Name | securing number facts and understanding shape facts nuit1 |
Owner | sorazulume |
Level | 4 |
Topic | Numeracy |
Unit | B |
Description | |
File 1 | 778_Mathematics Plan-unit plan year4 block B.doc |
File 2 |
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Mathematics Plan
Mental/Oral:Related to ISPtargets of multiplication facts. MainTeaching:
| KeyVocabulary:problem,solution, calculator, calculate, calculation, equation, operation,inverse, answer, method, explain, predict, reason, reasoning,pattern, relationship, rule, sequence, sort, classify,property add,subtract, multiply, divide, sum, total, difference, plus, minus,product, quotient, remainder, double, halve, factor, multiple,divisor, round 3-D,three-dimensional, 2-D, two-dimensional, net, construct, regular,irregular, concave, convex, symmetrical, line of symmetry, vertex,vertices, face, edge, polygon, equilateral triangle, isoscelestriangle, quadrilateral, rectangle, square, oblong, hexagon,heptagon, octagon
| Resources:
Whiteboards, SquaredPaper. | ||||||||||||||
Review1 22.09.08 | I knowthe different values of different numbers.
Show the class aset of numbers in words. Ask the children to write them in numbers.Once again assess for knowledge of place value.
| ReviewQuestions & Activities | Evaluation | |||||||||||||
Explain to thechildren that for this review session the class will be looking atnumber patterns.
Q: What is apattern?
Use numbers andshapes to represent different patterns and ask the children to workout what they are how they know. Emphasise that patterns can befound by using all operations, but also may have used more than onecalculation to arrive at the answer.
| TeacherEvaluation
Assess workundertaken noting difficulties class/individual children had duringthe lesson.
Use to adaptfuture planning. | |||||||||||||||
| MentalOral Starter Objective,Activity and Questions | TeachingInput Objectives,Modelling, Resources, Vocabulary and Questioning | Independentactivities | TeacherFocus Group | Plenary | Assessment | ||||||||||
Review2 - Tues 23.09.08 | I canrecognise if a shape is symmetrical.
Show a variety ofshapes on the smartboard. Children assess whether they aresymmetrical or not and how many lines of symmetry there are. |
Review thechildrens knowledge of 2D and 3D shapes and theirproperties.
Have words andshapes on the board and children match them according to theirproperties.
Q: What shape isthis? How do you know?
Is this shapesymmetrical? How do you know? | Children sortshapes into categories using a Venn Diagram. | HA: Group drawthe properties and symmetry of a shape.
Identify whethera shape is symmetrical using a Venn Diagram. LA: TA Class sort shapesinto Venn Diagrams according to the sides.
| Assess workundertaken noting difficulties class/individual children had duringthe lesson.
Use to adaptfuture planning. | TeacherAssessment
Assess workundertaken noting difficulties class/individual children had duringthe lesson.
Use to adaptfuture planning. | ||||||||||
Session3 Weds 24.09.08
| I knowthe value of each digit in a number.
Show the class aseries of numbers. They write on whiteboards the value of theunderlined digit. | L.I.:I can round numbers to estimate what the answer could be.
Refresh rule ofrounding. Explain to the children that we can use our roundingskills to estimate what the answer to a calculation couldbe.
Practice exampleson the board, e.g. 36 + 32; 40 + 30 =70.
Explainthat your answer must be close to your rounded answer. | Children attemptto round set differentiated questions on the smartboard usingmethod taught. | HA:Teacher Group roundnumbers of calculations with 4 digit numbers and higher.
As above but with3 numbers
LA: TA As above but with2 numbers | Mark work andanswer misconceptions.
| Self-Assessmentand Teacher/TA assessment | ||||||||||
Session4 Thurs 25.09.08 | I cancount up and down in 10s from a given number.
Provide a randomnumber and class go up and down accordingly. | L.I.:I can calculate the doubles of numbers.
Discuss with thechildren what double means.
Q: What doesdouble mean? Q: Whatcalculation strategies could I use to solve the problem?
| Children use diceto find numbers for them to double. | HA: IndependentFind doubles of numbers of 3 digit numbers.
| Mark work andanswer misconceptions. | Self-Assessmentand Teacher/TA assessment | ||||||||||
Session5 Fri 26.09.08 | I cancount in 100s from a given number.
Provide a randomnumber and class go up and down accordingly. | L.I.:I can work additions and subtractions with 10s, 100s and1000s.
