Name | PSHE New beginnings 1 |
Owner | emmabemmabear |
Level | 2 |
Topic | Social Learning |
Unit | New beginnings |
Description | |
File 1 | 769_new_beginnings_year_2__blue_theme_5_seal_mtp.doc |
File 2 |
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Medium Term Plan: SEALTheme 1 New Beginnings BlueBook Year 2Class______________________
WholeSchool | Focussed Class Work(PSHE links with SEAL) | Small groupactivities | Curriculum and otherlinks/follow-up work | Aspects oflearning | |
The Assembly: begin theme with whole school assemblystory. (see p4 for key points from story) (see p6 17of TOB for actual story and variations, and see website foradditional assemblies)
Whole school focus for noticing and celebratingachievement (see p 5) To notice and celebrate (using usualmeans certificates / calls home etc) children and adults who areobserved:
Week 1 Making someone feel welcome
Week 2 Doing something brave overcoming feelings offearfulness
Week 3 Solving a problem/remembering to use theproblem-solving process
Week 4 Calming down/helping someone to calm down
Follow-up assembly End theme with childrenpresenting their best work (see p10 of TOB) |
Circle games and rounds At the start of the term, make surethat all children are familiar with the expectations and agreeground rules (see for Purple set for suggested ground rules andwhole school resource file for circle-time poster)
Circle Games Lining up game. Hedgehogs. Listening Game(see p16)
Rounds I feel happy at school when The best thingabout this class is If we didnt have rules in school it would be I think the best rule in our class is (see p16) | See SilverBooklet |
Citizenship QCA Unit 1 Taking Part - developing skills ofcommunication and participation. And, Respect for all: valuingdiversity and challenging discrimination (see p27)
Art and design QCA Unit 2C Can buildings speak? Lookingat how colours make us feel. (see p27)
ICT Children to use Dictaphone or other ICTequipment to make a record of why they think people in their schoolare special (see p28)
Geography and D&T QCA Geography Unit 3 and QCAD&T Unit 1D - looking at belonging to a community and how wefeel when others join our community or it changes (see p28)
Science QCA Unit 1A how we were as babies and how wehave changed (see p28). QCA Unit 1B looking at planting seedsand what changes we can see throughout the growth cycle. Role playbased on a garden centre perhaps selling matured plant to aidchildren in a developing country (see p28)
Literacy, drama and geographyUse of poemFaisal by Tony Langham to explore how we are unique. Also,use of Katie Morag and the Tiresome Ted by Mairi Hedderwickto explore issues arising from feelings of new members arriving ina group (see p29). Also, see SEAL exemplar lesson plan based onWere going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen which exploresfeelings around new experiences (see p29 and p33-p34)
PE/dance/music Meet and Greet activity to do with greeting newpeople (see p30). QCA Section 3 Knowing and understanding your ownfitness looking at developing own cooling down activities - linkedto calming down strategies (see p30). Also, QCA Games ActivitiesSection 2 create and evaluate games. Think about how it feels towin and lose (see p30). See SEAL exemplar lesson plan based oncreating performance based on the theme of The Creation (see p30and p35 p40). Also, Outdoor and Adventurous activities thinking about skills of problem solving through discussion (seep31)
RE Thinking about the Creation story (seep31) |
This theme focuses on developing children'sknowledge, understanding and skills in four key social andemotional aspects of learning: Empathy Self awareness Social skills Motivation
Atthe start of a New Beginning for the child and teacher thekey ideas will be orientation, establishing routines and learningbasic skills and strategies such as the conventions of circle gamesand rounds.
Plans and focus for Class Meeting: | |
Ongoing Whole Classactivities | |||||
Emotional barometer Find a visual method for your children to showhow much they are feeling (see Whole School Resource file)
Calming downroutines Think about establishing one if you dont haveone
Peaceful Problem Solving Process Usethis whenever appropriate as well as when part of planned programme(see whole school resource file) | |||||
Focussed ClassLearning Opportunities / Core Activities | |||||
Building a community Knowing we belong to a community and havea right to a safe and fair class (see p17)
Exploring feeing Knowing when others are sad or scared andhow to make them feel better (see p19)
Calming down Knowing some ways to calm down when we feelscared or upset (see p20)
Welcoming others Knowing how to make others feel welcome(see p20)
What if there is a problem?Knowing ways to solve aproblem (see p21)
The flag challenge Thinking about belonging and feeling safein a range of communities and good about ways we are similar anddifferent (see p22)
Assessment Teacher to think about the I canstatements. Identify how they will know when a child cando (see p1 and p2)
Vocabulary Teacher to recognise the vocabulary for theirclass. Share with others in the key stage as appropriate (seep3)
Key resources Assembly key points forfollow-up discussion (see p4) SEAL resources |
NBAll page references concern the New Beginnings Years 1 and 2Guidance booklet (exceptthose marked TOB which refer to the Theme Overviewbooklet)