School - Medium Term Plan Band 3 |
Subject: History Unit: 6ARomans Term: Summer Year: |
Programme of Study: - Chronological understanding 1a 1bincluding using BC and AD
- Knowledge and understanding ofevents, people and changes 2a 2b 2c 2d
- Historical interpretation
- Historical enquiry
- 5 Organisation and communication 5a5b 5c
- Britain
Learning Objectives (Optional if QCAunit is attached) Unit 6A - Why have people invadedand settled in Britain in the past? |
Activities / Key QuestionsTime allocated: 9 Hours - Why do people move away from wherethey are born? See QCA unit. Discuss terms invade and settle (IPg 2-3)
- Compare a Briton and Roman, who saidwhat sheets. What was Britain like? Why would the Romans want toinvade?
- Who were the Romans? What was theRoman Empire? (I Pg 4-5) Complete maps of empire.
- The invasions what happened (I Pg4-6) Why were the Roman armies stronger? Write reports on events.Study Roman army and formation into legions etc.
- Boudiccas revolt. See QCA unit plans(R Pg 7-10 and I Pg 6-10). Compare two versions of events. Discussdifferences.
- Study life under Roman rule overseveral weeks e.g Roman towns and homes, clothing, roads, Hadrianswall, language.
- Complete time line of events asassessment for unit.
ICT: Support research throughinternet Resources: R= A sense of HistoryInvasions I= Invaders The Romans CollinsBook | Assessment: Who said what? Canpupils know that an events can be interpreted in different waysLevel 3 |