy ?
2. How do you know Mother treatedDan well ?
3. Why did they decide to eat theblackberries before the apples ?
4. What did the apples remindCatherine and Tessa of?
Here are some adjectives from thebook. Form sentences to include at least one in each sentence. Tryto tell us where, when or why something happened.
huge sprawling fatsweet hot empty good bruised
To think about :
Do you think it makes sense thatthe children are keeping themselves busy ?
1. What was it about the laundrythat reminded Catherine of her Mother ?
2. What would the log be usefulfor ?
3. What did Catherine say theymust do if they ever had sad thoughts ?
4. Why did they not want to touchthe bundle with their hands ?
Here are some adjectives from thebook. Form sentences to include at least one in each sentence. Tryto tell us where, when or why something happened.
damp low hugecomfortable sore busy sad smaller
To think about :
What do we call potatoes whichhave been cooked this way, dark on the outside and soft inside ?Where do you think potatoes might have been brought to England from?
1. Why must they keep the candlelit ?
2. Why was it important to placestones around the fire ?
3. How did Dan reward himselfwhenever he came back from the field ?
4. Why had Tessa not had time tocry ?
5. What was Catherines promise?
Here are some adjectives from thebook. Form sentences to include at least one in each sentence. Tryto tell us where, when or why something happened.
precious dark dampevil dry blackened creamy long
To think about :
Have you ever been in areally dark place? Perhaps you have had to use candles in apowercut? What was it like ? Do you think the children arecoping on their own? Why ?
1. What had brought on Dansstomach pains ?
2. Did Tessa believe Dan thatthere had been a ghost ?
3. Why do you thinkCatherine tells Tessa No more questions about tomorrow and afterthat and that.?
4. Why did Dan think it was goodto discover rats ?
5. What terrified Tessa ?
6. Why do you think they tried toimagine what Mother would have said ?
7. Where was the mouse ?
Here are some adjectives from thebook. Form sentences to include at least one in each sentence. Tryto tell us where, when or why something happened.
cold dark light warmdark little brave low new
To think about :
Why were the children soconcerned about the number of smoking chimneys?
1. Why do you think Dan had towander further for blackberries ?
2. Why did they have to take it inturns to cook on the stove ?
3. What took up most of the day?
4. What helped to keep thedraughts out ?
5. Why did Dan say he had beengoing down to the river ?
Here are some adjectives from thebook. Form sentences to include at least one in each sentence. Tryto tell us where, when or why something happened.
hungry damp brownhappy dreamy strange
To think about :
How did Catherine say she wouldsolve the problem with the eggs?
1. Where had the bundle been left?
2. What had Tessa been hoping tofind ?
3. Why was there no writtenmessage with the bundle ?
4. Why do you think Catherinewished she was the youngest and not the oldest ?
5. How do you know Tessa knows hersister is becoming tired ?
Here are some adjectives from thebook. Form sentences to include at least one in each sentence. Tryto tell us where, when or why something happened.
best new lovelyuseless playful raw
To think about :
Why do you think Maggie Hoggreacts so angrily to the
children? Do they respond as youwould expect them to?
1. Who was watching the childreneating ?
2. Of Maggies children, who wasthe first to die ?
3. How deep was the river whereMaggie crossed it ?
4. Why did Mother warn thechildren to go away ?
5. Did Tessa follow her sisterscommand immediately ?
Here are some adverbs from chapter6. Form sentences to include at least one in each sentence. Try totell us where, when or why something happened.
carefully bravelyslowly happily wearily
To think about :
What new problems doeswinter bring? What changes do you notice in
the wintertime where youlive? In your view, do you think Catherine was right to steal thehens ?
1. What evidence is there of theonset of winter?
2. What was Catherine trying torid herself of ?
3. How did Catherine rememberMaggie Hoggs ?
4. Which sound gave the finalsignal to Catherine that she needed to act quickly if she was goingto take some hens ?
Find sentences which could beextended by having an adjective or adverb added. Write these outand underline the new words you have included.
To think about :
What effect does thechanging weather have on the childrens mood?
1. Why did they push the biggestlogs against the barn wall ?
2. What did Dan mean when he saidhed found dead sheep ?
3. How did they know that animalshad prowled around the barn in the night ?
4. Why do you think the childrenthought the snow might curb the plague ?
5. Where did Tessa run whilstbeing chased ?
6. What was the rabbit catchersconnection to Tessas family ?
Find sentences which could beextended by having an adjective or adverb added. Write these outand underline the new words you have included.
