Name | Block A - unit 2 - year1 swp |
Owner | Juliateacher |
Level | 1 |
Topic | Numeracy |
Unit | A2 |
Description | |
File 1 | 5_Block A - unit 2 - year1 swp.doc |
File 2 |
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Block A:2 YEAR1 | Term 1 Unit1 | Term2 Unit 2
| Term 3 Unit3
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Describeways of solving puzzles and problems, explaining choices anddecisions orally or using pictures Countreliably at least 20 objects, recognising that when rearranged thenumber of objects stays the same; estimate a number of objects thatcan be checked by counting Compareand order numbers, using the related vocabulary; use the equals (=)sign Readand write numerals from 0 to 20, then beyond; use knowledge ofplace value to position these numbers on a number track and numberline Saythe number that is 1 more or less than any given number, and 10more or less for multiples of 1 Relateaddition to counting on; recognise that addition can be done in anyorder; use practical and informal written methods to support theaddition of a one-digit number or a multiple of 10 to a one-digitor two-digit number Understandsubtraction as 'take away' and find a 'difference' by counting up;use practical and informal written methods to support thesubtraction of a one-digit number from a one-digit or two-digitnumber and a multiple of 10 from a two-digit number Usethe vocabulary related to addition and subtraction and symbols todescribe and record addition and subtraction numbersentences Askand answer questions, make relevant contributions, offersuggestions
| Solve problems involving counting, adding, subtracting, doubling orhalving in the context of numbers, measures or money, for exampleto 'pay' and 'give change' Describe ways of solving puzzles and problems, explaining choicesand decisions orally or using pictures Count reliably at least 20 objects, recognising that whenrearranged the number of objects stays the same; estimate a numberof objects that can be checked by counting Compare and order numbers, using the related vocabulary; use theequals (=) sign Read and write numerals from 0 to 20, then beyond; use knowledge ofplace value to position these numbers on a number track and numberline Say the number that is 1 more or less than any given number, and 10more or less for multiples of 10 Relate addition to counting on; recognise that addition can be donein any order; use practical and informal written methods to supportthe addition of a one-digit number or a multiple of 10 to aone-digit or two-digit number Understand subtraction as 'take away' and find a 'difference' bycounting up; use practical and informal written methods to supportthe subtraction of a one-digit number from a one-digit or two-digitnumber and a multiple of 10 from a two-digit number Use the vocabulary related to addition and subtraction and symbolsto describe and record addition and subtraction numbersentences Listen to and follow instructions accurately, asking for help ifnecessary |
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Key Aspects forLearning Focus for theblock
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PreviousLearning | Objectives/ICan Statements | Assessment forLearning |
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solvepractical problems involving counting, including counting on,measuring, comparing, ordering, adding, subtracting or partitioningobjects sayand use the number names in order in familiar contexts andrecognise numerals 1 to 9 knowthat numbers identify how many objects are in a set and match setsof objects to numerals countaloud in ones, twos, fives or tens findone more or one less than a number from 1 to 10 selecttwo groups of objects to make a given total of objects relateaddition to combining two groups of objects and subtraction to'taking away'
| Solveproblems involving counting, adding, subtracting, doubling orhalving in the context of numbers, measures or money, for exampleto 'pay' and 'give change' | Which dominoes in the set have a total of six spots? How can yousolve this puzzle? I think of a number and add 2. My answer is 14. What was mynumber?How do you know you need to add/subtract? Howcould you work it out? What could you use to help? Could you putsomething on paper to help you remember? How could you checkyour answer? |
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Describeways of solving puzzles and problems, explaining choices anddecisions orally or using pictures | Howdid you solve the problem? Why did you decide to add/subtract?How did the apparatus/your recording help you? How do you know thatyour answer makes sense? |
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Countreliably at least 20 objects, recognising that when rearranged thenumber of objects stays the same; estimate a number of objects thatcan be checked by counting | How many crayons do you think there are in the tub? Now count themcarefully. Are there more or fewer than you thought? Howcould you check the number of crayons? How do you know you havecounted every crayon just once? |
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Compareand order numbers, using the related vocabulary; use the equals (=)sign | Look at these numbers: 8 3 12 20 Whichof the numbers is largest? Are any of the numbers larger than 10?Which number is smallest? Put the numbers in order, starting withthe smallest. How can you check the order? |
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Readand write numerals from 0 to 20, then beyond; use knowledge ofplace value to position these numbers on a number track and numberline | Pick up a bundle of ten straws and three single straws. Can you sayhow many you are holding without counting them all? As these numbers get bigger, which digits are changing and whichdigits stay the same? Which other numbers to do you know that have1 as the first digit? Whereare the numbers that start with 'twenty' on the100square? |
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Saythe number that is 1 more or less than any given number, and 10more or less for multiples of 10 | Use the numbers 15 to 20. Choose a pair of numbers to make thissentence true:
Howmany different pairs can you find that make the sentence true? Canyou make the sentence true with other numbers? |
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Relateaddition to counting on; recognise that addition can be done in anyorder; use practical and informal written methods to support theaddition of a one-digit number or a multiple of 10 to a one-digitor two-digit number | What is 19 add 5? What can you use to help you find theanswer? Someonesaid 19 plus 5 makes 23. Can you show how you know that is not theright answer? |
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Understandsubtraction as 'take away' and find a 'difference' by counting up;use practical and informal written methods to support thesubtraction of a one-digit number from a one-digit or two-digitnumber and a multiple of 10 from a two-digit number | What is 15 take away 6? How did you work that out? How could youwork it out a different way to check? Can you make up another 'take away'/subtraction question that hasthe answer 9? How did you work out which numbers to use? Whatis the difference between 5 and 12? How can you show that usingcounters? Can you put something on paper to show that? How couldyou work that out on a number line? |
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Usethe vocabulary related to addition and subtraction and symbols todescribe and record addition and subtraction numbersentences | Use 0 to 9 number cards. Choose two cards and make up someadditions and subtractions using those numbers. Try to put them indifferent ways, like this: 3 |
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Listento and follow instructions accurately, asking for help ifnecessary | Usethe number cards 1 to 10. Pick two cards. If the numbers add tomore than 5, keep them. Which pairs did you have that add to morethan 5? Are there other pairs that add to morethan 5? |
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Activities | |
Activity1 - Four-pin bowling | |
Activity7 - Gold bars | |
Activity4 - Snakes and Ladders |
Springboard unit |
Nonecurrently available |
Diagnostic focus | Resource |
Canonly begin counting at one; inaccurately counts objects whenrearranged; has no consistent recognition of small number ofobjects; lacks systematic approaches | 1 YR |
Makesunequal groups and cannot compare the groups | 3 YR / |
Misunderstandsone more and one less | 2 YR |
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Wave 3addition and subtraction tracking children's learningcharts
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Wave 3multiplication and division tracking children's learningcharts
Word 430KB