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NameSeaside cross curricular planning
File 1763_Cross curricular Foundation Plans - Seaside Rescue.doc
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Cross-curricularCreative Web

Topic- Seaside Rescue

Key Stage:1

Year Group:2

Term: Spring1

No. of Weeks:5












I knowthe church is a special place forChristians.

I knowabout the important features of thechurch building.

I Can explainsome activities that take place in achurch.

I canshow respect for other people and theirspecial places


I write aboutwho my products are for and explain why they will be useful.

I can estimatethings and compare.

I take digitalphotographs of my product.

I ask otherswhat they think of my design.

I recognise whatI have done well.

I investigate arange of products and how they join.


Learning Intentions:

Ican recount the story of the life of a famous person withdetail.

Iuse a time line to sequence things correctly, using dates.

Iuse the computer to find out about famous figures.

Iknow that some things happen before living memory and can talkabout them.

Ican give reasons for some of the actions of a famous person.

Learning Intensions:

Ican tell how I learn best.

Ican choose a realistic goal.

Ican recognise when I am bored or frustrated.

Iknow ways to overcome boredom and frustrated.

Ican break a goal down into small steps.

Ican tell what I have learned.


Lots of opps for S&L


Learning Intentions:

I can use a wordprocessor to produce sentences that communicate meaning.I canrefine sentences by adding words and making corrections or altersentences in the light of comments.

Learning Intentions:

Idescribe my observation using scientific vocabulary.

Irecord my observations accurately.

Iuse the computer to play science games.

Iwork with a partner to explore fair test.

Ikeep a mind map of what I have learned.

Iuse books to find information.






Lookat photographs of church buildings - inside and outside. Talk aboutwhat the children can see. Remind children that the people who goto church are Christians.

church buildings and contents

things inside a church match the names & infoabout items

S&Lchns own views & experiences of church


Display a range of puppets. Chn to work with apartner to discuss what their favourite puppet is and give a reasonfor their answer. What do you like about the way that the puppetcan move? Ask pairs of chn to feedback to others in the class,holding their favourite puppet whilst talking about it. What arethe differences between the puppets? Look at the different ways thepuppets move and the materials that have been used to make them.How would you describe the materials used to make that puppet? Lookat a variety of materials, eg; fur, cotton, plastic, paper. How doyou think the type of material chosen to make the puppet affectsthe joining techniques that are used? Chn to work in pairs again tolook at the different joining techniques and feedback to T. Sit attables for this activity. Chn to draw the puppet on their table andlabel the materials it is made from. Choose individual chn to bringtheir work back to the carpet. What have you found out today thatyou did not know before?


As literacy lesson to introducetopic (powerpoint)


to identify people from the

present and past who are


to identify how people

became famous

to infer information from

pictures of the pas

Encourage the children to think about whatthe word famous

means. Who do they know who is famous? Whyis he or she

famous? What other famous people from thepast do they

know about? What did they do to becomefamous? How do

we find out about famouspeople?

(details of focused task in lit plans)

S&L chns views on famouspeople


History lesson following on from famous people(powerpoint) & sequence doc)

Tell the children that Florence Nightingalelived in Victorian

times and help them place her correctly ona time line.

Discuss how the role of a nurse has changed overtime. Use the website to find out information about FlorenceNightingale and watch the video. Chn to sequence pictures of herlife.

Chnto discuss as a class why she was important, why she was famous andwhat they remember about her life.

Write about her feelings when working inScutari

info & quiz

Remind chn about Going for Goals last year, wedid Beanstalk of leaves saying what we were good at and what wewould like to improve. Can chn remember what they said? Look atPP made for last years assembly. Do chn think they improved in theareas they wanted to? How did they manage this? - keep going,you can do it. What would they like to improve this year,individually & as a class?

key idea: that there are differences between handwrittenand word-processed text

Show the chn egs of work using a word processor.Ask the class to discuss how the work is diff from handwrittenwork, eg it is easy to read, there are no spellingmistakes, the corrections cannot be seen, the author cant beidentified just by looking at it. Discuss which is easier toread. Compare with literacy work on FN having both read in typed upbook, on comp, and own handwritten accounts.

