Name | Water rivers |
Owner | barley343 |
Level | 5 |
Topic | Geography |
Unit | Water and Rivers |
Description | planning for water/rivers topic |
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Cross CurricularLinks
Literacy ExplanationText the water cycle
ICT internetresearch
Maths Measure & DataHandling
Science Changing State& Gases around us
History the MiddletonFlood
R.E. usesof water
Texts to use forGuided Reading:
Week 6: Water isprecious leaflet (Northumberland water)
Week 7: waterfacts leaflet (Northumberland water)
Week 8: water forhealth
Week 9: fortuneteller
Week 10: RochdaleCanal (wow for water)
Week/ Lesson/ mainfocus | Learningobjectives WALT | Successcriteria WILF | Main teachingactivity | Independent work(groups, pairs, individuals) | Plenary | Evaluation/ nextsteps |
W6 L1 science | to know that materials can beclassified as solids, liquids and gases representknowledge of solids, liquids and gases in a concept map to know the terms melting andfreezing and recognise that they can be reversed
| describe thedifferences between solids, liquids and gases explain whenevaporation occurs and describe it in terms of liquids changing togases | Show childrenSNF 1 can you sort theseobjects into groups and explain your reasons? Show SNF 2 & 3 Review childrensunderstanding of solids, liquids and gases by asking them to draw aconcept map using terms eg solid, liquid, gas, melt,freeze, water, ice, change, cool, warm, flow, change shape, volume,, evaporate. Discuss their maps with the children usingspecific examples to clarify what they know. Introduce the termstate to describe solid, liquid and gases.
| RECORDING:Concept map/mind map Titlepage solid, liquid,gas, melt, freeze, water, ice, change, cool, warm, flow, changeshape, volume, powder, evaporate, state
Properties ofsolids and liquids sheet | Extended plenary:smart notebook on solids,liquids and gases |
W6 L2 Sc/ geog | ~ To understand the process of evaporation(and condensation) which are reversible To identify and sequence thecomponents of the water cycle | explain the water cycle in termsof the processes of evaporation and condensation and appreciate thereversibility of these two processes;
| Where does watercome from? The water cycle.Listen to explanation of water cycle on igniting writing explanationtext | WaterCycle (Worksheet 3 StHelens) This worksheetchecks if children have an understanding of processes involved inwater cycle. It also links to work on solids, liquids and gases(Unit 5C). | SNF 11 learning logactivity: water cycle circle or cartoon, see 12) |
W6 L3 science | tomake careful observations and draw conclusions explaining these interms of scientific knowledge and understanding Tounderstand the process of evaporation (and condensation) which arereversible
| identify theprocess which takes place when liquid turns into water vapour asevaporation
| Where does watergo to? Puddle investigation
Whathappens to the puddles in the playground after it stops raining?Where does the water go to? How could we set up an experiment whichwould compare the size etc of puddles? Set up experiment measure at differenttimes during the day | RECORDING: Write-upof experiments including graph(in the case ofdry weather, use the following from St Helens. Otherwise, use inplenary) Puddles worksheet(St Helens) The worksheetillustrates evaporation by chalking round the edges of puddle atintervals as it evaporates. Children to predict the size of thepuddle at a given time.
N.B. Duringdiscussion, pupils may use the word disappear to describeevaporation. However, it is important that pupils understand thatalthough puddle has disappeared, the water has evaporated into theair.
