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NameBLOCK B week 1
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Autumn/Spring/Summer1st/2ndDate:28.04.08 1G Unit A3 WEEK1 Counting partitioning and calculating





Individualassessment +/-

Key vocab





Direct teachinginput


Key questions andresources


Recall all doubles too write them at least 10

Beat the clock. Callout doubles children have 1 minute t down

Compareand order numbers, using the related vocabulary; use the equals (=)sign
I know the order ofnumbers up to 20 and more


Remind children ofprevious work that they have done on ordering. Write 15 and 20 onthe IWB. What numbers come in between? Repeat for other pairs ofnumbers. Extend to 30. Ask children how they have worked out whichnumbers can fit.



Children use numbercards 1-20. Shuffle cards put into 2 piles take 2 cards and writedown the 2 numbers leaving enough space to fill in the missingnumbers


HA extend to10-30

LA Limit to1-10

Invite children fromeach group to say 2 numbers challenging the other children to saythe numbers in between.



Cards 1-10




Recall all doubles too write them at least 10

Children write down 6even numbers between 2 and 20. Call out double question childrencross off if they have the answer.

Read and writenumerals from 0 to 20, then beyond; use knowledge of place value toposition these numbers on a number track and numberline
I can write numbersup to 20 and more
I can find them on anumber line/100-square

Using arrow cards(IWB PROGRAMME?) hold up the 10 CARD AND ASK what number is this?How many 10s does it have? How many units? Show the children how toplace a unit card onto a tens card by placing the 8. What number isthis>? How many units are there? How many tens? Repeat withother teen numbers.

Now show the 20 cardand repeat the process to produce numbers up to 29. Ask questionssuch as What does the 2 stand for? What if I changed the tensnumber to 1 ten, what number will it be then?

Completedifferentiated frameworks on Tens and units


HA number to30+


CA number to30


LA teennumbers


Support grouppractically using arrow cards


Extension work beyond30


Ask children to comeand make numbers with the arrow cards/stick arrow cards on thewhiteboard and ask children to make number and to say what itis.




Arrow cards


Count on and back inones twos fives and tens

Count around thecircle in steps of 1 2 5 10.

Ask if Jack says 10what will Jessica say?etc

Read and writenumerals from 0 to 20, then beyond; use knowledge of place value toposition these numbers on a number track and numberline
I can write numbersup to 20 and more
I can find them on anumber line/100-square

Using the numbercards 10 to 30 spread them out on the table. They take turns tomake a number on the washing line. Start with the 10 card and thenthe 30 card, then the 20 card. Ask questions such as What comesafter..? What comes before..?etc. Then choose cards randomly Askwhy have you put that card there? When all numbers are pegged upreverse lesson so that children take cards down.


Support group workwith TA on numbers 1-20

In pairs Childrenwork with packs of cards They take turns to take a card andposition it on a number track until all the cards are gone. Shuffleand repeat.


HA packs 10-30


MA packs 10-30 withadult support


LA packs 1-20 withadult support


Put the cards back onthe washing line but out of order. Ask children from each abilitygroup to take a card and place it in the correct position.



Digit cards


Count on and back inones twos fives and tens

Count around thecircle in steps of 1 2 5 10.

Ask if Jack says 10what will Jessica say?etc

Read and writenumerals from 0 to 20, then beyond; use knowledge of place value toposition these numbers on a number track and numberline
I can write numbersup to 20 and more
I can find them on anumber line/100-square

Write the numbers 6,1, 9 and 5 on the board. Say put the smallest number first. WhichNumber comes next? How do you know that? Order numbers smallest tolargest. What if we started with largest number? What would comefirst? Etc

Repeat with othersets of numbers and also amounts of money.

Children work ondifferentiated sheets on ordering


HA to 30


MA to 20


LA to 15


Support to 10

Repeat main activityasking children to order numbers on their whiteboard

TA to assess





Count on and back inones twos fives and tens

Say a pattern eg 5 101525

Children writemissing number on whiteboard


Say thenumber that is 1 more or less than any given number, and 10 more orless for multiples of 10
I can say the numberthat is ten more or ten less than 10, 20, 30,..

Count round class in1s from 0-30 forwards and back. Ask questions such as what is onemore than 6? What is one less than8? How did you work that out?Repeat for various numbers

Encourage children torespond quickly.

Ask children to use apack of cards, take the top card and record on sheet one more oneless.


HA one more /lessnumber 1-30


MA one more /lessnumber 1-20


LA number 1-20 withnumber line and adult to support


EX ask for 2more/2less

Ask children tochallenge each other with questions on 1 more/less. 2 moreless.




Digit cards