Name | Scottish Parliament Level D |
Owner | Gibb |
Level | 6 |
Topic | Literacy |
Unit | Citizenship |
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File 1 | 945_Scottish Par plan Level D.doc |
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Class:Teacher: StudyTitle: ES OutcomePeople in Society Level D Term:Date:Duration: | |||
Knowledge andUnderstanding Attainment Targets Level D
PupilExperience/Activity Skills based and KUActivities Including InformalAssessment (show sequence if notwritten in order) |
Skills AttainmentTargets Highlight the Emphasis forTeaching Level D |
Explain whylaws are made in society, eg laws to deal with discrimination such as racism and sexism D.
Describesome ways in which society deals with and punishes crime, eg community service, fines D.
Suggest someof the rights and responsibilities of a citizen in a democracy D.
Describesimply how representatives are chosen and types of workthey do, eg local councillors, British and EuropeanMPs D.
Describe theways the media can influence personal decision making D.
Tounderstand how laws are made and why there is a need forspecific kinds of laws on issues such as racism.
Tounderstand that when laws are broken, there are consequences, ie prison, community service.
To have abasic understanding of the role of an MP, MSP and Euro MP in representing their views in a democraticsociety.
To be awareof the ways that the media can influence the decisions we make through advertising.
To know thedifference between needs and wants.
To be awareof the needs of others in their own society and in other parts of the world, eg third world countries. |
Level D Pupils are able to: Preparing for thetask: plan a sequence of tasks or procedures, adapting asrequired choose a variety of straightforward sources from whichrelevant information might be collected.
Carrying out thetask: select and use known enquiry methods and/or equipment toaccess, select and record relevant information from a variety ofstraightforward sources. select techniques to process/classify information in avariety of ways, for example, the results of aquestionnaire. Make simple judgements about the usefulness/ reliability ofinformation/evidence, eg by reference to bias.
Reviewing and reporting onthe task: present findings in an organised and appropriatemanner. present conclusions and justify these with reference toevidence.
Cross CurricularLinks
Resources |
Assessment (formal assessment sampleor teacher observation record to be kept in folio asevidence) |
Language Write to local MP/MSP/EuroMP and invite them in prepare questions on topical issues. Write a report of theirvisit send to local paper to be published. Write to charities such asOxfam, Red Cross invite in a speaker.
Maths Survey of charities inEdinburgh which groups do they help? group and graph.
Drama Set up a range of crimescenarios (stealing, vandalism, graffiti, mugging, etc) for groupsof children to act out, through to beingcaught/sentenced/prison. Invite a group in such asBethany to talk about homelessness raise money for the charity,write and perform a play based on being homeless. Prepare a speech toconvince others why they should vote for you in an election as anMSP.
Web site of ScottishParliament Education dept Tel: 0131 348 5395or 0131 348 5405
Posters sent from Educationofficers and quiz sheets
Interactive onlineresources
Scottish Parliament
Assessment Swimming pool to close (D)p5. Which charity should Iclose p6.
AssessmentStrategies: Informal: Observation, activelistening, questioning, setting task (worksheet, jotter work,homework) pupil self assessment, peer assessment, presentation toclass, brain storming, annotated diagrams
Formal: Knowledge/understanding End of topic test, summarising activity,demonstration of understanding in (state context, egproject) Skills Investigation, tasks focussed on aspects of skills(specify task and skill strand which it is to assess)enquiry/research task, personal booklet or file on a topic.
Discussion/brainstorm the childrensunderstanding of keywords parliament, democracy, law, MP, MSP,Euro MP, voting, constituency, etc.
Identify and group different types oflaws Criminal/Civil which areas fall intoeach of these categories? Children work in groups to research onearea of law (eg laws on discrimination) and make a poster toexplain their findings and present to the class.
Sort the laws into those which can bemade/passed in Scotland by Scottish Parliament (eg those concerned with education) and those which have to be made/passed inWestminster.
Draw a flowchart of the law makingprocess (good free posters available to support this from theEducation section of Westminster Parliament seeresources).
Discuss the consequences of breakingthe law give the children different crime scenarios (theft,vandalism, mugging, murder, drug dealing, etc) and ask themto research/debate the most likely form of punishment (prison, caution, community service, etc).
Make a worksheet where the childrenhave to match the crime to likely punishment.
Look at the history behind the formingof the Scottish Parliament organise a visit/visit the website write a report of the visit.
Invite your local MSP or Euro MP intoschool and get the children to prepare questions fordiscussion.
Use the Scottish Parliament resourcesto write a day in the life of a MSP.
On a map of the UK mark on whichpolitical parties are in power in different areas of the country identify and discuss reasons for any noticeablepatterns.
Discuss effects of the new Europeanlegislation on peoples rights and responsibilities identifyareas of conflict between different peoplesrights/discuss.
