Name | Science - Space |
Owner | RReich-Storer |
Level | 6 |
Topic | Literacy |
Unit | Space |
Description | Space Scheme Of Work |
File 1 | 211_space scheme of work.doc |
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Topic: Space
Year 5/6
Subject Link | Objectives | Activities | Vocabulary | Outcomes | Resources | NC Links |
| to use BC and ADappropriately
howthe Aztec civilisation relates to other historical periods and tothe chronology of world history
| Discusstimeline. Ask pupils whether they can relate thisto any other periods they have studied give prompts if needed before or after Victorians? Ancient Greeks? Ancient Egyptians?Tudors? (Try to get pupils to suggestapproximate dates without reference to their books). (Chronologyelement). Make the point that the Aztec empire actually beganaround 1300. Give out books andask pupils to leave one page blank for title page. Pupilscopy timeline 1300 2007. One line equals 50 years.
Inatlas, find Central America on world map. Look at continent map andidentify Mexico. Give out maps and identify Mexico on these. Pupilsstick maps in books.
| ancient,BC, AD, century
| locateMexico on a map use BC and AD correctly sequence the historical periodsthey know from the Aztec civilisation to present day
| mapsof the world, Aztec civilisation, Tenochtitlan; information on the Aztec civilisation
| toobserve objects in detail tomake inferences torecord these inferences tomake observational drawingsof artefacts tointroduce new vocabulary.
| Showthe children pictures or replicas of a number of Aztec objects.Provide questions to encourage the children to observe the objectscarefully and to guide group discussions about them. Ask groups toreport back to the class. Discuss the questions, 'What do theobjects tell us about Aztec life?' and What do objects not tellus?' Linkwith aspects of literacy. The children write brief sentences torecord their conclusions, perhaps in the form of descriptivewriting.
| archaeologist, museum,evidence
| observeand discuss objects in detail make inferences and deductionsfrom objects record these inferences learn new vocabulary.
| tomake deductions about lifein the past from pictures andplans of Tenochtitln about how the city came to bebuilt howmuch life in the capital dependedon tribute.
| Givethe children pictures and ground plans of Tenochtitln, the Azteccapital city. Tell them the story of the Aztec creation myth. Thestory will provide more information about possible reasons why theAztecs decidedto settle where they did, and about the disadvantages of the area.Discuss with the class how the island in take Texcoco, althoughsnake-infested, would have provided a refuge for the Aztecs whenthey were a nomadic people, and how agriculture in the floatinggardens' provided many of their foodstuffs. Discuss also how lifebecame more difficultas the population expanded, and how the Aztecs came to depend ontribute from their empire for food and raw materials.
Askthem to complete a grid with two headings: 'Reasons why theAztecs mighthave chosen to live here' and 'Reasons why the Aztecs might nothave preferred to live here.'
| pictograms, ideogramsglyphs, temples, causeway
| extractinformation about Tenochtitlnfrom pictures andplans extract information from a story provide answers that show the relationship between the location andtopography of Tenochtitln and the way of life of theAztecs.
| Thatpupils will find out about Aztec houses for poor people. Thatthey will draw and label a diagram of a house.
| Lookat diagrams of an Aztec house. Ask pupils how these are differentfrom their own houses (comparingbetween cultures) and why this is. List all features onboard: Wallsof mud and stone. Thatchedroof. Broomfor sweeping. Diggingstick. Mudfloor. Openfire. Storagebins for food. Handmadepots. Waterjar. Strawmat. Hearthgod. Drawdiagram, then write an explanation of many of the features
| Folensp40-41 and Ginn p26 |
| tomake deductions about lifein the past from pictures anddrawings of Aztec men, womenand children howthe Aztecs were skilled inmany crafts torecord their observations insentences.
| Givethe children pictures of men, women and children, and also ofpriests, warriors and the emperor. Consider how status was shown inthe type of dress worn. Ask the children to look carefully at theway items of dress were made and the materials used to makethem. Linkwith literacy. During a shared writing time, write sentences aboutthe observationsthe children have been able to make.
| observeclosely the way Aztecsfrom different levels of society dressed begin to understand how Azteccostumes were made and the materials they were made from record in sentences their observations.
| To comparethe roles of men and women | Provide thechildren with information on the lives of Aztec men and women.Children compare and contrast. |
| Toinvestigate the cycle of life for Aztecs. | Discuss howtheir lives were centred around religious ceremonies. Discuss whatrituals they had at birth and death. |
| British museuminformation pack |
| That pupilswill understand that the Aztecs used glyphs. That theywill design their own Aztec style glyphs.
