Name | Ancient Greece |
Owner | RReich-Storer |
Level | 5 |
Topic | History |
Unit | Ancient Greece |
Description | Ancient Greece |
File 1 | 211_ancient greece scheme of work.doc |
File 2 |
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Topic: AncientGreeks
RollingProgramme 1
SubjectLink | Objectives | Activities | Vocabulary | Outcomes | Resources | NC Links |
Geography | To understandabout the climate and terrain of Greece today. | Lesson 1 -introduction IntroduceGreek topic. Brainstorm existing knowledge the children have. Withchildren, locate Greece on a globe and/or world map. Talkabout fact that Greece is part of Europe. Many go there on holiday.Why? projects/webunits/greecerome/Greecegeog1.html Childrenwho have been to Greece could talk about what Greece is like -weather, buildings etc. Distributephotographs of Greek landscapes from holiday brochures. Talk aboutwhat children can gain from the photographs - Greece is hilly,Greece is hot, There are people in shorts, and There are lots ofbushes on the hills. Childrencan stick the photograph into their topic book and record theirobservations underneath. Calculate distance from Britain to Greeceusing the scale on the map. | terrain | Childrenwill be able to locate Greece on a map. Children will know somephysical and climate features of Greece. | Holidaybrochurepictures, globe, Atlases, World map. | Geography:1a), 2c) d), 3a) b) c). |
History | To be able toplace the ancient civilization in time. To understandthat Ancient Greece was made up of city states. | Lesson 2 toplace ancient Greece in time Recapon knowledge of Greece today. Introduce children to the topic ofAncient Greece. Explain that the Ancient Greeks lived about 4000years ago. Explain the terms BC - Before Christ & AD - Anno Domini(Latin) 'In the Year of our Lord'. Talk about how our calendarworks, and that it is based around the Christian belief that JesusChrist was born in 0AD. Lookat how the numbering works for AD & BC. The bigger the BC number,the longer ago it happened. Discusstravel and the city states, boats and sailing etc. the difficultyof being isolated and the lack of communication. Workthrough with the children placing some Greek events onto atimeline. Children to continue on own timeline.
| A.D. B.C | Childrenwill be able to locate Ancient Greek civilization in time. Childrenwill have knowledge of BC and AD | Preprinted timeline sheets - differentiated | History:1a) b), 5a) b) c) |
History | To understandwhat is meant by democracy. To understandsome of the ideas of people living in Athens and Sparta. | Lesson 3 Athens and Sparta Locate Athens and Sparta on a map. Children todescribe physical features of location - near to the sea, bymountains etc. Talk about the fact that these cities were states;they ran their states differently and were rivals. Lookat a scene of Athenian and Spartan life; compare differences andsimilarities. Focus on homes, buildings/statues, whatwomen/men/children roles were and the size of their army. Explainthe term democracy and what it means for us today. Did Athens andSparta have a democracy? Read pages 6-8in Ginn. Discuss differences and similarities, as a class sort outstatements from sheet into either Athens or Sparta. | Democracy | Childrenwill know that Athens and Sparta were city states that governedthemselves. Children will know some differences and similaritiesbetween Athens and Sparta. | Statementsheets. Resource books(Ginn) | History:2a) b), 4a), 12 |
History | To inferinformation about Greek wars and warfare from illustrations andartifact photographs. To study armourand warships. | Lesson 4 Whatmade Greeks such great fighters? Recapon ideas that Ancient Greece was split into city states and thatGreece is made up of many islands; often to get to different statesthere was a need to cross water. Leadonto why army and ships were so important - city states oftenfought against each other, the armies needed to cross water and itwould take a long time to cross the hills, on foot, with heavyarmour. Lookat pictures of pottery depicting Greek soldiers fighting, andships. What information can be gained? Ginnpage16 | tireme,artifacts, | Childrenwill understand why Greek fighting ships were important. Childrenwill be able to draw information and make conclusions from 'real'evidence. Children will have knowledge of Greek soldier and shipterms. | Ginn Pictures of Greekand Persian soldiers. Resource picturesof pottery. | History:2a), 4a) b), 12 |
History | To look at themain events and characters of a key battle. To know that abattle may be interpreted in different ways and why this is so. Tounderstand how modern events have connections with the past. | Lesson 5 Thestory of Marathon Greece and the battle with thePersians Talkabout real or fictitious events that will encourage a discussion ofinterpretation of events by different people: a playground fightwhere both children involved feel the other is to blame, a goal ina football match described as 'skilful' by one team and 'lucky' bythe other. Talk about why different people might interpret eventsdifferently and the effect this has on the value of the Historyrecounts that have survived. Explainthat you are going to tell the story of a battle that took place inAncient Greece. Enlist children to act out parts of the story tomake it more visual. Ask the children to think about how differentpeople might have interpreted the battle and how much we can'trust' the retellings. Ask the children to decide whether theythink a Persian or a Greek recounted this event and give reasonsfor their thoughts. | Marathon, Persia,Athens | Childrenwill know the main characters and events of a key battle. Childrenwill understand that events can be interpreted differentlydepending on viewpoint. Children will appreciate that modern eventsmay have connections with the past. | Ginn pages14-15
Story boardsheets differentiated? | History:2c), 3, 12 |
History | To be able todeduce information about Greek beliefs and religious practices frompictures of buildings and pottery.
