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NameInvasion Games - Handball
UnitInvasion Games
DescriptionPE Planning MTP
Invasion Games and Handball
File 1678_Invasion Games - Handball.doc
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The Romans




Chn must:

Chn should:

Chn could:

  throw and catch withcontrol when under limited pressure;

  make effectivedecisions when they have the ball, but take time to makethem;

  move to find spacewhen they have not got the ball, when prompted and guided;

  follow a simplewarm-up routine;

  comment on successfulpasses and shots at goal;

  keep the score

  throw and catch withcontrol to keep possession and score goals;

  be aware of space anduse it to support team-mates and cause problems for theopposition;

  know and use rulesfairly to keep games going;

  keep possession withsome success when using equipment that is not used for throwing andcatching skills;

  explain why it isimportant to warm up and cool down;

  say when a player hasmoved to help others;

  apply this knowledgeto their own play

  play effectively withspeed and precision, as members of both small and largerteams;

  decide quickly whereand when to pass the ball, showing good awareness of what is goingon around them;

  vary tactics andadapt skills in response to the situation they face in agame;

  play a wider range ofgames and use a variety of skills and equipment well;

  lead small groups forwarm-up activities;

  say why simpletactics worked


Key vocabulary

Assessment notes: (includingprogression)

In this unitchildren will have an opportunity to use a range of words andphrases, such as:


       keeping theball

       scoring goals,

       making space

       pass, send andreceive

       dribble, travel withthe ball

       back up, supportpartners and others in their team

       keep possession, keepcontrol, keeping the score

       points, goal

       rules, tactics




Assessment of outcomes





  To develop the rangeand consistency of their skills

  To be able to passthe ball accurately in a variety of ways

  To recognise whichactivities help their speed, strength and stamina

  Pass the ballaccurately bouncing, throwing, kicking?

  Recognise the effectof exercise on their bodies and the need to warm up and cooldown?

Warm up 1 ball between 2,walk around with ball in a particular way dribbling with feet,bouncing, throwing etc, on cue e.g. whistle chn must pass to chnwithout a ball continue if dribbling, must kick etc. Stretches focus on arms, shoulders and legs

Main activity- In pairs how manydifferent ways can you think of to pass the ball to partner beadventurous. Share some interesting ways and all try.

Discuss diff ways fordiff games e.g. football, netball, hockey, basketball, rugby.Using diff balls demo and explore the ways of passing theball.

In groups of 4/5 getinto a circle, pass the ball in the ways practiced use foot ball,for rugby pass backwards.

Cool down Mime ways of passingthe ball, Stretch out, march on the spot.

15x Rugbyballs

15x Football sizedballs



  To develop the rangeand consistency of their skills

  To be able to travelwith the ball accurately in a variety of ways

  Travel accuratelywith the ball dribble, bounce?

Warm up Play the beans game.Stretches focus on lower body.

Main activity Ch explore thedifferent ways of travelling with the ball, share interesting ideasand practice. Discuss ways of travelling for the key games studiedthis half term.

Play relay games inteams of 4-6, travelling in a set way, change throughout theactivity.

chn have bands, no bands, mixture of chn (15) have ball, travel around in a waydiscussed, on whistle pass to the opposite team, they must travelwith the ball in a different way.

Cool down Stretch out, curl upinto a rugby ball, by the count of 10 changed into a huge rugbyplayer.

15x footballs




  To develop the rangeand consistency of their skills

  To be able to Markand dodge the opposing team.

  Mark the opposingplayer preventing them from gaining possession?

  Dodge their opponentthus maintaining possession?

Warm up As week 1 to revisepassing techniques. Stretches.

Main activity Discuss marking anddodging why? When?

In pairs childrenpractice trying to get past their partner by dodging.

Group into 3s playpiggy in the middle type game signal to partner, opposition totry to block which way should they face? Why? Discuss successfultactics used e.g. signaling. Why were they successful?

Repeat usingdifferent ways of travelling for the key games covered this topic as practiced last week.

Cool down Walk around theplayground, Stretch out.

15x footballs



  To develop the rangeand consistency of their skills

  To learn to use spaceand keep possession

  Use theavailable space and use tactics taught to keep possession?

Warm up Stretches, playwizards and rocks.

Main activity Discuss possibletactics to maintain control, use ideas from earlier weeks.

In pairs, childrentry to maintain control of the ball again dribbling and bouncing,while their partner tries to gain control. Ext groups of 3, chnget 5 points if they maintain possession past bothopponents.

Groups of 6, 3attack, 3 defend, relay type game, each person has to get past theopposition. 5 points per win. Swap roles. Repeat withbouncing.

