Name | Geography- Road Safety |
Owner | gingeremma |
Level | 1 |
Topic | Geography |
Unit | Road Safety |
Description | Plan and Resources for Teaching Road Safety |
File 1 | 848_Geography- Road Safety.doc |
File 2 | 848_Road Safety PP.ppt |
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Learning Objectives | |||||||
Session1 | Session2 | Session3 | |||||
o Tomake pupils aware of the principles of road sign design and tounderstand the link between colour / shape and safety. o Toconsider where and when they and other road users might see variousroad signs and why they are important.
| o Tomake pupils aware that they need to use their eyes and ears to lookand listen for traffic when they are near a road. o Toencourage pupils to realise that there are many different thingsthat can distract their attention and endanger them on theroads. | Science4 3a and b: Children are able to identify different light sources,including the sun and that darkness is the absence of light. | |||||
Session | Introduction andActivity | Plenary | Resources | ||||
1 Mon pm | RoadSigns
Tell thechildren that this week they will be thinking about road safety andto will begin with they will be going on a road sign treasurehunt. We will find out their meanings later. | Show apowerpoint that explains the meaning of different road signs. Canthey guess the meaning of any of them? | Powerpoint,small laminated road signs for treasure hunt. | ||||
2 Tue pm | Distractions
Show the roadsafety PP which contains pictures of children crossing the roadsafely and dangerously. Children will say safe / unsafe thenexplain why. The last picture shows some children being distractedwhen crossing the road. Answer the following questions: Why isthe place they have chosen to cross the road dangerous? Is thereany thing else that is making the crossing dangerous? How couldthey correct their behaviour so that they are safe?
Ask thechildren to brainstorm some different types of road safetydistractions, e.g. reading, playing a hand-held games console,texting/using a mobile phone, listening to music on an iPod/CDWalkman. Show the children a blank red triangular sign and remindthem that it is used to warn road users of a potential dangerahead. Say to the children that they must have a go at creatingtheir own warning sign to show people what they shouldnt do whentrying to cross the road, e.g. listen to music.
| Allow thechildren time to share their warning signs. Hopefully they shouldnow be able to avoid those distractions when crossing the road.Finish with the Road Safety PP which shows the Green Cross Code.Show the latest hedgehogs safety advert. | Road safety PP,blank red triangular sign worksheet, felt tip pens orpencils. | ||||
3 Wed pm | Travelling inthe Dark
Read a storysuch as The owl whos afraid of the dark. Ask the children todescribe what it is like when it is dark. Ask questions e.g. Atwhat time of day is it dark? Why is it dark? When is it light andwhy? Establish in the introduction that darkness is the absence oflight and that it is the sun that gives us light. Remind childrenof dangers of looking directly at the sun.
Ask thechildren to select from the objects things that might help us inthe dark and discuss why. Help them to identify different sourcesof light. (Resources- a variety of objects that are not lightsources e.g. lego brick, doll, etc. Torches, pictures of candles,the sun, car headlights, cycle lamps.)
Discuss whycars and bikes turn their lights on at night. Why is it importantto see and be seen? How can we make ourselves safer if we are outwalking in the dark? Look at a doll dressed in dark colours and onedressed in bright colours. Ask which one a car driver would seemore easily and why? Ask if they notice what the school crossingpatrol wears and why?
Children tocolour in a picture of a child in a colour that would be easy tosee in the dark. Travelling in the Dark Worksheet 1.
| Road safetycrossword on Road Safety PP. | Story- The OwlWhos Afraid of the Dark,light and non-light sources, two dolls(one in dark and other in light colours), fluorescent jacket of thesort worn by cyclists doing cycle training, Travelling in the DarkWorksheet 1. | ||||
OtherActivities | ICT- | ||||||
Roadsafety crossword. Make aposter with the Green Cross Code.
| Road SafetyGames
The GreenCross Code | RoadSafety
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