Chnto complete FN worksheet, how she feels, working in pairs, focusingon 1 sentence each item. Use keyboard, spacebar, delete,backspace, save & print.

Brainstormabout what makes us healthy, draw up ideas web

-ideas about the need to eat healthyfood, water, exercise and sleep - different kinds of exercise -thinking about how to keep healthy


Watch Blue Dragon DVD & CD romactivities.


Chnparticipate in Wake up Shake up Video and drink water.


Brainstorm whatthe ch know about different sorts of food, how and when they eatthem. Why do you think we eat different sorts of food? Display avariety of foods on the table for ch to group. Ch to group thefoods on their table.


S&Lchns ideas and experiences

explore the variety of ways they can perform actions, egmaking different shapes, travelling in different ways








Discussthe plans for the visit to the church. Encourage the children totalk about what they expect to see, and remind them of any previousvisits Visit the church. Ask the children to sit quietly and useall their senses. Ask the children what they think the church isfor. Talk about the people who use the church..

going to church

colours of the church, diff coloured robes fordiff seasons



Display the puppets used last week. Whatimportant features do puppets have discuss the fact that they canall move in some way. Explain that this week we are going to designour own puppet. What will we need to think about before we begin?Ch to discuss this with a partner and feedback to T. Remind ch thatthey will need to decide now their puppet is going to move. Givethe ch a choice of making a sock puppet, a stick puppet, or astring puppet. Display examples of each and talk about how theymove and what they are made out of. T .to draw a plan of one of thepuppets to demonstrate what is expected during the activity.Include labels of each part of the body and the materials which areto be used. Encourage the ch to look for parts of puppets that theylike and use this in own design. Ch to design their puppet, using arange of puppets and pictures of puppets on tables, to aid them intheir design.


to use pictures to help them

ask and answer questions

about Grace Darling

to recount the main events

in the life of a famous



Introduce Grace Darling and talk about herrole in the past. Place her on a time line. Show the Powerpoint ofGrace Darling and talk about why she acted in the way she the events of her life.

grace darling ICT lesson work in pairs writestory to match pictures


Which pictures help us tell GraceDarlings story?

Help them recount her story by choosing themost

appropriate pictures and putting them insequence.

Encourage them to discuss their choices.Write a sentence or two (differentiate) to tell what is happeningin pics


S& L hotseating get 1 child to pretend they are GDand others to ask ?s


(Link to this weeks literacy story Lighthouse Keepers Lunch)

Knowing how I learn best.

Sing times tables, look at trains and star jump.Discuss all the ways and explain these are VAK. Set up the Origamisheets P18. I group to just have finished product, one to be givenverbal instructions and the other with an adult demonstrated. Whichdid they prefer?

Toknow that text can be entered andcorrected by using the backspace key to make corrections.


To know theimportance of spaces between words.

Toknow how to use the shift key to make a capital letter.


Inpairs to type up some sentences about Grace Darling.

Askthem to correct any mistakes as they type, using the backspace keyor delete button.

Display different types offood and ask the ch to think about a supermarket. Explain we aregoing to group our foods; fruit and veg, dairy, bread and cereals,meat and fish. Ch to sort the foods into the food groups. Talkabout why the foods are important.


Science clips activity & quizon IWB


Draw healthy packedlunch-

(Link to this weeks literacystory Lighthouse Keepers Lunch - what makes a healthy packedlunch?)


Warm up: play the beans game.

Activity: ask chn to use their feet to travel anywhere inthe room. Find a different way of travelling. Choose 1 way + onsignal change to another way. Choose 1 way + on signal changedirection. Show me ways of travelling using large steps/quietly.Choose 3 favourite ways. Encourage chn to change the level, speed +direction of their movements. Demonstrate the different jumps chncould do: hopping (1 foot to 1 foot) hopscotch (2 feet to 1 foot+ 2 feet etc) bouncing (2 feet to 2 feet) chn to practise + refinemovements.

Cool down: chn find a space + curl up tightly on floor.Then slowly uncurl into star shape. Hold for 3 counts then slowlycurl again. Repeat uncurling but this time chn go into a long, thinshape.


