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NamePE- Athletics Plan
DescriptionPE- Athletics Plan Year 1
File 1848_Athletics Medium Term Plan - Yr 1.doc
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Mainand Contrasting Activity




Year 1 -

Acquiring andDeveloping Skills

To remember,repeat and link combinations of actions.

To use theirbodies and a variety of equipment with greater control andcoordination.


Selecting andApplying Skills, Tactics and Compositional Ideas

To chooseskills and equipment to help them meet the challenges they areset.


Knowledge andUnderstanding of Being Fit and Healthy

To recogniseand describe what their bodies feel like during different types ofactivity.


Evaluating andImproving Performance

To watch, copyand describe what they and others have done.





Non-stopshuttle activities between 2 lines for 1 minute 30 secs changingthe activity as directed eg walk, jog, skip, etc. Increaseintensity after 1 minute to include hopping, sprinting and jumpingactions.

Lesson focus:To learn the basic technique of sprinting.


Main Activity-Sprinting:

Using a markedrunning track get the pupils to stand

in a lane andlook ahead down the track. (If a marked track is not available putout pairs of coloured markers15m apart for pupils to run between).Space the pupils out so they each have plenty of room. Practicejogging in the lane staying in the middle and running in a straightline. Change direction when instructed. Practice accelerating tosprint speed. 6 - 8 children run at once from a base line, startjogging, faster, fast as you can, slow down and stop. Wait at arecovery line (use markers) for next go running back again once thewhole class have run. Run a series of 4 x 15m sprints from a startto a finish line staying in lane to jog on to a recovery line.Build up the teaching points giving an additional teaching pointeach sprint. Emphasise focus ahead, stay in the middle of the lane,pump the arms, sprint past finish the finish line before slowingdown.


ContrastingActivity- Distance Running:

With a partner,jog continuously for 1 min 30 secs in a set space; keep togetherand try to keep running (can walk briskly if necessary).

Revise the keyteaching points for sprinting.


Marked track oruse coloured markers.


Non-stopshuttle activities between 2 lines for 1 minute 30 secs changingthe activity as directed eg walk, jog, skip, etc. Increaseintensity after 1 minute to include hopping, sprinting and jumpingactions.

Lesson focus:To develop the basic technique of sprinting and introduce a moreformal standing start.


Main Activity-Sprinting:

Complete 4 x15msprints as last week recapping the main teaching points

6 - 8 childrenrun at once from a base line, past a finish line to a recovery line(use markers) where they wait for their next go. Use the words onyour marks/get set/go

Build up theteaching points giving an additional teaching point each sprint.Emphasise focus ahead, pump the arms, stay in the middle of thelane, sprint past finish the finish line.

Introduce thestanding start: On on yourmarks put one foot forward up to but not touching the start line,on get set bend the knees slightly, on go sprint

Complete 4 morex15m sprints using the standing start.


ContrastingActivity- Jumping:

Introduce thestanding long jump

Jump 2ft to2ft, use a base line and 1/3 of class jump at once. 4 x jumpseach. Emphasise keep feet shoulder width apart, swing the armsforward on take-off, bend knees at start and finish, jump up, besteffort Look at a few examples. Who has a good action? Tryagain.


Revise the keyteaching points for the standing long jump, sprinting and thestanding start.

Marked track oruse coloured markers.


See pageone.


Movecontinuously in a given area for 1 min 30 secs doing intervalrunning eg walk 10 paces, jog 10 paces, run 10 paces etc or changeaction on the whistle if preferred.

Lesson focus:To develop the basic technique of distance running.


Main Activity-Distance Running:

Runcontinuously for another 1 min 30 secs in and out of markerskeeping a steady pace of your own choosing. Emphasise relaxedshoulders, upright posture, moving arms to alternate with legaction, bouncy strides, regular breathing.

Discuss theimportance of breathing deeply and steadily whilst running andpacing yourself to run without having to walk. Choose a partner whoyou think runs about the same pace as you do. Jog continuously for1 min 30 secs side by side trying to keep a steady pace together.Can you keep going without having to walk?


ContrastingActivity- Jumping:

Stand along theedge of the track to face a series of lines for the pupils to jumponto and over in a variety of ways

1. run overwith small leap (like a hurdle)

2. jump fromline to line 2ft to 2ft (kangaroo jump) build up from one jump to 5in a row

3. 2ft to 2 ftover a line sideways (ski jump)

4. hop overeach line

5. skip acrossthe track and back again



Revise the keyteaching points distance running.

