Name | Powerful imagery |
Owner | tam23 |
Level | 6 |
Topic | Literacy |
Unit | poetry |
Description | poetry unit 1 |
File 1 | 520_poetry unit 1.doc |
File 2 |
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Unit: Poetry1 Date: 3.9.07 Year group: 6
Key Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcome for unit:To write and perform apoem using powerful imagery.
Session | Shared learning andteaching | Independentlearning | Plenary | Assessmentcriteria | Guidedlearning |
| Read I met at Eve? Text mark to highlightpersonification and discuss effect. | Children text markdifferentiated poems for personification and effect. HA:Pigeons LA:Panther | Practise poem forperformance. | Can I explain whatpersonification is used to express? |
| Read Is the Moontired? Text mark to highlightpersonification and discuss effect. Drama: Hotseat teacher asthe moon and answer childrens questions. | Drama: Groups take turns tohotseat character from yesterdays poems. | Perform poems fromyesterdays plenary. | Can I respond to a poemthrough drama? |
| Look at short video clip oflemons. Quickly jot down words and ideas for personification what would it do/how would it move/what would it think? Sharedwriting of poem focus on imagery not structure. Edit andimprove. | Children choose ownstimulus to create a poem. Use response partners to edit andimprove. | Perform poems | Can I write a poem thatuses powerful imagery effectively? |
| Read poem anipersonification. Text mark to highlightanitpersonification and discuss effect. | Children text markdifferentiated poems for anti personification and effect | Practise and perform | Can I explain whatantipersonification is used to express? |
| Look at image of person quickly jot down words and ideas for object they could represent.What would they be/what feature of them makes you think this?Shared writing of rap style poem. Edit and improve. | Write own rap/poem usingantipersonification for chosen image. | Perform poems | Can I write a poem whichuses antipersonification effectively? |
| Read Jabberwocky Discusshow we can understand grammar. Identify nouns, verbs,adjectives. Partners discuss meaningsfor brillig, toves etc | Dance move likeJabberwocky and Knight to music from Carmen. Create jabberwockymasks. | Can I respond to a poemthrough dance and drama? |
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| Re-read Jabberweocky inchorus discuss effect. Use glossary to discuss meaning ofwords. | Pairs generate ideas andwords from different classes to write own version of Jabberwocky knight to slay own imaginary monster. | Share words and discussmeanings | Can I use my knowledge oflanguage to create effective nonsense words? |
| Use childs ideas fromyesterday to begin to draft poem together. Focus on use of grammarto convey meaning. | Pairs write and edit ownJabberwocky poems | Perform poems | Can I use my knowledge oflanguage to create an effective nonsense poem? |
| Generate list of criteriafor effective imagery avoiding clichs. Choose a good eg of childspoem and evaluate against criteria | Children use criteria tochoose their most effective poem. Use ICT to publish linking tostimulus to form multimodal presentation. | Can I evaluate my writingand present my poems using ICT? |
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