Name | Block A - Unit 2 - Year3 swp |
Owner | Juliateacher |
Level | 3 |
Topic | Numeracy |
Unit | A2 |
Description | |
File 1 | 5_Block A - Unit 2 - Year3 swp.doc |
File 2 |
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Block A:2 YEAR 3 | Term 1 Unit 1 | Term2 Unit 2
| Term 3 Unit 3
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Describeand explain methods, choices and solutions to puzzles and problems,orally and in writing, using pictures and diagrams Read,write and order whole numbers to at least 1000 and position them ona number line; count on from and back to zero in single-digit stepsor multiples of 10 Partitionthree-digit numbers into multiples of 100, 10 and 1 in differentways Deriveand recall all addition and subtraction facts for each number to20, sums and differences of multiples of 10 and number pairs thattotal 100 Addor subtract mentally combinations of one-digit and two-digitnumbers Explaina process or present information, ensuring items are clearlysequenced, relevant details are included and accounts endedeffectively
| Describe and explain methods, choices and solutions to puzzles andproblems, orally and in writing, using pictures and diagrams Partition three-digit numbers into multiples of 100, 10 and 1 indifferent ways Round two-digit or three-digit numbers to the nearest 10 or 100 andgive estimates for their sums and differences Derive and recall all addition and subtraction facts for eachnumber to 20, sums and differences of multiples of 10 and numberpairs that total 100 Add or subtract mentally combinations of one-digit and two-digitnumbers Multiply one-digit and two-digit numbers by 10 or 100, and describethe effect Derive and recall multiplication facts for the2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 times-tables and thecorresponding division facts; recognise multiples of 2, 5 or10 up to 1000 Follow up others' points and show whether they agree or disagree ina whole-class discussion | ||||||||||||||||
Key Aspects forLearning Focus for theblock
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PreviousLearning | Objectives/ICan Statements | Assessment forLearning |
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talkabout their methods and solutions to one-step problems, identifyingand recording the number sentences involved read,write, partition and order two-digit numbers, explaining what eachdigit represents recallall addition and subtraction facts for each number to at least 10,all pairs with totals to 20 and all pairs of multiples of 10 withtotals up to 100 addor subtract mentally pairs of one-digit numbers recallmultiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10times-tables
| Describeand explain methods, choices and solutions to puzzles and problems,orally and in writing, using pictures and diagrams | Tellme how you solved this problem. Did you make any notes or drawingsto help you? Can you describe them to me? |
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Partitionthree-digit numbers into multiples of 100, 10 and 1 in differentways | Startat 93 and count back in tens. What will be the smallest number thatyou reach on a 100-square? |
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Roundtwo-digit or three-digit numbers to the nearest 10 or 100 and giveestimates for their sums and differences | Whydoes 76 become 80 when it is rounded to the nearest 10? Why does249 become 200 when rounded to the nearest 100? |
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Deriveand recall all addition and subtraction facts for each number to20, sums and differences of multiples of 10 and number pairs thattotal 100 | Whatis 3 |
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Addor subtract mentally combinations of one-digit and two-digitnumbers | Whatis 46 |
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Multiplyone-digit and two-digit numbers by 10 or 100, and describe theeffect | Multiply 4 by 10. Multiply the answer by 10. What has happened tothe value of the digit 4? Can you explain what happens to the 4when we multiply 4 by 100? Whatnumber is 10 times more than 70 tens? What is 10 times bigger than23? |
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Deriveand recall multiplication facts for the2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 times-tables and thecorresponding division facts; recognise multiples of 2, 5 or10 up to 1000 | Count on in fours from zero. Now count back to zero.This time,count on seven fours from zero. Show me seven hops of four fromzero on the number line.How can you work out the 4 times-table fromthe 2 times-table? The 6 times-table from the 3 times-table? Whatis the relationship between 4 7 =28, 6 7 =42 and 10 7=70? |
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Followup others' points and show whether they agree or disagree in awhole-class discussion | Isthis calculation correct? John thinks that it is wrong. Do youagree or disagree? Why do you think so? |
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Activities | |
Activity28 - Dan the detective |
Objectives for Springboardintervention unit | Springboard unit |
Counton and back in ones and tens | Springboard 3 Unit 3 lessons 1and 2 (PDF 170KB) |
Useknowledge that addition can be done in any order | Springboard 3 unit 5 sessions1 and 2 (PDF 170KB) |
Finda small difference by counting on from the smaller to the largernumber | Springboard 3 unit 6 sessions1 and 2 (PDF 149KB) |
Diagnostic focus | Resource |
Makesmistakes when counting using teen numbers and/or crossingboundaries Spotlights 2, 3, 4 and 5 | 1 Y2 |
Doesnot relate finding a difference and complementary addition to theoperation of subtraction | 4 Y2 |
Hasdifficulty in partitioning, for example, 208 into 190 and 18 and 31into 20 and 11 | 2 Y4 |
Describesthe operation of multiplying by ten as 'adding a nought' | 3 Y4/ |
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Wave 3addition and subtraction tracking childrens learningcharts
Word 315KB
Wave 3multiplication and division tracking children's learningcharts
Word 430KB