| Teacher leddiscussion on what happened and why? Children to interrogate graphand record answers. Predict what will happen if weather conditionswere different. Point out to thechildren that graphs can be used as a predictive tool. |
Week/ Lesson/ mainfocus | Learningobjectives WALT | Successcriteria WILF | Main teachingactivity | Independent work(groups, pairs, individuals) | Plenary | Evaluation/ nextsteps |
W7 L1 | Touse observations to draw conclusions | Canthe children construct a fair test measuring variables? | Evaporationinvestigation changing where water is placed How could we testthe rate of evaporation of water? Use post it poster system anddiscuss the concept of a fair test
| EvaporationRates (Worksheet2 St Helens) Children to lookat information on the table provided and decide on the variablesthey would change, measure and keep the same. | Review fair test look at examples from St Helens |
W7 L2 | tomake careful observations and draw conclusions explaining these interms of scientific knowledge and understanding
| Can the childrenconstruct a fair test measuring variables? | Evaporationinvestigation changing type of liquid | RECORDING: Write-upof experiments, withgraphs
| Water and vinegarinvestigation sheet homework? (St Helens) |
W7 L3 | To know how water is used in theworld To investigate similarities anddifferences To understand that water is auniversal need
| Ican list as many different water uses as I can think of Ican sort my list into different categories
| Uses of water/how much water do we use? Whole class compile a list of the various uses of water | Divide childreninto groups and ask them to sort the list into categories home,farms, industry, leisure, others Use round table | Homework keep adiary of water use in the home for a week. Explore the issue ofwasting water. |
Week/ Lesson/ mainfocus | Learningobjectives WALT | Successcriteria WILF | Main teachingactivity | Independent work(groups, pairs, individuals) | Plenary | Evaluation/ nextsteps |
W8 L1 | toobtain information from maps and an atlas
| usethe index to locate main oceans and rivers
| Where can wefind water? Locally? In the world? To appreciate theamount of the Earths surface cover by water, play the world inyour hands game throw and catch inflatable globe check yourright index finger is its tip touching land or water? | Consensusmapping brainstormwhere we find water. Come up with agreed main places.
Identify worldoceans and main rivers in Atlases | Label oceans andrivers on IWB map |
W8 L2 | toobtain information from maps and an atlas: about worldweather patterns about physicaland human features | Ican find the wettest places in the world Ican mark the main deserts of the world on a map Ican draw temperature and rainfall graphs for differentcountries | Where in theworld has a lot of rainfall? Very little? Medium? (useatlases) (driest is<250mm per year) shade 3 zones ona map. Discuss wettest areas.
| Using anatlas Identify maindeserts around the world ( Atacama, Kalahari, Sahara, Arabian, Tharand Australian). Compare with areas shaded in first part of thelesson. What does the map show?
Rainfall -graphs |
W8 L3 | toobtain information from maps and an atlas: toobtain information from the internet
| toobtain information from the internet: usesearch engine identify keyfeatures of rivers usenote taking skills
Whatcan you tell me about rivers? What are rivers used for? Whatis a river, why are rivers important, what do rivers carry, how arerivers formed? Namerivers locally, in the UK, around the world Locateon map (IWB world map)
| World rivers internet research | Homework theworlds major rivers |
Week/ Lesson/ mainfocus | Learningobjectives WALT | Successcriteria WILF | Main teachingactivity | Independent work(groups, pairs, individuals) | Plenary | Evaluation/ nextsteps |
W9 L1 | how rivers erode, transport anddeposit materials producing particular landscape features
| Features of ariver journey use powerpoints from click teaching: riverjourney/ along the river Whereis this river? Where does it go? What are the different features ofa river? How is it changing? Askchildren to note changes in height/ width/ water Considerdifferent sections along the river course Humanuse along the river | Draw sketch mapsof a river and label the main features |
W9 | to observe and question to collect and analyseevidence use secondarysources |
| River visit Daisy Nook Whereis this river? Where does it go? What are the different features ofa river? How is it changing? Askchildren to note changes in height/ width/ water Considerdifferent sections along the river course Humanuse along the river |
Week/ Lesson/ mainfocus | Learningobjectives WALT | Successcriteria WILF | Main teachingactivity | Independent work(groups, pairs, individuals) | Plenary | Evaluation/ nextsteps |
W10 L1 | to observe and question to collect and analyseevidence use secondary sources |
| Canal visit Rochdale canal (resource: wowfor water) | What are thedifferences between rivers and canals? |
W10 L2 |
| Middletonflood |