Name | Literacy Medium Term Plan |
Owner | milkn2sugars |
Level | 1 |
Topic | Literacy |
Unit | Traditional Stories and Information books |
Description | Year 1 medium term plans |
File 1 | 209_Literacy Spring Term (2nd half).doc |
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Morna International College
Literacy Medium TermPlanning
Teacher:Lianne | Year 1 | Term: Spring2nd half (Feb 27th April 7th) | ||||||
Fictionand poetry: traditionalstories and rhymes; fairy stories; stories and poems with familiar,predictable and patterned language from a range of cultures, includingplayground chants, action verses and rhymes; plays. Non-Fiction:informationbooks, including non-chronological reports, simpledictionaries.
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Titles | Teaching Objectives: Text Level | Teaching Objectives: SentenceLevel | Teaching Objectives: Word Level | Resources | ||||
Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 | ||||||
Week 1+2 (Narrative)
Cinderella | T1toreinforce and apply their word- level skills throughshared andguided reading; T2to usephonological, contextual, grammatical and graphic knowledge to workout, predict and check the meanings of unfamiliar words and to makesense of what they read; T3tochoose and read familiar books with concentration and attention,discuss preferences and give reasons; T5toidentify and record some key features of story language from arange of stories, and to practise reading and using them, e.g. inoral re-telling; T8toidentify and discuss characters, e.g. appearance, behaviour,qualities; to speculate about how they might behave; todiscuss how they are described in the text; and to comparecharacters from different stories or plays; T9tobecome aware of character and dialogue, e.g. by role playing partswhen reading aloud stories or plays with others; T12Throughshared and guided writing to apply phonological, graphic knowledgeand sight vocabulary to spell words accurately T15Tobuild simple profiles of characters from stories read, describingcharacteristics, appearances, behaviour with pictures, singlewords, captions, words and sentences from text; | S1toexpect reading to make sense and check if it does not, and to readaloud using expression appropriate to the grammar of the text; S2to useawareness of the grammar of a sentence to decipher new orunfamiliar words, e.g. predict text from the grammar, read on,leave a gap and re-read; S3topredict words from preceding words in sentences and investigate thesorts of words that fit, suggesting appropriate alternatives,i.e. that make sense; S4torecognise full stops and capital letters when reading andunderstand how they affect the way a passage is read; S6to usethe term sentence appropriately to identify sentences in text, i.e.those demarcated by capital letters and full stops; S7to usecapital letters for the personal pronoun I, for names and for thestart of a sentence.
| W4forguided reading to read on sight high frequency words specific tograded reading books matched to the abilities of readinggroups; W7torecognise the critical features of words, e.g. length, commonspelling patterns and words within words; W9tospell common irregular words from Appendix List 1; W11topractise handwriting in conjunction with spelling and independentwriting, ensuring correct letter orientation, formation andproportion, in a style that makes the letters easy to joinlater.
W2toinvestigate, W1 to secure W2 (Term1) readand spell identification, from year R to wordsending in ff, spelling and reading secure ll,ss, ck, ng; of initial, final and alphabeticletter W3todiscriminate, medial letter sounds knowledge and readand spell in simple words alphabetic order wordswith initial W3 (Term1) consonantfrom year R clusters,e.g. bl, cr, practise and tr,str Appendix secure the List3: ability tohear Initial and final phonemes in CVC words
| Cinderella
Scholastic Grammarand Punctuation p. 36+37 | ||||
Week 3+4 (Non-Fiction)
| T1toreinforce and apply their word- level skills through shared andguided reading; T2to usephonological, contextual, grammatical and graphic knowledge to workout, predict and check the meanings of unfamiliar words and to makesense of what they read; T3tochoose and read familiar books with concentration and attention,discuss preferences and give reasons; T12Throughshared and guided writing to apply phonological, graphic knowledgeand sight vocabulary to spell words accurately T17to useterms fiction and non fiction, noting some of their differingfeatures, e.g. layout, titles, contents page, use of pictures,labelled diagrams; T18toread non-fiction books and understand that the reader doesnt needto go from start to finish but selects according to what isneeded; T19topredict what a given book might be about from a brief look at bothfront and back covers, including blurb, title, illustration;to discuss what it might tell in advance of reading and check tosee if it does; T20to usesimple dictionaries, and to understand their alphabeticalorganisation; T21tounderstand the purpose of contents pages and indexes and to beginto locate information by page numbers and words by initialletter; T22towrite labels for drawings and diagrams, e.g. growing beans, partsof the body; T23toproduce extended captions, e.g. to explain paintings in walldisplays or to describe artefacts;
| S1toexpect reading to make sense and check if it does not, and to readaloud using expression appropriate to the grammar of the text; S2to useawareness of the grammar of a sentence to decipher new orunfamiliar words, e.g. predict text from the grammar, read on,leave a gap and re-read; S3topredict words from preceding words in sentences and investigate thesorts of words that fit, suggesting appropriate alternatives,i.e. that make sense; S4torecognise full stops and capital letters when reading andunderstand how they affect the way a passage is read; S7to usecapital letters for the personal pronoun I, for names and for thestart of a sentence.
