Name | Maths Block A Unit 2 |
Owner | purpleness |
Level | 4 |
Topic | Numeracy |
Unit | A2 |
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File 1 | 849_Weekly Maths Block A Unit 2.doc |
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Weekly Planning Maths Year FourBlock A Unit 2 W/B: 24/09/07.
Lesson Number | Objectives | Starter | Activities | Review | Notes |
1. | Use decimal notation fortenths and hundreds and partition decimals. | Display a number line from0-1 and as a class mark in 0.5. show the children 0.25 and ask themto stand if they think its bigger than 0.5 and sit if they thinkits smaller. Repeat for 0.75 discussing to check understanding andplacing on number line. | Take a 1 coin and askchildren how this could be divided up amongst 10 people. Leadtowards how many 10p in 1? what is this as a fraction? (1/10).Explain that in decimals, 1/10 = 0.1. compare this to money usinganother example. 2 shared between 10 is 0.20. in money the last 0is important, but not needed in decimals. Draw table on the boardwith fraction on one side and the decimal on the other. Children tocomplete the table with a partner. Draw a number line on theboard and model the decimal places in between 0 and 1. Children todraw three, 10cm lines and mark the decimal places between 0-1, 1-2and 3-4. Ext. Challenge children towrite their own start, finish lines, perhaps using two-digit wholenumbers. | Write 23.4 on the boardwith T U and t above. As children to identify how much each numberis worth. Repeat for other numbers including three digitones. |
2. | Use decimal notation fortenths and hundreds and partition decimals. | Repeat yesterdays starterbut add in more two-place decimals e.g. 0.12 and 0.55. | Ask how to write 1p inpounds. (0.01). On the board write a collection of decimals andas a class put them in the correct order. Give children a sheet ofdecimals, children to write out each list of decimals in orderstarting with the smallest number and going up to thelargest. | Write 2.39, 2.49, 2.59on the board. Ask children to finish the sequence. What ishappening each time? Establish that a tenth is being added. Discussthe leap to 3.09. Starting with 2.39 again ask the children whatwould happen if one hundredth had been added. |
3. | Add or subtract mentally pairs of two-digit wholenumbers.
| Using IWB, display thenumbers 17, 3 and 20. using whiteboards, children to make twoaddition number sentences using these numbers. Check responses thenrepeat for subtraction. Call out some additions and ask children towrite down the inverse operations. | Display Interactive Numbergrid. Highlight 53 and ask what needs to be added to make 100.Repeat with other examples, each time modelling how a number squarecan be used. Paired Work:one child to write down a number, the otherchild to use number square to make it up to 100 then swap. Whole Class:pick two children to hold up 34p and 67p andcompare their amounts in pence. Discuss their answers, how manymore does one have? How much all together? Paired Work:Back in pairs, children to repeat this activity,discussing the answers to the calculations. | Write 45m-39m= . Ask thechildren: how could you work this out? discuss countingon. |
4. | Add or subtract mentally pairs of two-digit wholenumbers.
Refine and use efficientwritten methods to add and subtract two and three-digit wholenumbers and p. | Revisit the starter fromyesterday but start with 23, 46 and 69. ask some quick firequestions such as, | Children to play a game inpairs. Discuss how playing a game sometimes requires you to respondappropriately to other peoples viewpoints. Give children a gridwith one, two and three digit numbers on. Children take turnspicking two numbers form the grid that they think they can addtogether. They must pick at least one three-digit number. The otherplayer can use a calculator to check their response. If the numberis correct they get a point and cross out the two numbers off thegrid; if they get an incorrect answer they do not get a point andit is the other players turn. The winner is the person with themost points when all the numbers are crossed off the grid. Use thescore sheet to keep a tally. Ext. challenge children tomake the numbers all three-digits. Tell children to use themethods practised last week. | Discuss the efficientmethods for winning the game. Ask: were you always right? When didyou get the answers wrong? Did yu and your partner solve theproblems in the same way? |
5. | Times Tables Work and Test. |