3Seaside Rescue

Recapthe visit and recall artefacts and furniture seen. What does thecross stand for? Talk about how they are used and where theycan be found in a church. Make a class book labelling importantparts of the church; using a bank of words available in theclassroom, adding simple explanations about how the building isspecial for Christians.

things inside a church match the names & infoabout items




Display one of the chns designs from last week.What do we need to do next with the design? Explain that we aregoing to make a trial puppet out of paper. How will we hav tochange our design when we are making it out of paper? T. todemonstrate that the design is 2D and the puppet will be 3D.Explain we are going to make the puppet so that we can writemeasurements on our design and make any adjustments that we needto. T. to use the design from last week, of the existing puppet.Demonstrate using the design to cut out pieces of the paper readyto make it. Show the chn how to adjust the paper if it is not thecorrect size and enforce the importance of using ruler to drawstraight edges.

Chnto cut out their design from paper and fasten it together usingsellotape. T. to assist those chn with poor scissor skills.

Stop the chn one the majority have made theirdesign and demonstrate how to use a tape measure or ruler tomeasure the size of the pieces used and write them on to theirdesign.



Recap details of life GD. Compare how she savedpeoples lives in past; how could people be rescued today? Recallwhat we saw at Cullercoates last yr. S&L


Watch video of modern day rescue


Write list do comparisons / diffs between now andpast.



safety flags

chnto draw diff flags in their books and write list of dangers atseaside


S&L decisionmaking,chn give responses to dilemmas on IWB regarding safety etc.


Youcant eat an elephant in one bite.

Recap knowledge about goals. read part 1 of Daisyand Rehana P21. Use the ladder Sheet P22 to order steps they mighttake in groups.


*SeeLisa about RNLI writing program speech bubbles and writing owntext etc.


What sort of foods do we needto look for when looking for a healthy diet? Remind the ch of thefood groups using the pyramid (balanced diet). Talk about what eachof the foods are giving us. Talk about how their diets vary. Ch torecord their food for a week and any physical activity.

warm up: run, in + out of spaces on balls of feet. Givechn a number 1 or 2. The no number 1s lie on floor in long thinshape + number 2s run in + out of spaces + jump over the chnsfeet. Swap + repeat.

Activity: find ways of travelling using hands + feet. Finda different ways of travelling on hands + feet. Travel on hands +feet in a walking/jumping way. Travel on hands + feet like acaterpillar. Travel on hands + feet with your tummy facing floorthen ceiling. Show chn the Top gym cards + let chn explore thedifferent movements. Ask chn to put together a sequence of at least3 actions on signal

Cool down: walk like a caterpillar. Have feet close tohands, walk hands up to stretch above head. Walk down + out acrossthe floor until lying on floor.

























Explain that today we are going to be assessing avariety of materials. Place a range of materials on each table.Allow the chn time to go back to their tables and examine thematerials. What light you want to discuss about the materials? Makea list of points before the chn go back to tables, eg; texture,ease of folding, advantages and disadvantages, thickness. T,.todemonstrate evaluating one piece of material before sending chn totables. Chn to evaluate and choose one piece of material to bringback to carpet to discuss with the rest of the group.

Explain that the chn have a range of materials ontheir table and they must choose the materials they are going touse in their puppet.



To infer information frompictures of the past In small groups provide chn with enlargedpicture of Louis Braille (or next wk Helen Keller, depending ontime). Ask them to write ?s around pic eg What is he wearing? Whatis he doing? Is it a long time ago? Discuss ?s they have come upwith.


Introduce Louis Braille by reading the portraitand talking about how they can find out information. Show video.Talk about why he is important in History. Complete a dramaactivity with children handling letters of alphabet and talkingabout what they are.

(Hotseating) Talk about why his role wasimportant.


GetBraille story book out, let chn handle, what do they think? Whatother ways could they come up with to read or communicate writing/info to others etc?


Read part 2 of Daisy and Rehana P21. Use photocards and feelings detective poster to discuss boredom andfrustration. In groups ch to role play possible endings to thestory to solve frustration.










Print out a set of pictures with empty speechbubbles. Discuss how speech bubbles can be used to illustratedirect speech. Remind the class how to enter text and demonstratethe use of the shift key. Divide the children into pairs and giveeach pair a picture. Ask the children to discuss what might bebeing said, and use the word processor to type the speech. Ask thechildren to print their work, cut it out and stick it onto thespeech bubbles.


