Name | Narrative Writing |
Owner | RDWaldron |
Level | 6 |
Topic | Literacy |
Unit | Narrative |
Description | Adventure Writing |
File 1 | 142_Narrative writing unit week 7 planning.doc |
File 2 | 142_Week 7.xbk |
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Objectives: 5. (S) to form complex sentences through,e.g.:using different connecting devices; reading back complexsentences for clarity of meaning, and adjusting as necessary;evaluating which links work best; exploring how meaning is affectedby the sequence and structure of clauses; 6. (S) to secureknowledge and understanding of more sophisticated punctuationmarks: colon; semi-colon; parenthetic commas, dashes,brackets. 7.(T) to planquickly and effectively the plot, characters and structure of theirown narrative writing; 5. (W) to use word roots, prefixes and suffixesas a support for spelling: ex, prim, re, duo, |
| Whole class sharedreading and writing | Whole class phonics,spelling and grammar | Vocabulary & Resources | Group guided reading /writing | Independent grouptask(s) | Plenary, hwk. & cross-curric.links |
MONDAY | Opening introducing characters.Discuss the 5 elementsof story writing user the eraser on IWB. List as many differenttypes of opening and the criteria they offer. Shared reading:analyse and annotate two examples/create checklist on IWB for creatingeffective characters. | Form longer sentences using different connectingdevices: *compound sentences (using connectives) *complex sentences (using punctuation to addfurther clauses/phrases to simple clauses). |
implicit /explicit compoundsentences complexsentences clause, connective | guided group reading /writing Teacher to work with one group,based on teacher assessment of weaknesses in guidedwriting/reading.
| Working in pairs, analyse theopenings of other short stories (guided reading books?). Highlighton the text techniques the writer uses to introduce characters:an interesting name, description of what the character islike etc.
| Children contribute to the class checklist offeatures of effective openings. Reveal the opening for BloddonsAdventure from the planning frame on the IWB. Hwk: Ch. Plan ownadventure story.
| |
TUESDAY | Opening introducing characters. Teacher writing demonstration using checklistfrom yesterday for writing effective openings. Use visual promptsand vocabulary of Bloddon to support the writing of theopening.
| Canyou spot the spelling and punctuation mistakes? IWB. Prefix: Sub |
| guided group reading /writing Teacher to work with one group,based on teacher assessment of weaknesses in guidedwriting/reading.
| Children to work independently, apply thechecklist to write an opening that introduces the characters.Remember to give an idea of the setting and get the storymoving. | Identify features of effective writing. How didyou introduce your character? Have you used connectives? Where?When? Have you used powerful verbs? | |
WEDNESDAY | Build-up. Discuss with the children what should happen inthe build up part of the story. Shared reading: Quickly re-cap whathas happened so far in the story. Continue to analyse and annotateMacs Adventure.
| Create a checklist for effectivebuild-ups. |
| guided group reading /writing Teacher to work with one group,based on teacher assessment of weaknesses in guidedwriting/reading.
| Working in small groups, analyse the build-upand setting of other short stories and extend the checklist. | Contribute to the class checklist build-ups. Reveal the build-up for Bloddons Adventurefrom the planning frame on the IWB. | |
THURSDAY | Build-up. Teacher writing demonstration using checklistfrom yesterday for writing effective build-ups. Use visual promptsand vocabulary of Bloddon to support the writing of thebuild-up.
| Canyou spot the spelling and punctuation mistakes? IWB. |
implicit /explicit compoundsentences complexsentences clause, connective | guided group reading /writing Teacher to work with one group,based on teacher assessment of weaknesses in guidedwriting/reading.
| Children to work independently, apply thechecklist to build- up the story and to establish thesetting.
| Work evaluated against checklist. Have you usedinvented words and names? Have you used connectives? Where? When?Have you included details about the senses? | |
FRIDAY | Dilemma Discuss with the children what sort of dilemmascould happen in this part of the story. Shared reading: Continue toanalyse and annotate Macs Adventure.
| What sort of dilemmas wouldreally affect the main character: e.g. timid character = a scaryevent. Record on the IWB. |
Colon, semi-colon,parenthetic commas, dashes, brackets | guided group reading /writing Teacher to work with one group,based on teacher assessment of weaknesses in guidedwriting/reading.
| Working in pairs, analyse the dilemma of othershort stories and extend the checklist. | Contribute to the class checklist dilemma. Reveal the dilemma for Bloddons Adventure fromthe planning frame on the IWB. |