Name | Numeracy Unit C2 |
Owner | Bod |
Level | 1 |
Topic | Numeracy |
Unit | C2 |
Description | |
File 1 | 243_Numeracy plan Y1 C2.doc |
File 2 |
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OBJECTIVES: keyobjectives in bold Answer aquestion by selecting and using suitable equipment, and sortinginformation, shapes or objects; display results using tables andpictures Describeways of solving puzzles and problems, explaining choices anddecisions orally or using pictures Answer a question byrecording information in lists and tables; present outcomes usingpractical resources, pictures, block graphs orpictograms Usediagrams to sort objects into groups according to a givencriterion; suggest a different criterion for grouping the sameobjects Estimate, measure,weigh and compare objects, choosing and using suitable uniformnon-standard or standard units and measuring instruments (e.g. alever balance, metre stick or measuring jug) Listento and follow instructions accurately, asking for help andclarification if necessary
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DATE | Objectives | Learningoutcomes | Mental/oral | Teachingactivity | Independent & groupwork | Guidedwork | Resources &ICT | Plenary |
Day 1 (Mon) | Use diagrams to sortobjects into groups according to a given criterion; suggest adifferent criterion for grouping the same objects | I can sort objectsusing my own diagram to help me | Brainstorm ways tosort the 2 groups of objects with work partner. Feedback.
| Sort out objects into2 categories what categories have you chosen? What happens ifthey dont fit into one category on the Venn diagram?
| All groups to work tofind objects in the classroom that can be sorted into their predecided categories on the Venn diagram.
| MOB support LA
KB MA and HA
| IWB Objects 2 sortingcircles
| Feedback on objectsthat they sorted. Which criteria didthey use for sorting? What happens if they arent one oranother?
Day 2 (Tues) | Use diagrams to sortobjects into groups according to a given criterion; suggest adifferent criterion for grouping the same objects | I can sort objectsusing my own diagram to help me | Challenge maketower using multilink. Make one longer andshorter.
Show pictures andstraw. Describe activity and demonstrate. | How wide is it?Compare objects to straw and group on simple worksheet.
HA to think of ownobjects once they finish mine to add to their table.
| Support LA(MOB)
KB MA and HA
| Worksheet Straws Multilink
| Feedback on width.How else could we group these objects?
Thumbs up/down forself assessment
Day 3 (Wed) | Answer a question byrecording information in lists and tables; present outcomes usingpractical resources, pictures, block graphs or pictograms
| I can drawpictures/diagrams to show what I have found out | How many moreis: 6 than 5? 10 than 5?
How many lessis: 4 than 5? 5 than 10?
| Explain that todaythey are going to use their data handling skills to solveproblems. Put list of ice creamflavours along board how can we out who likes which flavourbest? Discuss.Feedback. How would we collectthe data? What if I gave youall a cube and you put it next to the flavour you like best? Which is the flavourthat most ppl like? How can you tell? (and least) You can also do thisusing pictures and paper. | HA work in group todecide own question and answers for columns. Ask one another anddraw graphs on whiteboards.
MA Favouritecolour. Ask one another answers. Make with multilink and recordanswers.
LA Think ofquestions and use post its and multilink again to compareanswers. | Post its with icecream flavours.
| All groups to answera q about what they found out. Which was mostpopular pet/ least/ how many more liked red that liked greenetc
Day 4 (Thurs) | Answer a question byrecording information in lists and tables; present outcomes usingpractical resources, pictures, block graphs or pictograms
| I can drawpictures/diagrams to show what I have found out | How many moreis: 6 than 5? 10 than 5?
How many lessis: 4 than 5? 5 than 10?
Extend to includenumbers 11 to 20
| Recap idea ofrecording information in a table to answer a question. Introduceterm pictogram. What does one picturein the graph stand for?
| All groups Answer question anduse pictures to record answers. Remember to askeveryone in your group for their answer!
| MOB supportLA
KB supportMA
| Pictogram todemonstrate.
| All groups to answera q about what they found out.