Show the childrenthe calculation 3 + 7 = 10. Explainthat from this calculation we can solve calculations of largernumbers.
Demonstrate30 + 70 = 100; 300 + 700 = 1000 etc.Explain to children 10s, 100s and 1000s can be solved by removing0s and building up again. | Children workthrough questions on the smartboard for 10s, 100s and 1000s.
Extension: 10000setc. | HA: Teacher Solvecalculations with 100s. Solvecalculations with 10s.
| Mark work andanswer misconceptions. | Self-Assessmentand Teacher/TA assessment | ||||||||||
oSession6 29.09.08 | I knowmy 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables.
Use tablemountain on | L.I.:I can solve division facts using multiplication skills. |
| HA:Teacher 100s
10 and then100s
LA:Independent 10s
| Mark work andanswer misconceptions. | Self-Assessmentand Teacher/TA assessment | ||||||||||
Session7 30.09.08 | I canfind the odd one out.
Show the numbers16, 32 and 13 on the smartboard. Askchildren what they think the odd number is and why. | L.I.:I can find a relationship in a set of numbers.
L.I.:I can explain how I solved a problem.
Show the class a varietyof numbers. Begin with a set to solely find the pattern and theproceeding numbers and then to find the missing number too.
e.g. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25; 4, 8, __, 16, 20, __,28.
Q: What is the rulefor this set of numbers? Q: What will thenext three numbers in this sequence be? Q: What is/arethe missing number(s)?
| HA: TA MA:Independent | Discuss work andmark.
Talk aboutmethods of checking your work. | Self-Assessmentand Teacher/TA assessment | ||||||||||
Session8 01.10.08 |
| L.I.: I can investigatea rule involving number.
Children areshown a set of numbers and a rule.
Q: Is this rulecorrect in each term?
| Children havedifferentiated rules to investigate. | HA: Teacher
| Discuss work andmark.
Talk aboutmethods of checking your work. | Self-Assessmentand Teacher/TA assessment | ||||||||||
Session9 02.10.08 | I canunderstand mathematical vocabulary
Class see aselection of words on the smartboard. Children draw four equalsections (+,-,x,/) on theirwhiteboards and write the words into the correct section, accordingto what operation they feel the words apply. | L.I.:I can solve one step problems involving number, money andmeasure.
Explain that thecontext of questions have changed. Now, the children attempt toanswer word problems using previous skills. Show the children 3examples of word problems.
Q: What is the processof solving a word problem? Q: How manycalculations would you solve in a one step problem? | Children havedifferentiated word problems. | HA:Independent
| Discuss work andmark.
Talk aboutmethods of checking your work. | Self-Assessmentand Teacher/TA assessment | ||||||||||
Session10 03.10.08 | I canunderstand mathematical vocabulary
Class see aselection of words on the smartboard. Children draw four equalsections (+,-,x,/) on theirwhiteboards and write the words into the correct section, accordingto what operation they feel the words apply. | L.I.:I can solve two-step problems involving number, money andmeasure.
Explain that the contextof questions has changed. Now, the children attempt to answer wordproblems using previous skills. Show the children 3 examples ofword problems.
Q: What is the processof solving a word problem? Q: How manycalculations would you solve in a two-step problem? | Children havedifferentiated word problems. | HA:Teacher
LA:Independent | Discuss work andmark.
Talk aboutmethods of checking your work. | Self-Assessmentand Teacher/TA assessment | ||||||||||
Session11 06.10.08 | I knowthe properties of different shapes.
Have the childrentouch a feely bag. Children predict what the shape in the bag couldbe using their prior knowledge of shapes.
I thinkit is a circle, because | L.I.: I can sort shapesby their properties.
Class havedifferent shapes on the carpet and in pairs/small groups discusshow they would group the shapes. Take responses from groups,including the reasons why they have suggested their answer.
| Class have adescription of shapes to draw. They draw shapes accurately to findwhat the shape is. | HA:Teacher
LA:Independent | Guess theshape.
The class askYes/No questions to gather clues for a shape. | Self-Assessmentand Teacher/TA assessment | ||||||||||
Session12 07.10.08 | I canpick out the odd one out
The class pickout the odd shape from a selection. Use an equilateral triangle, square and scalenetriangle. | L.I.:I can recognise if shapes have lines of symmetry.