| Look atGinn p35. Explain that the Aztecs used these signs instead ofwriting and that these are called glyphs. Ask pupils if they knowof any other cultures which used pictures for writing (linksbetween cultures) and compare these with Egyptianhieroglyphics. Look atFolens p19. Explain that tribes conquered in battle by the Aztecshad to pay taxes to the emperor, Montezuma. These taxes wererecorded in glyphs. Ask pupilsto find on the picture a feathered shield, a battledress for asoldier, beads, a bunch of quetzal feathers (remind pupils thatthese were highly prized) a bag of beans, a sack of chilli peppers.How many bags of beans were sent? How many bundles of feathers?What do you think the feathers were used for? Give outAztec Writing sheet for pupils to look at. Explain that the Aztecssometimes put two or three glyphs together, as on p35 of Ginn book.Show on board Quauhtitlan Quauilt = tree, titlan = teeth, sothey would draw a tree with teeth. In History books, pupils choose3 Aztec glyphs to copy and label. Then they try to draw their ownglyphs for place names listed on board. Give example of Barking they could draw an iron bar and a king. Places:Dartmouth, Bath, Braintree, Gateshead, Hertford, Rugby,Liverpool.
| AztecWriting sheet, Ginn book; Folens book.
| To find outabout the Mesoamerican number system. To use the Mesoamericannumber system. | Discusswith the children how we have found out about the Aztecs. Explainthat historians have also used writings to find out about thenumber system they used. Look at the symbols and what theyrepresented.
Record inbooks. Have a go at doing sums using the number system. |
| about therange of sources which havesurvived from the Aztecperiod that whatwe know about the past isdependent on what hassurvived to listwhat they have learnedfrom the sources and say howthe source is useful
| Give thechildren a range of sources, eg photographs ofarchitecture, examples of Aztecart, codices, artefacts, Spanish texts. Ask thechildren to list what they can learn from these different sourcesand discuss why these sources have survived. Finally, ask thechildren to evaluate them.
| archaeologist, museum,evidence
| ask andanswer questions about whathas survived from Aztectimes begin toevaluate at a simplelevel a range of sources interms of how much theyreveal about the past list whatthey have learned from the sources.
| about Aztecpyramids and deities to usesources of informationin ways which go beyondsimple observation to writelabels and captions based ontheir own research.
| Givethe children information about Aztec beliefs, religious rites andgods. Link with ICT. Ask the children to select pictures of objectsfrom books and the internet to provide evidence about Aztecbeliefs. Askthem to draw the objects and label them showing what the objectmight tell us, eg an idol - the Aztecs believed in manydifferent gods. Linkwith literacy. Ask the children to create a museum by selectingpictures about Aztec beliefs and gods by producing interestingcaptions for the audience to read.
| selectpictures about Aztec beliefs create amuseum display about Aztec beliefs and gods writelabels and captions based ontheir own research.
2 lessons plush/w | That pupilswill use sources of information to answer questions. (Usingsources) That theywill present their information in a way which is interesting toothers.
| Explainthat the Aztecs worshipped many Gods, each representing an aspectof everyday life. Look at picture of statue of Coatlicue on page 28of Ginn, and mask of Sun God onp20 of Folens book. Explain to pupils that they will have twolessons and one homework to research one of these AztecGods. They should produce a brief written description of the God,explaining their name, and what they were the God of. They need toproduce an illustrationwhich then will be a mask (using the mosaic technique used by theAztecs - Gods: Chalchiuhtlicue Quetzalcoatl Tezcatlipoca Tlacloc Xihtecutil Chicomecoatl Mictecacihuatl
| Sheets onthe gods (in various support photocopiable books Ginn,Folens, Scholastic), Ginnand Folens textbooks.
Art History
3 lessons | how tocreate their own versions of Aztec objects, suchas masksusing a varietyof media
| Use theirpiece of work on gods to produce a mask from clay. Use Aztec styleto decorate. |
| make theirown versions of Aztec objects and clothes begin toappreciate the skills ofAztec craftsmen
| about theAztec defeat at the handsof the Spanish conquistadors thatpoetry was used by the Aztecs todescribe their feelings to writedescriptive words and phrasesto describe their ownfeelings as they listen tothe poems torecreate the past using drama/roleplay.
| Tell thechildren the story of the Spanish conquest and in particular, aboutthe meeting between Cortes and Moctehozuma. Read thepoem 'Flowers and songs of sorrow' to the children and ask themwhat it tells us about the feelings of the Aztecs at thetime. Link withliteracy. The children write down descriptive words and phrases todescribe their own feelings. Ask thechildren to use drama/role play to recreate some of the scenes ofthe Aztec defeat using costumes and artefacts they producedearlier. They could also include extracts from the poem and musicfor effect.
| understandthe key events in thedefeat of the Aztecs begin toappreciate the usefulnessof Aztec poetry for findingout about the past writedescriptive words and phrases usedrama/role play to recreatethe past.
| aboutdiffering interpretationsof the conquest ofthe Aztecs thathistorical accounts can be based ondifferent views. becritical of the evidence that we have, eg the Spanish texts as asource of information about theAztecs.
| Give eachhalf of the class a short extract to read and discuss: onetaken from anAztec account of the conquest and the other an extract froma Spanishaccount. Links with literacy. Ask the children to note the keypoints in each account and then report back to the class. Discuss thedifferent views of the conquest and how historians' accounts can differdepending on the sources they use.
| read anddiscuss different interpretationsof a past event inAztec times note keypoints from each account inferdifferent points of view that can bederived from sources onthe conquest of theAztecs.
| To discusswho are the most significant emperors and why
| Visitthe mexico gallery at the british museum. |