Name | Getting On |
Owner | cenaa25 |
Level | 3 |
Topic | Social Learning |
Unit | Getting On |
Description | pshe getting on |
File 1 | 212_pshce getting on falling out.doc |
File 2 |
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Subject: pshce- 6 wks x 1/4hr Year Group/Class: Y4/5, Mulberry,Cedar,Rowan Term: spring 22008
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EXPECTATIONS at the end of thisunit. | |||||||
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TimeAllocation | LearningObjective | Activities | Outcomes/Assessment | Resourcesand Vocabulary | Curricular Links(ICT) |
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Session 1 Mind mapping activity
| To knowhow to look and act friendly. To knowhow to be a good listener To beable to give and receive compliments
To thinkof lots of ways to give Friendship Tokens.
| Recap on whatit takes to be a good friend. You might want to use some of thefriendship photocards.
Q: Whatqualities do we look for in our friends, and what do we offer tofriends? Are the samethings important in a friend now that you are in Year 4 as when youwere in Reception? Ask pairs orindividual children to produce a role-play or talk that illustrateshow one of the qualities they have identified has been importantto them in thepast, or might be in a fictional situation. Q: What is the bestfriendship token you haveever received or given?
Alternativelyask the children to write a poem or story using one of thequalities as a title. OR Children to makeposters about Friendship Tokens. Could be displayed aroundschool.
| I can tell youlots of ways to give friendship tokens to other people. | SEALresource cards
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Session 2 Role playsession | I knowhow to see thingsfrom someoneelses Pointof view.
| Ask thechildren to form groups of three (with four in a couple of groupsif necessary).
Give out therole-play cards from the resource sheet Seeinganother point ofview to two of thechildren in each group, and ask each child to choose one of thecharacters to role-play.
Thethird child (and fourth child if necessary) role-plays a friend wholistens to the others in turn, as they tell him or her about whathappened and how they feel, each from their own perspective.Role play friendswho listen.
As aclass discuss who is right, discuss outcomes and how they could bechanged.
| I know how tosee thingsfrom someoneelses point ofview. | SEALresource cards
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Session 3 Whole classdiscussion | I candiscuss in a grouphow well we areworking together.
| Recap on thepeaceful problem-solving process and ask the children to work ingroups to design and make a poster or display for the classroom tohelp people remember this strategy, using annotation, illustrationand examples.
Explain thatthis task is about creating something but that it is also aboutworking in groups.
| I can discussin a group how wellwe are workingtogether.
| SEALresource cards
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Session 4 Circle timeactivity | I can tell what my triggersfor anger are;
how ourbodies change whenwe start to getangry;
some ways tocalm down when Istart feelingangry
| Askchildren to think of anger as a firework and ask them what lightstheir fuse. UseFireworks sheet for children towrite on some triggers of their anger. Discuss once thefuse gets lit how our bodies change when theyre getting ready toexplode. Whatare the buckets of water on the sheet for? Whatother ways can we think of to calm down? They can add these newideas to their Firework sheet.
Ask thechildren to remember a time when they were the most angry they haveever been. Sometimes this is described as a time when we have lostit. Give some time for reflection and ask children to think aboutwhat they remember
How didit feel? What words could you use to describe the anger? Did anyone try tocalm you down? How did that feel? Did it work? Children canhave the opportunity to produce some fantastic paintings andcollages to show how they experienced anger.
| I can tell what my triggers for anger are;
how our bodies change when we start to get angry;
some ways to calm down when I start feeling angry
| SEALresource cards
| Art |
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Session 5/6 Whole classdiscussion prompted by a story. | To beable to understand and use peaceful problem solving.
To knowthe term win-win and try to find one in a conflict.
| Remind thechildren of what they know about keeping calm. List what they canremember on a spider diagram or mind map. Remindchildren of the importance of wanting to find a solution (and notjust have a go atsomeone), making sure that they are calm, using good listeningskills, seeing things from someone elses perspective, and choosinga solution that everyone feels OK about.
Use thePeacefulproblem-solving poster from thewhole-school resource file to remind children of the steps insolving conflicts.
In smallgroups, ask the children to practice using the process to resolvesome of the conflicts listed below, or to solve real life ones thatthey can think of.
They can talkabout the conflicts or role-play them. Introduce theidea of the win-win solution, if they have not met this termbefore. Ask thechildren to list for each of the conflict situations a number ofsolutions, some of which leave only one person feeling OK(win-lose); some of which leave both people feeling unhappy and fedup (lose-lose); but at least one that makes both people feel OK(a win-win solution) | To be able tounderstand and use peaceful problem solving.
Toknow the term win-win and try to find one in a conflict.
| SEALresource cards
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