Name | Homework tasks |
Owner | MooSpan31 |
Level | 4 |
Topic | Homework |
Unit | Mixed |
Description | Learning logs homework ideas |
File 1 | 45_Homework tasks.doc |
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Homework ideas for Year 4learning logs.
I realise this isnt a unitplan, as I would be mad to do that for homework, but these are thetypes of tasks I give for my learning logs homework. First I sendthis letter home for the parents, with tips from the learning logswebsite:
This yearyour childs homework will be based on a more creative approach.They will each have an A4 book called a Learning Log. Each week Iwill give them a task with an aim or learning objective that theyshould reach. They complete this task in their logs, but in anycreative way that they choose, written, fold out charts, pictures,diagrams etc. It should be in the neatest handwriting andwell-presented as it is a piece of work, but as long as they reachthe aim given, it is otherwise very flexible and suits all stylesof learning and ability. The task will always be relevant to ourcurrent theme, and we will share the logs on a Friday afternoon sothe children learn from each other.
Here is anexample of a childs log and her comments:
My name isJessica. I am nine years old. I love my learning log. I do mybest handwriting in it. I have lots of pullouts which I think makeit very interesting to read. Even if I go out somewhere, I stillfind time to do it. One Saturday evening I was working on it at 10o clock at night! On a Saturday when I go to town I spend mybirthday money on craft items to put in it. Laura and Nicole, myfriends, share the learning objectives over the phone. I also putin extra exiting stuff. For example when I have been to any places,like Crufts dog show, I get leaflets to stick inside it. I reallyenjoy spending any spare time I have working on my learning log. Imake it colourful with coloured paper. An example from
As you cansee from the above examples it is very bright and colourful, and asthe child says she adds any other exciting things that may beunique to her, explaining what she has learned from theexperience.
Below are examples of tasksI set.
L.O: Tounderstand that the Aztecs had different beliefs to ours.
Task: Find outwhat Aztecs believed in, write about it and draw pictures. If youcan find any stories wed love to hear them!
L.O: To design a creature to live in the Amazonrainforest
Task: The rainforest is home to a huge amount ofamazing creatures who have changed the way they look or behave overhundreds and thousands of years so that they are well suited tolive in the rainforest. This process is called evolution.
Your task is to design a new creaturethat could live in the rainforest.
You might want to think about thefollowing things before you begin:
1. Is your creature a bird, a mammal or aninsect?
2. Which part of the rainforest will yourcreature live in? Will it live in the trees or on the floor?
3. What will your creatureeat? Will it be aproducer, consumer or predator?
4. What colour will it be? Is itcamouflaged?
5. Is your creature nocturnal or awake inthe day?
6.What will the name of your creature be?
L.O: To write a diary entryas an historical character.
Write a diary entry for theday the Spanish invaded Tenotichtlan. You may be either an Aztec ora Spanish soldier. Imagine what it was like leading up to theattack, during and after. What did you do? What happened to youafter the attack? How did you feel? Add illustrations and diagrams(eg maps of the city) as you feel necessary. You could also try tomake your page look like it comes from 1521!
L.O: To write anexplanation text.
Choose a simpleactivity to explain eg. Brushing your teeth. Use time connectives,paragraphs, correct spelling and diagrams to explain the activity.You can add pictures from magazines or your own, or you can make itmore interesting with fold out sections, lift-the-flaps or popouts.
L.O. To knowwhat a habitat is.
Task: Inyour learning log show what you know about the word habitat, drawpictures or design a habitat to show you understand what it means.What does a habitat need? What different kinds of habitats arethere?
L.O: To know whichforms of measurement to use around the house.
Task: Spend some timethinking how you would measure day to day things, like how long isan episode of Doctor Who, or how much flour do you put in a cakemix, or how tall is each member of your family.
Measure somedifferent things around the house and record what you have done inan exciting way. Dont forget to use the correct abbreviations e.g.m for metres, g for grams etc.
L.O: To be able to showunderstanding about historical events.
Task: Research any area ofWorld War Two that interests you and present it in a style of yourchoice. You have two weeks for this homework.
You could choose the war athome, the war in Africa, Japan, children during the war, rationing,or any other topic.
L.O.To create a page of a newspaper.
Task: Create the page of anewspaper. It can be a news item,
a picture page withcaptions, a sports report
or a relaxing pageincluding things like cartoon strips,
crosswords, horoscopesetc.
Give your newspaper a name,try to make your articles
realistic, interviewsomeone if you like and lay it out
in the style of a newspaperwith columns etc.
L.O: To be able to findnumbers in the world around us.
Task: Find out some numbersfrom World War II e.g. the war started in 1939 and ended in 1945.How many children were evacuated? How many people died in prisoncamps? etc. Think about how you can present this in an excitingway.
L.O: To know theproperties of 2d and 3d shapes.
Design a chart toshow that you understand the properties of 2d shapes, includedifferent names the shape may be known by. Maybe have separatecolours for shapes with similar properties.
Make your pagescolourful and neat, always use a ruler. Can you make any 3d shapesto pop out?
L.O: To be able to showunderstanding about historical events.
Task: Think about why warsstart, how can you show some of the reasons that wars begin betweentwo or more nations.
Write about Christmas inthe country you are from, traditions, stories, songs, food etc. Youcan also tell us about family traditions you have. Have fun!