Brenden is Teaching


UnitLocation and Weather
DescriptionHow to get from here to Pairs. Constrasting locations: here and Paris.
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Cross-curricular Geography and ICT planning

Cross-curricular Geography and ICT planning

Spring 2nd half term


Geography-Investigating our locality and a foreign locality.

Transport and its effect onthe environment

(humandamage to the environment).


ICT Answer a focused questionusing the internet.

Using and making a multimediapresentation PowerPoint, (1 to 2 slides).








Whole classsession







What is Newark like?

We are learning to investigate thehuman and environmental aspects of our locality.

On the Interactive Whiteboard showchildren an interactive map of the world (Google Earth). Discusswhat they can recognise from the map. Can they identify the UK?Zoom in on the UK. Can any of the children identify any locationson the map of the UK? Label them. Can you find Newark? Zoom rightin to the school to give children a contextual understanding ofwhere we are. Discuss the size of Newark. Compare it to the size ofLincoln, Nottingham and London and look at the other locations onthe map.

Children work in Buddy pairs toresearch Newark. Children look to find out population, weather,history if they can, and anything else.

Children record information on agiven sheet with headings.

Children share one piece ofinformation per pair with the class, which other pairs can write ontheir sheets.

Can children use the internet toresearch the answer to a question?



What is the weather like inNewark?

We are learning to accurately recordthe weather in our locality for a week.

What is the weather like today?Discuss. What other weather conditions can you think of? Make alist of them on the board, using colloquial terms and scientificones. What kinds of symbols are usually used to represent theseweather conditions? Children work in pairs on W/Bs to draw 1 or 2.Draw a few on the board and discuss.

IWB children help me match theword of the weather condition to the symbol.

Make their own symbols.

HA 8 weather conditions.

MA 6 weather conditions.

LA - 2 weather conditions. Talk tome about where they will put the symbols on a UK map.

Give every child a weather recordingsheet, and discuss how we will record over the week.

Can children recognise weathersymbol and accurately record the weather?




What is Paris like?We arelearning to investigate the human and environmental aspects ofanother locality (Paris).

On the Interactive Whiteboard showchildren an interactive map of the world (Google Earth). Discusswhat they can recognise from the map. Zoom in on Europe. Can any ofthe children identify any locations on the map? Label them. Can youfind France? Zoom right in to Paris to give children a contextualunderstanding. Discuss the size and location of Paris and compareit to the size and location of Newark.

Children work in Buddy pairs toresearch Paris. Children look to find out population, weather,history if they can, and anything else.

Children record information on agiven sheet with headings.

Children share one piece ofinformation per pair with the class, which other pairs can write ontheir sheets.

Can children use the internet toresearch the answer to a question?




We are learning to compare the humanand environmental aspects of two locations.

1. Finish weather recordingsheet.

Discuss any trends the children sawin the weather recording. When is the highest temperature? When isthe lowest temperature? When did we have the most rain?

Discuss any anomalies. Freak resultsof freezing, thunder, snow etc.

3. Discuss what children foundout about weather in Newark. What is the average temperature? Howmuch is the average rainfall? Is it a hot, warm or cold place tolive? Discuss what children found out about weather in Paris. Whatis the average temperature, rainfall etc. What can we is the sameor similar about Newark and Paris? What can we say is differentabout Newark and Paris?

2. Children independently draw agraph of their temperature results. (LA plot onto a given graphsoutline.)

4. Children write:

LA - a sentence

MA 2/3 sentences

HA a paragraph

about the similarities betweenNewark and Paris, and write the same amount about thedifferences.

Introduce the Transport project wewill commence next lesson. Split the children into groups and giveeach group their respective mode of transport.

Can children make comparisons inhuman and environmental aspects between our locality andanother?








How to get to Paris.We arelearning to investigate modes of transport.

Split the children into 6, mixedability groups. Tell the children that we are going to investigatedifferent ways of getting from here to Paris. Give the groups oneof the following modes of transport. Plane, train, coach and ferry,car and ferry, coach and Eurostar, car and Eurostar.

Tell the children we are going toresearch to find the cheapest, quickest and most environmentallyfriendly way to get from here to Paris.

What might we need to research inorder to find this out? Discuss the need to visit the website ofthe companies involved (P&O and Eurostar) and to find out theprice of hiring a coach and the cost of petrol. We also need toknow the distance in miles from here to Paris. Give the children aresource pack and information sheet of places to find informationand some information already given to them.

Children work in the pre-arrangedgroups, splitting into smaller contingencies where needed, as smallas pairs where enough computers exist.

Children use the internet, ownknowledge and the information sheets to answer the questionsregarding cost of transport, time taken for journey and theenvironmental impact. Children make notes in their jotters or onthe given sheet.

Children spend 10 minutes talking totheir team about what they have found out and compiling theirinformation.



Ensure children print out or notedown any information from the internet they will need in thefollowing lesson.


Can children use geographicalvocabulary in solving a problem?



How to get to Paris.We arelearning to investigate modes of transport.

Remind children of the questions foranswering.

  1. Cost of journey
  2. Length of time of journey
  3. Environmental impact of journey

Children volunteer information theyhave found out so far. And discuss any other information differentchildren or groups can share or add to each othersresearch.

Redirect children to focus theirthinking. She questions need to be answered.

Children continue to work to findout the cost of their form of transport, length of time the journeytakes and the environmental.

Children start to draw conclusionsabout their form of transport.

Can children use geographicalvocabulary in solving a problem?




Presenting findings.We arelearning to present our findings as a MultimediaPresentation.

Teaching session How to usePpt.

Introduce children toPowerPoint.

Show children how to add text to thePowerPoint slide, by clicking on the box already installed.

Show children how to move from slide1 to slide 2.

Tell children what is to be displayedon the slides, and emphasize the need for notes to be displayed onthe screen, not reams of words.

Re-point the children back to theoriginal questions. The presentation needs to be a focused onthem.

Children work together in theirgroups to write a 2 - 5 minute presentation about their form oftransport. The also put together a 1 or 2 slide PowerPoint displayto go with it.

How environmentally friendly is yougroups mode of transport?

Can children put together a shortpresentation using Multimedia software?



Presenting findings.We arelearning to give a group presentation.

Children have 15 minutes to rehearsetheir presentation. Every child must say something, however small.Groups can use props and/or pictures etc.

Each group gets their 2 5 minutesto give their presentation.

Which mode of transport is thebest?

Can children work in a small groupto give a short presentation?