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File 1145_Unit B. Miracles 5 6 A1.doc
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Scheme of Work

Scheme of Work forR.E. Year A YearGroups: 5 and 6 Date:

Potential learning outcomes /possible assessment focus.


  • Know a number of miracles ofJesus.
  • Know how to use bible referencesto find miracles.
  • Know what a pilgrimage is andlocate places of pilgrimage on the map.
  • Revise yr. 3/4 work on the sevenSacraments. (categorise into 3 groups)
  • Explore the gestures used in theSacrament of the Sick.



Unit: Unit.B. Miracles &Sac. of the Sick.


Aims: Thechildren will learn about some of the Miracles of Jesus and thework of the Church to heal and care for the sick in Christname.



Links with other units ofwork

Key stage 1 andwork in Yr. 4.





Opportunities to explore /develop cross-curricular dimensions:

Literacy; empatheticwriting.


Vocabulary; Miracle, healing,Sacraments, Sacrament of the Sick.



Examples of tasks / activitiesinformed by Programmes of Study:

Organisation of children;differentiation [where appropriate]

     Use variety ofdictionaries to explore definitions of a miracle.

     Using biblereferences to find different miracle stories.

     Organise aninformation chart to compare the miracles.

     Write an accountof one of the miracles as if you were there.

     Create a travelbrochure on some places of pilgrimage; include why they areimportant, their location, their origins and reasons why peoplemight benefit from a visit.

     Categorise thesacraments into three groups.

     Explore gesturesof laying on of hands/anointing/words in Sac. Of Sick.

     Write a prayerfor the sick.




Word process meanings ofMiracles.

Internet researchplaces of Pilgrimage.



Particular resourcesneeded:




Booklets about Lourdes, Knock, andWalsingham.

Sacraments Big Book.