Brenden is Teaching


NameDT Photograph Frames
TopicDesign Technology
DescriptionSheets to guide through the unit - ready to print off/photocopy and stick into books.
File 1388_3d-photo-frames.doc
File 2

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Design and make a trolley for Teddy


L.O. Toexamine existing photograph frames.



Draw and comparetwo of the frames you have been shown.


1.    Show how they areable to stand up on their own.


2.   How easy is it toput the photo in?


3.   How well do theydisplay the photo?


4.   Who would usethem?


5.   Where would theystand?




































L.O. Togenerate ideas for a photograph frame.


Text Box: Design criteria  I am going to design and make a photograph frame  for _____________________  I want my frame to:  1. __________________________  2. __________________________  3. __________________________  4. __________________________  5. __________________________

Draw and label atleast 2 ideas for your frame.


























L.O.To develop ideas for a photograph frame.



Choose your bestidea and then show by drawing and labelling:

1.    How it will stand upon its own.

2.    How you will get thephotograph in andout


L.O. Tocomplete a planning sheet including a list of equipment andinstructions.

What will you needto make your design?

List ithere:

1.    ________________________________

2.   ________________________________

3.   ________________________________

4.   ________________________________

5.   ________________________________

6.   ________________________________


Write down the order you will do things inwhen you make your frame.


1.    _________________________________________________

2.   _________________________________________________

3.   _________________________________________________

4.   _________________________________________________

5.   _________________________________________________

6.   _________________________________________________

7.   _________________________________________________

8.   _________________________________________________

9.   _________________________________________________

10. _________________________________________________














card triangles

wood strip


bench hook


dowel rod




cardboard box

paper clips

drawing pins


adhesive tape




You said you wanted your design to doHow well does your frame

thesethings do each ofthese things?

(copy your designcriteria here):


1.    ___________________________

2.   ___________________________

3.   ___________________________

4.   ___________________________

5.   ___________________________






What do you thinkabout your design



How could your frame be madebetter?













How well does itmeet the needs of the person you designed it for?











L.O. To evaluate myphotograph frame.