Name | topic |
Owner | fi |
Level | 3 |
Topic | History |
Unit | ancient egypt |
Description | cross curric ancient egyptians |
File 1 | 1036_history lesson.doc |
File 2 |
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| Learning Objectives Children learn: | Cross CurricularLinks | Activities | Vocabulary | Resources | Assessment | ||
1 | Introduction to topic. What do we already know about AncientEgypt
Discuss early civilisation andhow the Egyptian culture was perhaps the greatest of the ancientcultures.
Discuss when people began tolive in Ancient Egypt. Discuss climate, location, peopleetc
In separate Literacy lessonCh can make brochure of Egypt, using magazines etc to persuadepeople to go to Egypt for their holidays
In separate maths lesson, Chwill measure the distances from different countries to Egypt, alsocarry out word problems solving time and distances totravel. | History: 1a, b 2a, b, c, d 5a, b, c 6 13 Geography: 2c, d 3a, b, c, d, e, f, g Literacy: 1e PSHE: 2b, e, Maths:Ma21a, b, d, e, f, g, h,j, k, Ma3 4a, b | Ch will individually mind mapany knowledge they have on Ancient Egypt.
Ask children, in pairs to usethe atlases and locate modern day Egypt. Using books and classcomputers, find out facts about Egypt to share with theclass
As a whole class, will record ontime line when the Ancient Egyptians lived.
| Egypt, Ancient Times, Gods and Goddesses, Atlas,Countries, Cultures, BC, archaeologist, burial, mummification,Nile, Pharaoh, pyramid, religion | Atlases Time line
PowerPoint presentation withslides showing maps & photographs of Egypt oh how it was and how itis today.
| Children are able to locateEgypt on a map
They are able to place AncientEgypt on a time line
They are able to classifyinformation in different ways. | ||
2 | The importance of the River Nileand the surrounding area to the Ancient Egyptians. They will display theirfindings in a leaflet
Make deductions about life in thepast from pictures and photographic evidence. Understand that what we knowabout the past is dependent on what has survived
| History: 1a, 2a, 4a, 4b, 5a Geography: 1a, 1c 2c2d 3c DT:2a, c, d 5b, c ICT: 1a, 1b, 1c 2a 3a 5a
| Show ch PP including photos ofpyramids, sphinx, hieroglyphs, felucca [boat on Nile].
Using books etc, ch in smallgroups will choose ideas and using modroc will make areconstruction of the River Nile and its nearbyfeatures. | Desert, fertile, flood, floodplain, Nile,silt Egypt- the gift of he Nile, sphinx, hieroglyphs,felucca | [Images of Nile and surrounding area] Books, pictures, photographs | Ch can see the relationshipbetween the geography of Ancient Egypt and their way oflife. Ch understand the importance ofthe River Nile for transport, fishing andwater source.
Draw conclusions about life inAncient Egypt from the evidence they have Create a small scalereconstruction of the River Nile and surrounding area Produce an eye catching,informative leaflet | ||
3 | Understand the use of hieroglyphsand how it helped us know what happened in the past
This will connect to the RElesson on pyramids and ch will be able to see the role ofHieroglyphs within the pyramids | History1a, b 2a,b, c, d 35c 6 13
ART4c, 5d | PPoint explaining to ch thatancient Egyptians wrote in pictures called hieroglyphs. It beganabout 5000 yrs ago. For 100s of yrs no one could readhieroglyphics and in 1799 Rosetta stone was discovered which hadGreek and hieroglyphics on it. Jean-Francois Champollion managed todecipher the hieroglyphs.
After class input, ch will usehieroglyphs chart and create their own messages. These will be usedas part of class display. Chwill also have opportunities to translate some hieroglyphs obtainedfrom google images. |
Hieros/ glyphe-means sacred carving, Writing,hieroglyphics, meanings, archaeologists, scribes, decipher,message, rows, columns, neatly
| Large copy of hieroglyphs alphabet and numbersto aid children with translation Shows the ch hieroglyphs. Also provides a keypadfor Ch to type in words and it produces the word inhieroglyphs
Colouring pencils. Strips of card | Ch understand what hieroglyphsare are able to read and write using hieroglyphs.
Ch understand the art ofhieroglyphs and its role within ancient Egypt | ||
4 | Know and recall details aboutTutankhamens life | History: 1a,b 2a,b, c, d 3 4a,b 5a,b, c 13 | Ch completes a mind map of whatthey know about Tutankhamun.
Through use of Ppoint andwebsites, discuss with Ch how he became a pharaoh, his age, marriedat the age of 8, his young death, causes of death and why hewasnt
Ch will use questions fromwoodlands web site and use them as the basis for their research.Using various sources they will answer the questions.
After research Ch will Hotseat and take on the role of Tutankhamun, Howard Carter | King, Tutankhamun, throne, Tomb opened in 1922,Howard Carter, Lord Caernarfon, Pharaoh, discovered, jewellery, artefacts,decorative art, face mask, gold, treasures, exhibition in CairoMuseum, mummys curse | allows Ch to see the layout of Tuankhamunsburial chamber. Laptops, cd roms, books, pictures, Web sites ..Ch encouraged to find their own websites..
| Ch are able to answer thequestions from the woodlands site about Tutankhamun
Ch are able to role play thecharacters of Tutankhamun and Howard Carter |
The topic of Ancient Egypt may carry on with thechildren looking at: -