Name | Invasion games 3 & 4 |
Owner | boogieninja |
Level | 6 |
Topic | PE |
Unit | Invasion games |
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File 1 | 777_Invasion games 3+4.doc |
File 2 |
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Topic: Invasiongames 3
Autumn 20052nd half
To know and apply thebasic strategic and tactical principles of attack, and to adaptthem to different situations, therefore developing a broader rangeof techniques and skills for attacking and defending.
To choose and applyskills more consistently in activities
To know and understandthe basic principles of warming up, and understand why it isimportant for a good-quality performance. To understand the need toprepare properly for games.
To choose, combine andapply a range of tactics and strategies for defense and attack andperform skills more fluently and effectively in invasiongames
To understand whyexercise is good for their fitness, health and well-being
To develop theirability to evaluate their own and others work, and to suggest waysto improve it
- Stand sidewayson
- Hands on side ofball, fingers spread out
- Swing arms backand forth like a pendulum
- Release towardsreceiver
- What are some ofyou doing to ensure that the ball is always caught? (Accuratethrow, moving towards ball.)
o Whenchildren have released the ball (on the far left of the line) theyrun behind other players to the other end of the line ready tocatch again (and this keeps going)
Defending- explainthe importance of defending in this fast moving game. Remindchildren that this is a no contact game.
Split theplayground into 3 columns, with the class split into 3, 1 linebehind each. Then split each column up into 4 areas and place achild in each.
How have childrenmanaged to get to the end of the area? What are theydoing?
Highlightmovements children are doing (twists turns, change of speed,direction).
Swap childrenover so everyone gets a turn at defending and running.
Play small gameas last week. Encourage children to use defending skills in thegame.
Split thechildren in half, in 2 lines at end of playground. Place 2defenders in each column. Children to go in 2s to try and get toend with ball, using points above.
Once successfulput children in 3s.
Large game usingwhole area. Split class into 3, 1 team off at any time. Encouragesupporting each other on the run in case runner is tagged.
Endof unit tournament / assessment lesson. Use level descriptors toassist in the assessment. For tournament split class into 6 andplay small games.
Most childrenwill be able to: pass, dribble andshoot with control in games; identify and use tactics to help theirteam keep the ball and take it towards the oppositions goal; markopponents and help each other in defence; know and carry outwarm-up activities that use exercises helpful for invasion games;pick out things that could be improved in performances and suggestideas and practices to make them better.
Some childrenwill not have made so much progress. They will be ableto: use asmall range of sending, receiving and travelling techniques ingames, with varied control; know what their team needs to do totake the ball towards the oppositions goal, and contributeoccasionally; follow others in warm-up activities; with guidance,recognise some things that need to be improved in games
Some childrenwill have progressed further. They will beable to: use a number ofdifferent techniques to pass, dribble and shoot; play gamesconfidently; control the ball consistently; use a range of tacticsin attack and defence; carry out thorough, effective warm-upactivities, concentrating on exercises that help their play; adaptthese activities and exercises to meet their own needs; explainwhat is more or less effective in the games played; make changesthat improve their team and individual performance
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