Make a fact file to summarise the keyfeatures of the European Parliament and the role of a EuroMP.
Make a list of needs and wantsdiscuss the differences with the children.
Compare the above with needs ofchildren in third world countries what are their needs? Do theyget what they want? Which organisations seek to helpthem?
Find out about different charities local and world wide carry out fund raising activities to supporta charity of their choice how did they decide which oneto give to? How do charities advertise? Which methods are mosteffective?
What is the role of the lottery infunding local/nationwide projects? Is this the best way to raisemoney? What is peoples motivation? Organise adebate/discussion on how money is raised to help people in need What part do the government play?Discuss the issue ofworld debt/third world country debt to the developed world therole of government/effect of organisations like the JubileeTrust.
SwimmingPool to Close.. Level D
Reasons forClosure:
Too expensive to paythe staff.
It is not usedenough.
It doesnt meet thehealth and safety regulations.
No life guardsavailable.
No money to advertisethe use of the pool.
Reasons toKeep the Pool Open:
Many people would usethe pool if they were made more aware of opening times.
There is no otherpool for miles around.
People have paidtheir council tax and deserve to have good recreationalfacilities.
It is important topromote fitness and encourage people to use localfacilities.
1 What would you doand Why?
2 What are the mostimportant reasons for closure?
3 Why would you fightto keep the pool open?
4 Write a letter tothe council, persuading them to keep the pool open.
Which Charity Should I Choose?
1 Look at each of theletters you have 30 to donate, who should you give your money to?Explain your choice ..
2 Which parts of theinformation in the letters helped you make your choice?
3 Was it easy todecide between children in need in India, old people and the peopleof Bosnia, who have suffered years of war? Explain youranswer
4 How might youorganise your giving to charity in the future to make itfairer?
Discuss activity for pairs orsmall groups.
Which Charity Should I Choose?
1 Look at each of the letters you have 30 to donate, whoshould you give your money to? Explain your choice
2 Which parts of the information in the letters helped youmake your choice?
3 Was it easy to decide between children in need in India,old people and the people of Bosnia, who have sufferedyears of war? Explain your answer.
4 How might you organise your giving to charity in thefuture to make it more fair?
Discussion activity for pairsor small groups.
Assessment Level D
Write your name and the title on a separate sheet of paper. Numberyour answers.
1 What are the two main jobs of Parliament?
2 When did Scotland get its own Parliament?
3 The four main political parties are .....,..., , .
4 The First Minister is .
The Presiding Officer is
My Local SMP is Their Constituency is.
My Local MP is ..
My Local Councillor is ..
5 The Scottish Parliament sits in
The British Parliament sits in
6 What is the name of the current Prime Minister and what ishis party?
7 Give one example of Criminal Law and one example of CivilLaw.
Criminal .
Civil .
8 Who is your Euro MP?
9 How many countries are currently members of the EuropeanUnion? On the back of the sheet name as many ofthem as you can.
10 Which body of people makes the final decision about whether aproposal should be come a European Law? .
11 Where is the European Parliament held?
12 What kinds of issues are debated in the European Parliament? Give a recent example of a way they influenced a majordecision (Answer on the back of the sheet.)
Note: Some overlap withParliament assessment.
Write your name and the title on a separate sheet of paper. Numbereach of your answers carefully.
Breaking the Law:
1 Write down two Criminal Laws and two Civil Laws different fromthe ones in Question 7 on Citizenship 2 Assessment).
2 For each crime below suggest what kind ofpunishment may be given:
Murder ..
Drug dealing
Shop lifting .
3 Draw a simple flowchart to explain how lawsare made and passed in parliament (use a separate sheet of paper).
4 Why is there a need for certain veryspecific laws for example, those concerning racism?
5 How do your needs and wants compare to achild in a 3rd world country?
6 Give some examples of charities that giveaid to 3rd world countries and explain some of the ways they help them. How can we support a charity of our choice?
Name: Date:
1 The two main jobs of a Parliamentare:
Find the blanks for question 2 and3.
2 The Act of Union was in .. Thismeant Scotland no longer had a Parliament of its own.
3 It was not until .. that Scotlandagain had a Parliament.
4 The four mainpolitical partiesare:
5 The First Minister is..
6 The Presiding Officer is..
7 Mary Mulligan visited us. She is an
8 Her constituency is..
9 The Scottish Parliament sits inEdinburgh. The British Parliament sits in
10 The Prime Minister is
TheEuropean Union
11 How many countries are members of the EUat present? ..
12 What percentage of British exports issold to other EU countries? ..
13 Which body makes the final decision onwhether a proposal should become a new European Law?
14 How many European Commissioners arethere? .
15 Where is the European Court of Justice?..
16 Where does the European Parliament meet?..