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NamePoetry unit 2 week 2
File 1778_15th_sept_2008[1]-poetry.doc
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Teachers: Ms Hibbert / Ms Palache



Yr Gp:3

Term: autterm1

Wk Beg: 15 sept2008






Whole Class SharedSession



S Criteria /Plenary



Look at shapepoems.

1. Givereasons for views and choices.

2.Follow up others points.

7.Explore how diff texts appeal using descriptivelanguage.

Provide a definitionof shape poetry a poem in which the layout of the words reflectsan aspect of the subject (what the poem is about), Find examples on websites

Look at a widevariety of shape poems both on the internet and in books (seeplan resources).

In each casediscuss the way in which the shape of the poem reflects themeaning. Also look at the type of descriptive languageused.

A shape poem alsoneeds to use words that describe the subject well.

Provide a selectionof shape poems (see plan resources) for CHILDREN to read.Choose their favourite and talk about why they think it is good. TAscribes some reasons.

Children try tomake comparisons







Recognise and readshape poems.

Identify thefeatures of shape poems


Share best poemsand discuss reasons why these were popular.





Writing Poemreview.

7.Explore how diff texts appeal to readers using descriptivelang.

8.Identify features that writers use to provoke reactions.

10.Group related material into paragraphs.

Look again atseveral shape poems. Enlarge Clouds by Stanley Cook p102Madtails, Miniwhale. Discuss some of the descriptions. How arethese appropriate to clouds do the word and phrases help us tosee clouds in a new way? Explain that a shape poem is a mixtureof the layout, the meanings of the words and the sounds the makewhen read aloud. Say that we shall be reviewing a poem saying ouropinion of it


Enlarge andlook at the sample poem review (see plan resources). Howdoes it look (a bit of a mess!). Discuss how it could be improved:we could group sentences into short paragraphs which would make iteasier to read. Discuss and list on f/c headings for paragraphs:description/sound/shape/ overall impact



Other shapepoems can be used






Explain to childrenthat they will write a review of a shape poem theychoose.

Provide the poemsthey read and discussed yesterday. Each child selects a poem toreview. Provide easy group with zigzag books with the headingsnoted on f/c. The rest of the class can use the headings tostructure their review.



Ta supportLA







Identify features ofshape poems.

Write a review of ashape poem



Show different poemsand ask for reviewers comments. Did several people review the samepoem? Did their reviews agree?


Write Descriptive lang.

3. Usetalk to organise ideas.

9.Write non-narrative texts using different structures. Selectdescriptive vocab


Explain thatchildren are going to produce their own descriptive shape poemwhich will take the form of a spiral. Explain that they will needto decide and then focus on one particular topic this could beanything that appeals to them. Remind them of all the poems theyhave read do any suggest a topic? It could be a poem about aperson, or a feeling, or an animal. Brainstorm ideas for goodtopics. Then discuss the strategies we can use to generate goodideas for descriptive language. Remind children of good adjectives,onomatopoeia and comparisons (similes).


work with theteacher to brainstorm their ideas for topics for their poems. Onceeach child has selected a topic, start writing useful descriptivephrases and comparisons



brainstormin pairs or groups of 3 to think about their poem topic. They tryto create new and imaginative descriptions by linking words inunusual ways, or making unusual comparisons.














Share some ofchildrens descriptions. Discuss how we can think of imaginativeand new ways of describing a feeling or a person or ananimal.



1 Identify a topicfor a shape poem in the form of a spiral.

. Discuss and createimaginative descriptions.



Plan and write shapepoem.

7.Identify how diff texts are organised.

9. Writenon-narrative texts using different structures/select and use arange of descriptive vocabulary. Use layout, format, graphics andillustrations.

Write adescription of a dog on the f/c.

Talkpartners words to describea dog


Small, brown,woolly, waggy-tailed Point at small and brainstorm somedifferent words, using odd or unusual comparisons.

Try out somenew words, eg brown and waggy-tailed, the teddy-beardog

Talk about hownew words can be used

Explain tochildren that they are going to write their poem as a spiral. Lookat spiral poems (see plan resources for web addresses).Discuss some different types of spiral tight, loose, square,round, coloured or plain.

Explain tochildren that they will create their own spiral poem using theirdescriptions.


Children startwriting their shape poem, basing it on the work they did yesterday.They should consider how their description should be organised,which words and phrases could be introduced to start their poem.Children check their own work spelling and punctuation. Theythen start laying out their descriptive poem in a spiral. Is it acurled spiral or a straight spiral? Children will do a firstversion of their spiral poem today, and re-drafttomorrow



Model words andphrases to use in poems


Write on stripeor white borads.



In pairs givefeedback to each other on their spiral poems based on list ofsuggested features (see plan resources). Children willredraft their poems tomorrow. Give 3 stars for each wish


1. Write a spiral poem using imaginativedescriptive language.

2. Check their ownwork.

3. Use spiral layoutfor effect.



Write shape poem andpublish.

9. Writenon-narrative texts using different structures/select and use arange of descriptive vocabulary.

Uselayout, format, graphics and illustrations asappropriate.

11.Develop accuracy and speed on keyboard.

Enlarge acouple of confident chns poems in draft form. Encourage positivecriticism. Discuss what shapes our spirals will be in the end.Discuss the use of colour will it add anything to ourdescriptions? Remind chn what the definition of a shape poem is: apoem in which the layout of the words reflects an aspect of thesubject (what the poem is about). Look at our own poems and explainthat today is our chance to edit and improve these before wepublish them in final form. Discuss how some chn may choose towrite out their spirals by hand. Others may prefer to use agraphics software package.


Chn redrafttheir poem as appropriate, editing it and making any improvements.They then either use a graphics programme or write it out neatly.Chn consider the shape of the spiral and the use of colour toenhance their poems subject.


Publish the chnspoems on cut out spirals which then are hung mounted on card near awindow or door in the classroom where any breeze can movethem.



.Write and publish aspiral poem.

Edit and improveown work