Pictures relating to seaside rescue.




Talk about why we need to wash our hands beforemuch time. Display a variety of soaps and decide how we are goingto decide which is the best one. Discuss how we are going to makeit a fair test. Ch to carry out investigation and record resultstogether on a planning house and discuss what we have foundout.






warm up: play beans game (adding beans on toast- when achild holds hands with another child)

Activity: find a space on a mat + make a stretched shape.Make stretched shape taking up as much space as possible. Repeatmaking a thin shape. Make long, thin stretched shape on the floor,roll on to side + curl knees to chest-tuck head in. Teach chnspecific skills of log roll + tuck roll. Teach one roll 1st+ let chn practise it. Ask chn to show what they have done.Teach next roll + let ch practise it. Discuss best ways of doingthese rolls. Chn can practise jumping over other chn when they aredoing a log roll. EXT: can chn to a log then tuck roll in asequence? Do stretched roll with 1 leg leading.

Cool down: on feet, crouch down + curl into a ball-takeweight on hands + knees + slide out to thin, stretched shapeon floor.



5Music Mayhem


(Seeother plans)










StCuthbert the website tointroduce Helen Keller and talk about her life. Compare to the lifeof a deaf and blind person today, saying how it is different andhow it is the same.


Create a list of comparisons similarities anddifferences between the life, works and achievements of HellenKeller and Louis Braille. Talk about how and why they are stillremembered today.


Remind ch of last weeks work on frustration.What calming down strategies do ch use? In groups ch to make paperchains as a competition. Discuss feelings and strategies used. Makea class poster about how to overcome frustration.

Toknow that ICT can be used to improvetext and make a message clearer by deleting & inserting textto improve readability.


Enter an extract from afamiliar childrens book but replace the full stops with the wordand. Discuss the extract with the class and explain that therepeated use of and makes it repetitive and difficult to read.Demonstrate how to delete an and, insert a full stop and changethe following letter to upper case. Divide the class into pairs andask them to edit the prepared text. Ask them to print out theirwork and compare it with the original version.


Useeg of text from this wks lit book.

-that sometimes we takemedicines when we get ill, these help us to get better

-that medicines are usefulbut are drugs not foods, and can be dangerous

-that some people needmedicines to keep them alive and healthy

-toask questions about medicines and health

-that medicines can bedangerous if we take them without consulting parents ordoctors

-torecognise hazards and risks in medicines and how to avoidthese

-to communicate informationabout the safe use of medicines


Display avariety of medicines. Where would we expect to find thesemedicines? When do we need to take medicines? Discuss the dangersof medicines. Talk about the sort of medicines chn might need totake all the time, eg; asthma puffer. Present children with aselection of packaging for medicines eg tablets,solutions; and for sweets. How can we find out which packagingis for food or sweets? When might this be dangerous? Talk aboutyoung chn handling medicines. Where should they be kept? Why arethey in special bottles? Discuss the dangers of medicines and askchn to make a poster warning of the dangers of takingun-prescribed drugs. Ch to write down some of the dangers.

and ask ch to make a posterwarning of the dangers of taking un-prescribed drugs.





Visit tochurch


Pics of churches& interiors



Selection ofdifferent puppets.

Diff texture /types of materials,

Sewing equip,staplers, pins, Velcro etc


Story/ postersrelevant to the above people

IWB sites



SEAL pack














Teacherassistance for joining materials.


SEN less writingto record


Small group workon strategies when frustrated.


Work in mixedability pairs


Writing framesfor SEN recording.



Speaking& Listening


Opps to discussown ideas & experiences. Class & grp discussion


Discuss ideas,plans etc and how to improve own work. Other chn may have opp tooffer suggestions.

Opps to discussown ideas & experiences. Class & grp discussion. Hot seating, roleplay /drama.

Circle timegames, class & small grp discussions

Working as pair,discuss ideas, including reading, suggesting and improving eachothers work.

Role play/drama





Chncan think of ways to adapt and improve their own work.

Theycan see the difference between theirs and others work.



Expresstheir likes and dislikes



Quizson Science Clips most and MAT