To think about :
What feelings does Dickexperience when he meets Tess? Find evidence in the text to supportyour views. Why do you think he feels like that?
1. How do you know that Tessa wasscared of the rabbit catcher ?
2. Why didnt Dick Mossoprecognise Tess at first?
3. Why did Dick say he had to traprabbits ?
4. Do you think it was kind ofDick to show Tessa how to skin a rabbit ?
5. Why did no-one visit each otheranymore ?
6. Was Tessas message for herMother good news ?
Find sentences which could beextended by having an adjective or adverb added. Write these outand underline the new words you have included.
To think about :
What do you think willhappen next? What would you do, if you were in thissituation?
1. Why do you think Dans thoughtsmight have been miles away ?
2. What did Catherine rememberabout Dick Mossop ?
3. What did Dan offer to do forhis sisters ?
4. What cheered Catherine up?
5. How would Tessa amuse Dan?
List the evidence in the text toexplain why Catherine was so upset at the beginning of chapter9.
To think about :
What do we learn about eachof the children from the way they respond to Clems arrival?
1. Which word indicates that thedoor was shut in a firm manner ?
2. What had Catherine seen sicksheep do ?
3. Which phrase shows Clem wasgrateful for the soup ?
4. What risk did Tessa think theyshould take a chance with ?
5. How had Molly Carter tried tosave Clem ?
6. Why had Clem tried to be aloneat the barn ?
Write a few sentences describinghow you would feel about Clem coming to join you in the barn ? Whatcould you do about making sure you did not catch the plague?
To think about :
In what ways is Danssolution to the problem with Clem similar or different to what youexpected to happen next?
1. Why was the sheep pen ideal?
2. What did Cloudy do once theybrought her into the barn ?
3. What did Catherine apologise toClem about ?
4. What was the unfortunate jobwhich Dan had ?
5. What did Clem say he would doWhen Im better ?
6. Why did Catherine say thatcomfort was the one thing they cannot give to Clem ?
List the precautions the childrentake in order to not make contact with Clem.
To think about :
The large amount of smoke andbabble of voices coming from the village what do you think itmight have been ?
1. What was Dan so excited aboutearly next morning ?
2. Why was it good to get awayfrom the barn for a time ?
3. When Dan ran like a hare ,which other animals could have been named to describe quick running?
4. Do you think Dan does the rightthing by helping Clem?
5. When Dan says Im as wet as afish, which other similes could he have used to describe himself?
6. Why do you think Clem asks Dannot to visit him again ?
Describe all the changes inweather in chapter 10. How do the children know that it is thebeginning of spring?
To think about :
Why are the villagersburning furniture and why do you think they sheltered from the rainin each others houses?
1. What could the simile dodgingfrom tree to tree like squirrels be replaced with ?
2. Why did the girls creep aroundthe barn ?
3. How will they make candles fromold stubs ?
4. Dan is described as hot asfire. What other simile could be used here ?
5. How is the suspense built up onpage 117 ?
6. What makes the girls think thatDan might have been spending time near to Clem ?
7. What did Dan think of as he wasbeing hugged ?
Use a thesaurus to change thefollowing underlined words to alternative words :
Tessa and Catherinesaw nothing of this, though they too weredefeated by the rain and scurried backup the long slope in the woods. Theyslithered on the wet grasses as theyran .
To think about :
Why do you think the lightwent out at the end of chapter 11 ?
1. Why did Catherine decide not tothink about the future ?
2. Which phrase did CatherinesMother used to use to persuade the children to eat ?
3. What was stopping Catherinethinking pleasant thoughts about spring?
4. How would it have felt to hearthe words The plague is over ?
5. Was there a surprise in thefinal chapter ?
6. Do you think the old man whoowned the barn might have represented someone else ?
7. Why do you think Catherine wasthe last to leave the barn ?
What do you think happenedto the children? What did you most enjoy about reading this book?What questions do you still have after reading it ? See if yourteacher will let you research the village of Eyam where this storyis set. It is a real village, known as the Plague village and canbe visited. It is quite close to Sheffield, in the Derbyshirehills.