Cool down Run on spot, jog,march, Stretch out.

15x footballs

15x rugbyballs




  To devise and userules

  To use and adapttactics in different situations

  Devisesome simple rules to suit a simple invasion game?

  Use thetactics taught to suit a small game?

Warm up Stretches, Beansgame.

Main activity Play 3 against 3games, Devise own rules how to travel, pass and how long to holdonto the ball for. Encourage chn to look for spaces and maintainpossession

Cool down stretch out, curl upinto a rugby ball, by the count of 10 changed into a huge rugbyplayer.

5x footballs

5x Rugby balls




  to explain theirideas and plans

  To use and adapttactics in different situations

  to recognise aspectsof their work that need improving

  Explainand evaluate their ideas and plans?

  Use thetactics taught to suit a small game?

Warm up Stretches, 1 ballbetween 2, walk around with ball in a particular way dribblingwith feet, bouncing, throwing etc, on cue e.g. whistle chn mustpass to chn without a ball continue if dribbling, must kicketc

Main activity Join back into groupsfrom the previous week. Discuss the game they derived, how theycan make it better explore alterations.

Play a version ofout-side bench ball 7-a-side (Teacher Led)

Cool down Stretch out.

5x footballs

5x Rugby balls





  to consolidate andimprove the quality of their techniques and their ability to linkmovements

  Pass the ballaccurately bouncing, throwing, kicking?

  Recognise the effectof exercise on their bodies and the need to warm up and cooldown?

Warm up InstantActivity: Knee Tag - Everyone gets apartner and faces them. The objective is to tag the partners knees3 times with the hands. Once tagged 3 times switch partners withanother pair that have also been tagged 3 times. Watch your heads:make sure they are upright when going for the knees.
Intro to Team Handball

Passing: Teachingmechanics of: overhead pass, wrist pass, bounce pass. jump pass,shovel pass , while moving

Catching:Teaching mechanicsof: above the waist, below the waist, while moving

Self Evaluation &Cool down

Soft balls






  to consolidate andimprove the quality of their techniques and their ability to linkmovements

  to improve theirability to choose and use simple tactics and strategies


Warm up InstantActivity: Knee Tag - Everyone gets apartner and faces them. The objective is to tag the partners knees3 times with the hands. Once tagged 3 times switch partners withanother pair that have also been tagged 3 times. Watch your heads:make sure they are upright when going for the knees.

Review passing andcatching

Drills: Ball drop,hand tug of war, wall passing, basic keep away
Cool down

Soft balls






  to consolidate andimprove the quality of their techniques and their ability to linkmovements

  to recognise whichactivities help their speed, strength and stamina

  to recognise whenspeed, strength and stamina are important in games

  Travel accuratelywith the ball

  Mark the opposingplayer preventing them from gaining possession?

  Dodge their opponentthus maintaining possession?

Warm up

Fitness withhandball: Piston movement, andattack 2 on 2 or (4 people, 2 groups of partners, 2 offense, 2defense, 1 passer, 1 catcher)
1. Run to receive

2. Back up, prepareto attack, passing/catching
3. Three steps passing/catching
4. Side stepping passing/catching

Drills: (selfexplanatory)
1. Partner passing
2. Running partner passing
3. Fake opponent, fake opponent run catch ball
4. Defense to offense pass catch
5. Three step pass, catching against defense & Cooldown

Soft balls






  to improve theirability to choose and use simple tactics and strategies

  to devise and userules

  to use and adapttactics in different situations

  Mark the opposingplayer preventing them from gaining possession?

  Dodge their opponentthus maintaining possession?

Warm up- with pistonmovement and attack (Week 8 for details)


1. Ball drop

2. Keep away, scoredkeep away, alternate teams

3. Defense to offensepass/catch
4. Three step pass, catching against defense

Cool down

Soft balls






  to improve theirability to choose and use simple tactics and strategies

  to devise and userules

  to use and adapttactics in different situations

  Use theavailable space and use tactics taught to keep possession?

Warm up- with pistonmovement (Week 8 for details)


1.      Ball drop,

2.     Hand tug ofwar,

3.     End linehandball

Cool down

Soft balls






  to improve theirability to choose and use simple tactics and strategies

  to describe andevaluate the effectiveness and quality of performance

  to use what they havelearned to improve their work

  Devisesome simple rules to suit a simple invasion game?

  Use thetactics taught to suit a small game?

Reviewpassing/catching mechanics 
Work individually with students who need it

Warm up with pistonmovement (Week 8)

Intro to dribblingwith rules and mechanics taught

Drills: Half courtdribble, Dribble freeze tag

Cool down

Soft balls