Marked track oruse coloured markers.



Movecontinuously in a given area for 1 min 30 secs doing intervalrunning eg walk 10 paces, jog 10 paces, run 10 paces etc or changeaction on the whistle if preferred.

Lesson focus:To develop the basic idea of relay running.


Main Activity-Sprint Relay Game:

Set out pairsof hoops 15m apart with 4 beanbags in one hoop. In teams of 4pupils take it in turns to sprint to the furthest hoop to place abeanbag in it then run back to tag the next member of the team. Howlong does it take them to move all four beanbags? Time them toshare the fastest time and the slowest times. Discuss how theycould speed up. Watch a few chosen individuals and get the pupilsto identify why they are being successful. Try as a class toimprove the times. Do they improve?


ContrastingActivity- Jumping game (as last week):

Stand along theedge of the track to face a series of lines for the pupils to jumponto and over in a variety of ways

1. run overwith small leap (like a hurdle)

2. jump fromline to line 2ft to 2ft (kangaroo jump) buildup

from onejump to 5 in a row

3. 2ft to 2 ftover a line sideways (ski jump)

4. hop overeach line

5. skip acrossthe track and back again


Revise the keyteaching points of the relay.

Marked track oruse coloured markers, beanbags and hoops.


See pageone.


Play a suitabletag game.

Lesson focus:To develop the basic technique of underarm throwing.


Main Activity-Throwing a Beanbag:

Introduce theunderarm technique. Face forwards, hold object in cupped hand, palmup, thumb pressed on top, swing arm forward close to body in astraight line, release object at appropriate point, follow throughshould point at target, step forward onto opposite foot as armswings through, line up object and target before throwing.

Use a baselineand throw into a hoop 1m away, 2 3 pupils at each hoop. Keeptaking it in turns. Now move the hoop 2m away, then 3m away to testboth distance and accuracy.


ContrastingActivity- Jumping Game:

Revise thestanding long jump technique from week 2. Find partner to jumpwith. Try to jump together at the same time side by side. Changepartners when told to.

Revise the keyteaching points of the underarm throw.

Marked track oruse coloured markers, beanbags and hoops.



Jogcontinuously for 1 min 30 secs in a set space avoiding bumping andkeeping a steady pace.

Lesson focus:To develop the basic technique of a push throw (chestpass).


Main Activity-Push action throwing a ball:

Introduce thechest pass action with netballs.

Spread fingersof both hands wide when gripping the ball thumbs almost touching,hold ball at chest height, stand with one foot forward, ,pushstrongly until the arms are straight, follow through to direct thethrow.

In pairs, pushthrow to hit a beanbag placed 1m away. If successful, graduallyincrease the distance of the beanbag. One partner throws the othercollects and moves the beanbag.


ContrastingActivity- Beanbag Relay Races:

In 4's place 2markers 15m apart. The pupils divide into pairs to stand at eachmarker. The first runner sprints to hand a beanbag to the nextrunner. The pupils shuttle back and fore taking it in turns to runwith the beanbag. Keep going continuously until told tostop.

Revise the keyteaching points of the chest pass push throw.

Marked track oruse coloured markers, netballs, beanbags.



Jogcontinuously for 1 min 30 secs in a set space avoiding bumping andkeeping a steady pace.

Lesson focus:To develop the basic technique of jumping 2 feet to 2feet.


Main Activity-Jumping for Distance:

Practicejumping 2 feet to 2 feet. Stand with feet shoulder width apart,bend the knees and take the arms back behind you, swing the armsforward and up at the same time driving upwards to jump stronglyforwards, bend knees at start and finish, best effort

Now link 3jumps in a row, then 5 like a kangaroo. Using the track to jumpacross in pairs watch a partner do some kangaroo jumps. How manyjumps does it take them to completely cross the track? Can they doit in less? Swap over.


ContrastingActivity- Beanbag Relay Races (as last week):

In 4's place 2markers 15m apart. The pupils divide into pairs to stand at eachmarker. The first runner sprints to hand a beanbag to the nextrunner. The pupils shuttle back and fore taking it in turns to runwith the beanbag. Keep going continuously until told tostop.

Revise the keyteaching points of the kangaroo jump technique.

Marked track oruse coloured markers, beanbags.