| W4forguided reading to read on sight high frequency words specific tograded reading books matched to the abilities of readinggroups; W5toread on sight other familiar words, e.g. childrens names,equipment labels, classroom captions W7torecognise the critical features of words, e.g. length, commonspelling patterns and words within words; W9tospell common irregular words from Appendix List 1; W10newwords from reading and shared experiences and to make collectionsof personal interest or significant words and words linked toparticular topics; W11topractise handwriting in conjunction with spelling and independentwriting, ensuring correct letter orientation, formation andproportion, in a style that makes the letters easy to joinlater.
W3todiscriminate, W2 to investigate W3 (Term1) readand spell read and spell from year R wordswith final words ending in ff practise and consonantll, ss, ck, ng secure the ability clusters,e.g. nd, to hear initialand lp,st; to identify final phonemesin separatephonemes CVC words withinwords containingclusters inspeech and writing;
| Information booksabout toys
Scholastic Grammarand Punctuation p. 44+46 | ||||
Week 5+6 Poetry
Traditional Rhymes +Action Rhymes
| T1toreinforce and apply their word- level skills through shared andguided reading; T2to usephonological, contextual, grammatical and graphic knowledge to workout, predict and check the meanings of unfamiliar words and to makesense of what they read; T11tolearn and recite simple poems and rhymes, with actions, and tore-read them from the text; T12throughshared and guided writing to apply phonological, graphic knowledgeand sight vocabulary to spell words accurately; T13tosubstitute and extend patterns from reading through language play,e.g. by using same lines and introducing new words,extending rhyming or alliterative patterns, adding further rhymingwords, lines;
| S1toexpect reading to make sense and check if it does not, and to readaloud using expression appropriate to the grammar of the text; S2to useawareness of the grammar of a sentence to decipher new orunfamiliar words, e.g. predict text from the grammar, read on,leave a gap and re-read; S3topredict words from preceding words in sentences and investigate thesorts of words that fit, suggesting appropriate alternatives,i.e. that make sense;
| W4forguided reading to read on sight high frequency words specific tograded reading books matched to the abilities of readinggroups W7torecognise the critical features of words, e.g. length, commonspelling patterns and words within words; W9tospell common irregular words from Appendix List 1; W10newwords from reading and shared experiences and to make collectionsof personal interest or significant words and words linked toparticular topics; W11topractise handwriting in conjunction with spelling and independentwriting, ensuring correct letter orientation, formation andproportion, in a style that makes the letters easy to joinlater.
W3todiscriminate, W2 to investigate W3 (Term1) readand spell read and spell from year R wordswith final words ending in ff practise and consonantll, ss, ck, ng secure the ability clusters,e.g. nd, to hear initialand lp,st; to identify final phonemesin separatephonemes CVC words withinwords containingclusters inspeech and writing;
| Selection ofaction rhymes
Scholastic Grammarand Punctuation p. 50, 51+54 | ||||