Day 5 (Fri) |
Describe ways ofsolving puzzles and problems, explaining choices and decisionsorally or using pictures | I can talk about whyI chose to solve the problem in the way that I did
| Count on to 20 from agiven number Silly voices
| Which is yourfavourite fruit? How could we recordthis information? Give examplesof: - pictogram - tally chart - bar graph - multilink
| Challenge work withWORK groups to answer the question on a whiteboard. How will youchoose to answer the question?
| Different ways torecord info.
| Each group to showand talk about way they solved the challenge how did you recordthe info?
Day 6 (Mon) | Describe ways ofsolving puzzles and problems, explaining choices and decisionsorally or using pictures
I can talk about whyI chose to solve the problem in the way that I did
| Count back from anygiven number (between 1 and 10) | Measuring longerlengths Talk about thedifferent ways that we can measure something. Brainstorm. Feet/Hands/Blocks/Metrestick/Ruler/Straws
Show measuring withfeet point out how each foot much be inline with theother.
Compare 2 eg. Ifmeasuring the class which would be easier feet or blocks?Why? | Challenge. In pairs choose 5objects in the class to measure. Record findings onwhiteboards.
| MOB work with LAgroup as a 4 for the challenge.
| Measuringsticks Rulers Straws Blocks
| Feedback on challenge what did they measure. Using what? Did anyone elsemeasure the same thing what did they use? Compare.
Day 7 (Tues) | Answer a question byselecting and using suitable equipment, and sorting information,shapes or objects; display results using tables and pictures |
I can show what Ifound out so that other people will understand | Count back from anygiven number (between 1 and20)
| Measuring longerlengths Brainstorm what ch.found yesterday about measuring. If its a long think easier tomeasure using something larger like metre stick/feet than smallthing like cubes. - Estimating what isit?
Show sheet anddiscuss what they will have to measure. Talk about what unit isbest to measure with. Give some options. Hand spans/Feet/Metrestick | Choose a non-standardunit to measure some longer lengths. Work in pairs forchallenge. Record on sheets.
| Work in pairs. LA towork as independently as possible for estimating.
| Metre sticks.
| Feedback. Thumbsup/down for self assessment.
Day 8 (Wed) | Answer a question byselecting and using suitable equipment, and sorting information,shapes or objects; display results using tables and pictures
I can show what Ifound out so that other people will understand |
| Tallest/shortest How can we measurethis? Brainstorm inpartners and feedback. Make list of useful suggestions. How could we recordour findings?
| Challenge who isthe tallest in your group. (Work groups) Record on paper usingpictures |
| Metre sticks Paper Straws
| Feedback onchallenge
Day 9 (Thurs) | Estimate, measure,weigh and compare objects, choosing and using suitable uniformnon-standard or standard units and measuring instruments (e.g. alever balance, metre stick or measuring jug)
I can use equipmentto measure objects | What do the wordsmean? More/less Bigger/smaller Large/Small Most/least
| Game- which areeasier to compare same sized containers or differentcontainers?
Rotation in workgroups. 1 Use sand trays tocompare containers. Which holds more? How do you know? How can wetest? TALK (MOB. Observe and make notes) 2 Order containersfrom smallest to largest. Cut and stick in books. 3 Compare and ordercups for which holds most to least using multilink tomeasure. 4 Use whiteboardsto draw containers from ones which hold a lot to a little. Talkwith partner to describe pictures. | Groups rotate 5mins on each task.
| Different sizedcontainers. Cups Multilink Sand
| Feedback on 4areas What did you findout?
Day 10 (Fri) | Estimate, measure,weigh and compare objects, choosing and using suitable uniformnon-standard or standard units and measuring instruments (e.g. alever balance, metre stick or measuring jug)
I can use equipmentto measure objects | Counting in 2s Counting in10s
(I say we say)
| Rainforest maths game estimate how many blocks are used for balancing scales.
Estimate how manyblocks weigh the same as objects in the class: Apple/Orange/book/scissors/shoe
Record on paper(A3?) Show how to drawsimple table.
| HA(Independent) Estimate objects how many blocks weigh the same as the object? Record on A3 paper asgroup.
| MA (MOB) Estimate objects how many blocks weigh the same as the object? Record on A3 paper asgroup.
LA (KB) Estimate objects how many blocks weigh the same as the object? Record on A3 paper asgroup. | Scales Objects for eachgroup Multilink A3 paper
| Feedback onestimations and results.