Name | Y5 Maths Unit C Block 3 |
Owner | Attomic |
Level | 5 |
Topic | Numeracy |
Unit | C3 |
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NumeracyPlanning BLOCK C Unit 3 Year 5
Day | Vocabulary | LearningObjective
Outcome | StarterActivity | LearningObjective
Outcome | MainActivity | Plenary | Resources | Sp &List Prompts/ activities | |||
| problem, solution, method, explain, reasoning,reason, predict, pattern, unitsof measurement and their abbreviations data,information, survey, questionnaire, Mode | Decidewhat unit of measurement would be needed in differentsituations | Mathsprogress test | Planand pursue an enquiry
I canplan and organise data to find out about a subject or to answer aquestion
Iknow that the 'mode' is the most common piece ofinformation
I candescribe how likely an event is to happen and justify mystatement | Where is doesmost rain fall in the school grounds? Sugar paperactivity to answer the question (each table group chooses 5areas). | Classdiscussion. Which areas did you choose how did you decide tomeasure and record? Decide as a class which 5 areas touse?
Children toselect the 5 most popular choices set up investigation. Placemeasuring equipment in areas.
Q which onewas the most popular? (mode)
| Sugar paper,pens, jugs, measuring cylinders, rulers | Groupdiscussion & presentation | |||
PRACTICAL | |||||||||||
Day | Vocabulary | LearningObjective
Outcome | StarterActivity | LearningObjective
Outcome | MainActivity | Plenary | Resources | Sp &List Prompts/ activities | |||
| unitsof measurement and their abbreviations data, | To convertmeasurements Cm tom | Mathsprogress test
| Interpreta reading that lies between two unnumbered divisions on ascale
I canfind the value of each interval on a scale and use this to giveapproximate values of readings between divisions
| Skills to read scalesaccurately - Measuring cylinderITP model how to read scales using intervals | Use BoardworksY5 Measure capacity to practise reading scales. | NNSITP Boardworks | Explain /discuss methods or approach. | |||
LAUsing scales of 2,5, 10 work out capacity to nearest litre practical activityTeacher focus
PRACTICAL | CoreUsing scales withvarious increments work out to nearest 100ml | HAUsing scales withvarious increments work out measurement and record in decimalform | |||||||||
Day | Vocabulary | LearningObjective
Outcome | StarterActivity | LearningObjective
Outcome | MainActivity | Plenary | Resources | Sp &List Prompts/ activities | |||
| unitsof measurement and their abbreviations data, | To convertmeasurements G tokg | Mathsprogress test | Interpreta reading that lies between two unnumbered divisions on ascale
I canfind the value of each interval on a scale and use this to giveapproximate values of readings between divisions
| Skills:Using
| Measuring jugs/ cylinders / water | Understanddifferent ways to support others in groups | |||
LA Usingscales to work out how much water is in the jug in Litres and ml (working with whole litres place value chart tosupport) PRACTICAL | Core Practicalactivity Measuringout given capacities pairs to work out how much more is needed inmixed measures Teacherfocus | HA Practicalactivity Measuringout given capacities pairs to work out how much more is needed inmixed measures | |||||||||
Day | Vocabulary | LearningObjective
Outcome | StarterActivity | LearningObjective
Outcome | MainActivity
| Plenary | Resources | Sp &List Prompts/ activities | |||
| problem, solution, method, explain, reasoning,reason, predict, pattern, unitsof measurement and their abbreviations data, information, survey,questionnaire | To convertmeasurements using decimal notation | Mathsprogress test | Planand pursue an enquiry
I canplan and organise data to find out about a subject or to answer aquestion
| Remind childrenof problem posed at beginning of week return to working wall what do we need to do next? What are youtrying to find out? What information are you aiming to collect?How? Discuss in mixed groups how to go about collecting data groups to choose appropriate cylinders and place in appropriateplaces in school groups to discuss ways of recording table /chart (ASSESSMENT) | LONGPLENARY: Classdiscussion, plan how to carry out the investigation (link to SC1planning) | Planningsheet | Classdiscussion, explaining ideas and presenting | |||
Collectdata. Leave cylindersin place for second reading on Monday Wk2. | |||||||||||
Day | Vocabulary | LearningObjective
Outcome | StarterActivity | LearningObjective
Outcome | MainActivity | Plenary | Resources | Sp &List Prompts/ activities | |||
| data, information, survey, questionnaire, graph, chart, table,horizontal axis, vertical axis, axes, label, title, scale,pictogram, bar chart, bar-line chart, line graph, mode,maximum/minimum value | Findand interpret the mode of a set of data | Mathsprogress test | Explain reasoning using diagrams, graphs andtext; refine ways of recording using images and symbols I canuse graphs to show findings about a subject or to help explain myanswer to a question
| Answera set of related questions by organising relevant data; drawconclusions.
