Name | Geography - Around our school |
Owner | Bod |
Level | 1 |
Topic | Geography |
Unit | Around our school |
Description | |
File 1 | 243_Around our school PLAN 29.01.08 - 8.02.08.doc |
File 2 |
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Year One Afternoon Blocked work Plan Geography 29/01/08 to 08/02/08
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES | Teacher ledactivity | Childinitiated activity | Resources | Vocabulary | ASSESSMENTPOINTS |
29.01.08(Tues) Wheredo I live? Where do other pupils live? thatall pupils have a personal address and that they travel toschool
30.01.08(Wed) Whereis the school? How do I get to school? theirsense of place in relation to home and school todescribe a route
01.02.08(Fri) Whatcan we see in the streets around our school? torecognise some of the physical and human features in theirlocality tounderstand some of the ways in which the features are used
05.02.08(Tues) What areour immediatesurroundings like? todescribe the features of the local environment toexpress views on the features thatchanges occur in the locality
06.02.08(Wed) How do people spendtheir leisure time? aboutthe need for leisure activities and the types of facilitiesavailable
08.02.08(Fri) Arethere any changes taking place in our area? howplaces change for better or worse over time
Starter Types of homes what type of house do children live in? Main session2 Deliver letters why do our houses need numbers?
Plenarygame Quiz types ofhomes
AT END How do you travel toschool? Complete table aswhole class. Print and add totheir files.
(Didnt doyesterday) How do you travel toschool? Complete table aswhole class. Print and add totheir files.
We know how youtravel to school now but what about the route you take to get toschool. Things to thinkabout: - Roads (do youcross any?) - Buildings that yousee - Rivers - Parks - Places
Show my route toschool and talk through it describing features.
Brainstorm differentfeatures in the school locality. List them on the board. P Mountains,River, Valley H Farms, Shops,Houses Explain that thesefeatures can be divided into groups physical and human.
Physical made bynature Human made bypeople
Go through sheettogether and decide on groups.
Children to completehuman/physical sheets
Map where thechildren live on the enlarged map.
Talk about: thetypes of buildings we have in the local area (church,houses, shops, school) different types ofland (shops concrete, park grass etc) Brainstorm And describing wordsfor places (Adjectives canthey remember word?)
What makes a nice ornasty place? Brainstorm ideas andgive examples.
How could we improvesome of the nasty places? (Make a newplayground, more grass, less traffic etc)
How can we find outabout what people like to do in their leisure time?
Interview each otherin pairs/small groups about own interests. Where do you do_____? Feedback what didyou find out?
Make a classquestionnaire (type it up) to find out what Mrs Delaney likes to doin her leisure time. What qs can weask? When shall we askher? Who will ask whichquestions? Will we rememberthem or write them down?
| Worksheet Write address anddraw a picture of home. Write labels forhomes. HA to write sentences.
Earlyfinishers Use Lego, shapes andmultilink to make a house. What type of house did you make?
Children to drawtheir route from home to school. First on awhiteboard and describe route to partner show a few to class togive ideas/give help. Then draw route onpaper and label as much as possible.
Children to completesheets to show the features that they see on the way toschool.
Sheet Draw a nice placeand a nasty place why are they nice/nasty? What features do youlike/dislike? Why?
Choose person thatyou dont normally work with spend 10 mins doing what one personlikes to do, then swap. What activities didyou do? Did you enjoylearning about something different?
| Worksheet Lego Shapes Multilink IWB
Whiteboards Pens My route toschool
| Address Travel Buildings House Flat Bungalow
Journey Travel Near Far Route
Features Locality Area Human Physical
Features Attractive Unattractive Buildings Shop Houses Park Playground
Books fromlibrary Beads tothread Puzzles Games Paper Sand Computer
| Children: knowtheir own address understand thesignificance of each line of their address represent thevarious types of travel on a simple graph
Children: draw amap showing their route to school recognise whereplace are
Children can: identify a clearsequence of features seen on their way to school. Usecorrect vocabulary to describe features.
Children can: use arange of words and pictures to show their views on the quality ofthe environment knowabout changes in their locality