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NameArt animal sculpture
File 1435_Medium Term Plan y 1 -2 summer 1.doc
File 2

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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Medium TermPlanner

Year 1

  • To use found objects. plasticbottles as a structure for body.
  • Reinforce bandagingtechniques.
  • Tear out bandages.
  • Roll paper for legs.
  • (able) apply screwed up paper forhead or feature.
  • Illustrations inbooks.


Subject:Art (paper andpaste)


YearGroup: 1 / 2


TopicTitle: Animals

Year R

  • Use palm of hand to spreadglue
  • To apply newspaper bandage andpaste tightly and smoothly
  • Control a simple form (screwed upball)

Year 2

  • To construct body from boxes,bottles.
  • To join legs, wings etc.
  • To make lollipop head tojoin
  • To reinforce bandaging and moredifficult joining techniques e.g. spikes andbumps.

Term: summer1


PoS: 1a, 2a, 2b, 3a,5b, 5c



Learning Objectives

Learning activities

Learning outcomes


Session 1

1b ask and answer questionsabout their starting point for their work.

Read chn the story the greedyZebra. Look at the illustrations in the books. Talk about chnsfavourite animals and patterns. Chn sketch an enlarged part of theanimal pattern.

Look at pattern carefully.

The greedy zebra book

Session 2

1a - Design an animalsculpture.


Explain that we will be making thechns favourite animals as sculptures.

Look at a variety of animalsculptures on the whiteboard.


With an adult sketch their animalin sketch books then on to a large piece of card.

Cut out.

Build the animals body byscrunching up newspaper and joining to the card template withmasking tape.

Cover completely in maskingtape.

Considered designs for specificcharacters.

Sketch books, adult support

Session 3

2a - Use basic paper and pasteskills e.g. bandaging.


In small groups cover in paper andpaste.

Leave to dry.

Add any extra animal body parts tocreate a finished shape.

Consider shape of finishedwork.

paper and paste, designs in theirsketch books.

Session 4

2a - Use basic paper and pasteskills e.g. bandaging, joining together different parts.


Look again at the chns patternwork consider the base colour.

Apply a layer of the base colourtissue paper with watered down PVA.

Leave to dry

Consider pattern and colour in asculpture.

Parts of sculpture from lastsession, MOD ROC.

Session 5

2b - To use found papers tocollage and create a finished surface to balloons

Chn to use tissue paper, wrappingpaper, newspaper to add their pattern.

Create a finished designaccording to designs.

A variety of collage papers,tissue paper, sweet papers.

Session 6

3a - To evaluate a finished pieceof work.

Take photos of animals in a junglesetting the sand tray, a bush, tree outside. Display work andevaluate against the original design.



Square card net for basket,evaluation sheet.