Childrenself-select level of challenge | Use Boardworksto interpret different types of graphs (relate to mainactivity) | Graphpaper | Pupils toexplain why they chose their type of recording | |||
Pictogram | Core
Barchart | H.A.
Piechart | |||||||||
Assessmentnotes (on groups or individuals)
| |||||||||||
Day | Vocabulary | LearningObjective
Outcome | StarterActivity | LearningObjective
Outcome | MainActivity | Plenary | Resources | Sp &List Prompts/ activities | |||||
| problem, solution, method, explain, reasoning,reason, predict, pattern, unitsof measurement and their abbreviations data,information, survey, questionnaire, Mode |
| Mathsprogress test | Explainreasoning using diagrams, graphs and text;
I canuse graphs to show findings about a subject or to help explain myanswer to a question
| What do thegraphs tell us? Recap how tointerpret the different chart types (Primary resources) Childrenself-select level of challenge according to which chart theycreated in Week 1. |
| Charts fromWk1, | Explaininterpretation of graph data | |||||
LAWhat conclusionscan they reach from the pictogram? PRACTICAL | CoreWhat conclusioncan they reach from the bar chart? | HAWhat conclusion can they reach from the piechart? | |||||||||||
Day | Vocabulary | LearningObjective
Outcome | StarterActivity | LearningObjective
Outcome | MainActivity | Plenary | Resources | Sp &List Prompts/ activities | |||||
| unitsof measurement and their abbreviations data, | To convertmeasurements Cm tom | Mathsprogress test
| Interpreta reading that lies between two unnumbered divisions on ascale
I canfind the value of each interval on a scale and use this to giveapproximate values of readings between divisions
| Skills to read scalesaccurately - Measuring cylinderITP model how to read scales using intervals | Use BoardworksY5 Measure capacity to practise reading scales. | NNSITP Boardworks | Explain /discuss methods or approach. | |||||
LAUsing scales of 2,5, 10 work out capacity to nearest litre practical activityTeacher focus
PRACTICAL | CoreUsing scales withvarious increments work out to nearest 100ml | HAUsing scales withvarious increments work out measurement and record in decimalform | |||||||||||
Day | Vocabulary | LearningObjective
Outcome | StarterActivity | LearningObjective
Outcome | MainActivity | Plenary | Resources | Sp &List Prompts/ activities | |||||
| unitsof measurement and their abbreviations data, | To convertmeasurements G tokg | Mathsprogress test | Interpreta reading that lies between two unnumbered divisions on ascale
I canfind the value of each interval on a scale and use this to giveapproximate values of readings between divisions
| Skills:Using
| Measuring jugs/ cylinders / water | Understanddifferent ways to support others in groups | |||||
LA Usingscales to work out how much water is in the jug in Litres and ml (working with whole litres place value chart tosupport) PRACTICAL | Core Practicalactivity Measuringout given capacities pairs to work out how much more is needed inmixed measures Teacherfocus | HA Practicalactivity Measuringout given capacities pairs to work out how much more is needed inmixed measures | |||||||||||
Day | Vocabulary | LearningObjective
Outcome | StarterActivity | LearningObjective
Outcome | MainActivity
| Plenary | Resources | Sp &List Prompts/ activities | |||||
| problem, solution, method, explain, reasoning,reason, predict, pattern, unitsof measurement and their abbreviations data, information, survey,questionnaire | To convertmeasurements using decimal notation | Mathsprogress test | Planand pursue an enquiry
I canplan and organise data to find out about a subject or to answer aquestion
| Remind childrenof problem posed at beginning of week return to working wall what do we need to do next? What are youtrying to find out? What information are you aiming to collect?How? Discuss in mixed groups how to go about collecting data groups to choose appropriate cylinders and place in appropriateplaces in school groups to discuss ways of recording table /chart (ASSESSMENT) | LONGPLENARY: Classdiscussion, plan how to carry out the investigation (link to SC1planning) | Planningsheet | Classdiscussion, explaining ideas and presenting | |||||
Collectdata. | |||||||||||||
Day | Vocabulary | LearningObjective
Outcome | StarterActivity | LearningObjective
Outcome | MainActivity | Plenary | Resources | Sp &List Prompts/ activities | |||||
| data, information, survey, questionnaire, graph, chart, table,horizontal axis, vertical axis, axes, label, title, scale,pictogram, bar chart, bar-line chart, line graph, mode,maximum/minimum value | Findand interpret the mode of a set of data | Mathsprogress test | Explain reasoning using diagrams, graphs andtext; refine ways of recording using images and symbols I canuse graphs to show findings about a subject or to help explain myanswer to a question
| Answera set of related questions by organising relevant data; drawconclusions.
Childrenself-select level of challenge | Use Boardworksto interpret different types of graphs (relate to mainactivity) | Graphpaper | Pupils toexplain why they chose their type of recording | |||||
Pictogram | Core
Barchart | H.A.
Linegraph | |||||||||||
Assessmentnotes (on groups or individuals)
| |||||||||||||