To learn aboutthe beliefs of Ancient Greeks. | Lesson 6: GreekGods and Temples Show MountOlympus on a map and introduce it as the home of the Gods (Page 30in Ginn). Discuss the Parthenon the home of Athena (page 10 inGinn). Discuss the Acropolis. How do we findout about things in the past? From the buildings and pottery. Classto use whiteboards to record what information can be gained fromthe pictures displayed record on flip chart.
Watch program 2Greek Gods and temples in Eureka. Check we have itstill????? webenquiry/greeks/question1.html
| Acropolis,Parthenon, Mt. Olympus | Children will beable to deduce information from pottery and buildings about thereligious beliefs of the ancient Greeks. | Greek Godsheet Eurekatape Greek books forresearch Ginn books | History:2a) b), 4a), 5a) c), 12 |
History | - to deduce infoabout Greek beliefs and religious practices from pictures ofbuildings and artefacts; - about thebeliefs of the ancient Greeks | Lesson 7: GreekGods Discuss thebackground to Greek gods and goddesses explanations for things.Discuss human and non-human qualities. Use powerpoint o showpictures and descriptions of Zeus, Hestia, Demeter, Ares, Poseidon,Aphrodite, Hera, Hades. - complete afact-file card on a Greek god - research sources(books/internet) to write and make fact-file card. Cut out picturesof various god/desses and write a brief description of theirfeatures Frames for lowerability. Higher ability to note the primary sources which wereprobably used to find this information. webenquiry/greeks/gods.html |
| Children will beable to deduce information from pottery and buildings about thereligious beliefs of the ancient Greeks. |
Linked to Englishunit on myths | To understandaspects of Greek Myths and where we gain this information. To knowwhat a myth is. | Lesson 8 -Greek Myths Read togetherpage 32 of Ginn and discuss. Read a Greek mythto the class, such as The labours of Herakles, Theseus and theMinotaur etc. How have thesemyths been recorded?
Record parts ofthe story on the board to help the children in their independenttask. | Herakles, Theseus, myths | Children to beable to retell a Greek myth and to understand what a mythis. | Storyboard sheets differentiated.
Greek myth
Pictures? | History:2a) b), 4a), 5a) c), 12 |
History Art | Tobe able to understand the role of theatre in Greek life. Childrenare to recognise the main features of a Greek theatre. | Lesson 9 & 10 Greek Theatre Discuss page 42and 43 in the Ginn book. Ask questions for verbal response.Talk about the shape, acoustics, andpresence of an altar, seating, the stage and how it was built inthe open air. Explainthat Ancient Greek theatre originated from a festival held inhonour of the God Dionysus. Introduce the different types of playsthat were shown - tragedies and comedies. Talk about the elementsof each. Ask children to suggest whether the Greek myths they knowwould be comedies or tragedies. Discuss the factthat the masks had to have exaggerated features because of theseating
| comedy, tragedy,Dionysus, acoustics | Childrenwill understand the role of Greek theatre and to recognise the mainfeatures of it. | Masktemplates Elastic Art supplies formasks
| History:2a), 4a), 12 |
English | Children todevelop their speaking and listening skills through practicing andproducing their own Greek myth. Children toappreciate and recognise the main features of Greek theatre. | Lesson 11 Performing Greek myths Remind childrenof the previous lesson on Greek theatre. How would they havedressed? Discuss dramatic arm movements etc. In their mixedability groups, children are to practice and rehearse their GreekMyth.
