Name | Handling data and measures |
Owner | amanda13b |
Level | 3 |
Topic | |
Unit | C3 |
Description | |
File 1 | 753_year3_mtp_blockC.doc |
File 2 |
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..Primary School Medium Term Plans
Year 3Block C - Handling data and measures Unit1
Date | Objectives | Assessmentfor learning | ICTLinks |
| Follow aline of enquiry by deciding what information is important; make anduse lists, tables and graphs to organise and interpret theinformation | Whatquestion are you trying to answer? What information will youcollect? Who will you ask? How will you find it? |
| Know therelationships between kilometres and metres, metres andcentimetres, kilograms and grams, litres and millilitres; chooseand use appropriate units to estimate, measure and recordmeasurements | A metrestick is how many cm long? |
| Read, tothe nearest division and half-division, scales that are numbered orpartially numbered; use the information to measure and draw to asuitable degree of accuracy | Show mewhere 24 |
| Answer aquestion by collecting, organising and interpreting data; use tallycharts, frequency tables, pictograms and bar charts to representresults and illustrate observations; use ICT to create a simple barchart | You haveto find out what sport your class prefers. Explain what you woulddo. How would you record the information? |
| UseVenn diagrams or Carroll diagrams to sort data and objects usingmore than one criterion | Wherewould you place these numbers on the diagram? |
| Usetalk to organise roles and actions | You haveto work as a group to measure each person's height, foot length andhand span. Start by deciding what each person will do. |
.Primary School Medium Term Plans
Year 3Block C - Handling data and measures Unit 2
Date | Objectives | Assessmentfor learning | ICTLinks |
| Follow aline of enquiry by deciding what information is important; make anduse lists, tables and graphs to organise and interpret theinformation | What areyou trying to find out? What information will you collect? How? |
| Know therelationships between kilometres and metres, metres andcentimetres, kilograms and grams, litres and millilitres; chooseand use appropriate units to estimate, measure and recordmeasurements | Whatmeasuring instruments would you choose to measure: |
| Read, tothe nearest division and half-division, scales that are numbered orpartially numbered; use the information to measure and draw to asuitable degree of accuracy | Whattemperature does this thermometer show? |
| Read thetime on a 12-hour digital clock and to the nearest 5 minutes on ananalogue clock; calculate time intervals and find start or endtimes for a given time interval | Howwould this time appear on a 12-hour digital clock? |
| Answer aquestion by collecting, organising and interpreting data; use tallycharts, frequency tables, pictograms and bar charts to representresults and illustrate observations; use ICT to create a simple barchart | You haveto test the suggestion: We think most children in our classwalk to school . What information will you collect?How? |
| Use Venndiagrams or Carroll diagrams to sort data and objects using morethan one criterion | Writeeach multiple of 5 up to 50 in the correct place on the diagram.What sorts of numbers are in the 'even' column? |
| Identifythe presentational features used to communicate the main points | You haveto tell the rest of your group which month contains most birthdaysin the class and how you found out. Think of some important thingsyou will say. |
.Primary School Medium Term Plans
Year 3Block C - Handling data and measures Unit 3
Date | Objectives | Assessmentfor learning | ICTLinks |
| Follow aline of enquiry by deciding what information is important; make anduse lists, tables and graphs to organise and interpret theinformation | What areyou trying to find out? What information will you collect? How? |
| Describeand explain methods, choices and solutions to puzzles and problems,orally and in writing, using pictures and diagrams | You aregoing to make a poster to show another class how we decided whichclass race we chose for sports day. What will you write down? Whatdiagrams or drawings will you use? |
| Know therelationships between kilometres and metres, metres andcentimetres, kilograms and grams, litres and millilitres; chooseand use appropriate units to estimate, measure and recordmeasurements | Completethis table. |
| Read, tothe nearest division and half-division, scales that are numbered orpartially numbered; use the information to measure and draw to asuitable degree of accuracy | Draw aline that is 2 cm longer than this one [a line 5 cm long]. |
| Answer aquestion by collecting, organising and interpreting data; use tallycharts, frequency tables, pictograms and bar charts to representresults and illustrate observations; use ICT to create a simple barchart | Completethis tally chart.
| Explaina process or present information, ensuring items are clearlysequenced, relevant details are included and accounts endedeffectively | You havefound out how the heights of everyone in the class changed betweenautumn and summer. Imagine you are explaining what you did to avisitor. What steps would you explain? Make sure they are in order.What would you end by saying? |