Name | Unit C2 |
Owner | feeofla |
Level | 5 |
Topic | Numeracy |
Unit | C2 |
Description | |
File 1 | 717_Numeracy Block Plan - Template.doc |
File 2 |
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Yr Group: 5 /6 Teacher: TA: Block: CUnit:2
Date : w/b18/02/08 | Curriculumlinks: Speaking and Listening: Understand theprocess of decision making
Science: Changing state: Presentresults of the time taken for washing to dry in differentconditions in tables and graphs, and use these to identify trendsin results and make generalisations.
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Vocabulary:- Data,information, survey, questionnaire, graph, chart, table, horizontalaxis, vertical axis, axes, label, title, scale, bar chart, bar linechart, line graph, mode, maximum/minimum value, problem, solution,calculate, calculation, method, explain, reason, reasoning,predict, pattern, relationship, classify, represent, analyse,interpret, probability, probability scale, fair, unfair, risk,doubt, unlikely, likelihood, certain, uncertain, probable,possible, impossible, chance, good chance, poor chance, no chance,outcome.
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Curricular Target -same asprevious term 5/6 | ||||
Must | Should | Could | ||
Learning objectives and Children'slearning outcomes Most children will learnto:
| Building on prior learning andintervention materials Check that children canalready: Collect, organise and interpret selectedinformation to answer questions.
Curricular MathsTarget | ||||||||||
Day | L.O.Starter | L.O. Main | Red(LA)- CT | Yellow(L-MA) | Orange(H-MA) | Purple(HA) | Plenary | Assessment forlearning | ||
| To convert kminto metres and vice versa. | To identify theuse of different graph types.
I canexplain what a table, graph or chart tells us and considerquestions that it raises | Ch to readdifferent types of graph. | Every picturetells a story diff. worksheet.
| Every picturetells a story diff.worksheet. | Every picturetells a story diff.worksheet. | Discusssuggestions from worksheets note importance of labeling. | Lookat this graph, table or chart. Make up three questions that can beanswered using the data that is represented. | ||
Ch to identifywhat each graph on the sheet may represent & label. | ||||||||||
2 | To convert litresinto millilitres and vice versa. | To collectdata.
I cancollect and organise data to find out about a subject or to answera question | The colour ofpeoples eyes in year 5/6. Give ch results table. Ch collect datafrom class. | Favourite flavourcrisps or how they get to school. CH decide how they are going tocollect and record data. | Ch to chose whatinformation they will collect & how to collect it/ show theirresults. | Ask each group toreport to the class about what data they are going to collect, howthey are going to represent it and who will find it useful. | Whatare you trying to find out? What information are you aiming tocollect? How? | |||
3 | To exploreequivalent measurements. | To organisedata. I canexplain why I chose to represent data using a particular table,graph or chart | From resultscollected yesterday draw and label a block graph. | From resultscollected yesterday ch must select the most appropriate way ofshowing their results. Bar graph, pie chart, line graph etc. | From resultscollected yesterday ch use computer to display results. | Children to showtheir graphs and comment on why they chose that particular graph todisplay their data. | Howwill you display your data? | |||
4 | To convert unitsof measure. | To understand anduse the term probability.
I candescribe how likely an event is to happen and justify mystatement
| Give chstatements & write the correct term next to it. | Give chstatements on sheet, ch to copy out and write correct probabilityterm. | Ch make up theirown statement with the correct probability term. | Give examples chto write responses on wb. Invite children to give examples. | 'It will snowtomorrow.' Suggest a place where this event is unlikely to happenand one where it is likely to happen. Tell me an event that isimpossible. When you roll a normal dice, how likely are you to rolla number bigger than 2? | |||
Day | L.O.Starter | L.O. Main | Red(LA)- CT | Yellow(L-MA) | Orange(H-MA) | Purple(HA) | Plenary | Assessment forlearning | ||
5 | To read standardmetric units. | To understand anduse the term probability.
I canuse data to work out problems about chance | Recap languageof probability give statements to ch, they have to say if it ispossible, impossible, unlikey, likely (Place them on aline)
Then move ontocoin experiment. | Briefly recapthe language of probability.
Probabilityexperiment Coin and Dice | Probabilityexperiment.
Write probabilityas a fraction. | Elicit responsesfrom children regarding their results. What did they predict mighthappen (15 heads/15tails etc).
Give childrenstatements then ask to draw them on a scale from certain toimpossible. | Givean example of an event that is impossible. An event that iscertain. Shadethis spinner so that there is a 50% chance that the arrow will landon shaded. | |||
6 | To readmeasurements on a scale. | To interpret areading that lies between 2 numbers on a scale.
I canfind the value of each interval on a scale and use this to giveapproximate values of readings between divisions | A scaley problemdiff. worksheet | A scaley problemdiff. worksheet | A scaley problemdiff. worksheet | A scaley problemdiff. worksheet | Tell me a rulefor working out the smaller divisions on a scale. What informationmust I have to be able to do this? Use a number of examples. | What is the valueof each interval on this scale? What information did you read onthe scale to help you What measurementwould fall halfway between these two unnumbered divisions on thisscale? | ||
7 | To readtemperatures on a scale. | As above (smallerdivisions).
I canfind the value of each interval on a scale and use this to giveapproximate values of readings between divisions | Use a piece ofpaper 10cm long to measure items record their results on achart. | As per Redgroup but using 5cm paper. Children to estimate first and recordon the chart provided. | As per Orangegroup but using meters.
| Show objects children to estimate length and then measure to see if they wereclose.
If this piece ofpaper is 5cm how long do you think the table is? (etc) | What is the valueof each interval on this scale? What information did you read onthe scale to help you? What measurement would fall halfway betweenthese two unnumbered divisions on this scale? | |||
8 | To countdifferences including negative numbers.
| To solvemathematical problems using readings. Small divisions. | Go over simple1step problems Get children to say how they could work itout. | SATSquestions | SATSquestions | SATS questions | Hear suggestionsfor solving the problem. | Can childrenanswer SATs style questions? | ||