Perform withmasks made in previous lesson. | evaluate,theatre, exaggeration, expression | Children willdevelop their speaking and listening skills through practicing andproducing their own Greek myth appreciating the conventions ofGreek theatre
| Space..hall | S+L En 1:1,2,4 |
History | Childrento make inferences about the Olympic Games. Children to know whythe Olympic Games were important to the Ancient Greeks. | Lesson 12 TheOlympic Games -Explain thehistorical background of the Olympics (procedures, ceremoniesetc) -show video fromespresso of coverage -chn to recognisethis modern day event as a legacy from Ancient Greece. -discuss when,who, where, prizes of modern day olympic games. -Give each groupa title to talk about (eg Olympic Creed) with some information -discuss understanding of the title and feed this back to the restof the class while the rest of the class takes notes on what isbeing said.
Create their ownOlympic games timetable/poster and present it to the class. projects/webunits/greecerome/Greecesports1.html | Olympics | Childrenwill be able to make inferences about the Olympic Games. Childrenwill know why the Olympic Games were important to the AncientGreeks. | Greek informationbooks, photos, internet etc. | History:1b), 2a) c) d), 4a) b), 5a) c) 12 |
PE |
| Lesson 13:Olympic games event
Art | toinvestigate and combinevisual and tactile qualitiesof materials and processesto show movement to use avariety of methods andtechniques to showmovement to applytheir experience ofmaterials and processes,developing theircontrol of tools and techniques to matchmaterials and processesto ideas and intentions.
| Lesson 14-Actionfigure sculpture Demonstratehow to use pliers in different ways, bend ends of wire forsafety purposes. Ask thechildren to experiment using pliers to bend the wire. Demonstratehow to make a simple armature, twisting wire in the middle for thehead shape, body and legs, add second piece for arms, doublewire forstrength. Ask thechildren to make an armature for their sculpture by: usingwire to create the movement of the figure, consider joints, balancingthe weight, working from original drawings staplingthe wire to a wooden base for stability buildingform onto the armature using screwed up newspaper and maskingtape cuttingmod roc (plaster impregnated bandages), into thin strips, soakingin water, modelling form of figure using mod roc. Ask thechildren to paint the figure when dry.
| practisetechniques for using wire explorethe visual and tactile qualitiesof wire developskills and techniques using modroc to model form make asculpture of a figure usingconstruction and modelling techniques,from original drawingsand photographs.
Art | to adapttheir work accordingto their views anddescribe how they mightdevelop it further tocompare the ancient and modernOlympic games.
| Lesson15: Action figuresculpture Ask thechildren to make considered changes to their work as needed. Discusswhat is most and least effective about the work as itprogresses. Reviewfinished sculptures. Compare their work with other sculptorswork. What materialsand processes did the sculptors use? How has thesculptor shown movement?Did the use of visual qualities suit the purpose? Lookat statues of Greekathletes and Greek gods? What does that tell you about their beliefs,thinking about why the games were held in the firstplace? Discuss howthe ancient Olympic games differed from the modern version. Ask them tosuggest the reasons for the differences. This information canbe recorded ona grid, with the columns labelled ancient and modern andthe rowslabelled Location, Reason for games, Events etc.
| adapt theirwork as needed answerkey questions to review theeffectiveness of their ownwork comparetheir work with other sculptorswork as part of the process ofevaluation suggestsimilarities and/or differencesbetween ancient and moderngames.
History | To be able tounderstand aspects of Greek everyday life and the types of workdone by ordinary Greek Citizens. | Lesson 16 -Everyday life Read throughrelevant parts of Ginn pages 20-29. As a class, list the types ofjobs that took place in Ancient Greece.
Watch Eurekaprogram 4 on Everyday life. Discuss.
| Children will beable to list Greek jobs, to understand why they needed to be doneand appreciate the nature of Greek life.
| Ginn books
| History:2a) b), 4a), 12 |
History English | To discover thelinks between the Greek alphabet and our own. | Lesson 17: Greekalphabet Prior to thislesson (in literacy) conduct an activity about the origin of wordsand dicover which words /prefixes /suffixes came from Greeklanguage. Produce Greek word bank. Discuss importance of writingfor recording. Tell chn origins of Greek language. Examine theGreek alphabet noting similarities and differences. Discuss sourcesof evidence pots, sculptures, coins. Translate some Greek lettersto make words. Chn examine copyof Greek coin with Greek god on it written in Greek. Chn useletters to decipher who the god is. Lower ability chn write theirname using Greek letters, while the other chn write a short messagefor a partner to decode. |
A range ofsubjects | To experienceGreek activities. To understand how we gain evidence from thepast. | Children toexperience a range of activities for the afternoons. Perhaps theycould make Laurel wreaths to wear in preparation? As a year groupthese activities could be rotated:
Obviously withsupport and extension where appropriate.
| Consolidateproject through practical and fun activities. |
Extra-curricular |