Usequadrilaterals, triangles and variety of irregular shapes forchildren to pick out which shapes are symmetrical or not.
Q: What shapesare symmetrical? Q: How can youtell? | Children sortshapes for lines of symmetry.
Differentiated bythe amount of lines of symmetry. | HA:Teacher
LA:Independent | Discuss work andmark.
Talk aboutmethods of checking your work. | Self-Assessmentand Teacher/TA assessment | ||||||||||
Session13 08.10.08 | I canrecognise different 3D shapes by their properties.
Guess theshape.
Children askyes/no questions to find out what the mystery 3D shape is. | L.I.:I can visualise 3D shapes from 2D drawings
Show the class twodifferent 2D shapes and discuss with the children what the shapewould be in 3D and why.
Q: What 3D shapedoes this 2D shape remind you of? Q: Whatproperties are clues for you?
Emphasise use ofkey vocabulary. |
| HA:Teacher
LA:Independent | Discuss work andmark.
Talk aboutmethods of checking your work. | Self-Assessmentand Teacher/TA assessment | ||||||||||
Session14 09.10.08 | I canrecognise the net of a 3D shape.
Class view avariety of nets on the board and choose which are correct 3D netsand which 3D shape they are of. | L.I.:I can make a net for common 3D shapes.
Class useknowledge from starter to then discover how to draw their ownnets.
Emphasise theneed for accuracy when drawing the different faces of the 3D shape.Demonstrate process in a circle group on the carpet.
Draw the net of acube using the input from the children. | Class draw netsof common 3D shapes. | HA:Teacher
LA:Independent | Discuss work andmark.
Talk aboutmethods of checking your work. | Self-Assessmentand Teacher/TA assessment | ||||||||||
Session15 10.10.08 | I knowmy 6 times table.
Use tablemountain on | L.I.:Assess the units work.
Overall assess the workof the previous three weeks. Provide snippets from each lesson,slowly discussing the methods once again.
Addressmisconceptions and misunderstanding of the children indetail.
Q: What did younot understand as well? | Differentiatedquestions targeting previous work undertaken. | HA:Teacher
LA:Independent | Discuss work andmark.
Talk aboutmethods of checking your work. | Self-Assessmentand Teacher/TA assessment | ||||||||||
Name:____________________________Date: 26.11.07
Assessment for Year 4,Block B
Measuring time andrecognising number patterns
Objective | Childscomment | Teacherscomment |
1. Iknow multiplication facts for the 2,3,4,5 and 10 timestables. |
2. Ican count forward and back in 7s
3. Ican recognise patterns in numbers and continue a sequence. |
4. Ican use am and pm notation |
5.I can read simple timetables and calendars.
| |
6.I |
Mathematics Plan
BlockObjectives Mental/Oral: MainTeaching: 1.Suggest a line of enquiry and the strategy needed to follow it;collect, organise and interpret selected information to findanswers. I canthink about an experiment, predict what might happen and decide howI could go about finding out whether it is true.
2. Answer a question by identifying what data to collect; organise,present, analyse and interpret the data in tables, diagrams, tallycharts, pictograms and bar charts. I cancollect data and put it in a table to help me explore an idea andfind out more about it.
3. Report solutionsto puzzles and problems, giving explanations and reasoning orallyand in writing, using diagrams and symbols. I can tell peoplewhat I have found out and show some graphs to back up myconclusions.
4. Choose and usestandard metric units and their abbreviations when estimating,measuring and recording length, weight and capacity; know themeaning of kilo, centi and milli and, where appropriate, usedecimal notation to record measurements (eg 1.3m or0.6kg) I can measurelengths, weights and times to help me find out more about aquestion I am exploring.
5. Interpretintervals and divisions on partially numbered scales and recordreadings accurately, where appropriate to the nearest tenth of aunit. I can measurelengths to the nearest half centimetre, weights in grams andkilograms and times in seconds.
6. Use time,resources and group members efficiently by distributing tasks,checking progress, making back up plans. I can contribute toa task in my group so that we are all being helpful as we collectdata.
| KeyVocabulary:
problem,solution, calculate, calculation method, explain, reasoning,reason, predict, pattern, relationship, classify, represent,interpret | Resources:
Scales, tapemeasures, clocks with second hands. | ||
Review | Checkthat the children understand: Andcan (linked to yr 3 objectives for same block):
| ReviewQuestions & Activities | Evaluation | |
| |||
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