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NameAncient Egyptians
File 1752_History Summer short term planning.rtf
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Subject Area:History; What can we find out about ancient Egypt fromwhat has survived?


Class : Y5

Term : Summer

Intended Learning Outcomes



What do we already know about AncientEgypt?

  • To locate ancient Egypt in time andplace.
  • The information can be classified indifferent ways.

Lesson 1.

Watch BBC Ancient Egypt DVD Programme1 Ancient Egypt in Time and Place.

After discussion, children completeActivity 1, deciding whether different events in Egyptian historywere good, bad or uncertain for the Egyptian people. Then childrencomplete Activity 2, placing these events of a timeline.

Lesson 2.

Children use the map and Photo Cards(PS) 1 and 2 to compete Activity Sheet 1 decided what they can tellabout the country of Egypt from given resources.

Children to work in pairs thendiscuss answers as a class. Children then use timelines fromprevious lesson to complete Activity Sheet 2, making inferencesabout strengths and weaknesses of Ancient Egypt.



What can we learn about ancient Egyptfrom one object?

  • To observe an object in detail and tomake inferences and deductions.
  • To record information about an objectaccurately.

Lesson 3.

Each table is given an object fromthe resource box. Children make a detailed drawing of the resourceand make a statement about what this shows us about life in ancientEgypt and record in General Books.


What does the landscape tell us aboutwhat life might have been like in ancient Egypt?

  • To make deductions about life in thepast from pictures of the landscape.
  • How much of the life of Egyptdepended on the Nile.

Lesson 4.

Watch Programme 2 from BBC DVD TheNile, Food and Farming. After discussion, children complete firsthalf of Activity 2 using PC2. Then children complete Activity 4using Activity Sheet 3. Stick into books if possible.

Lesson 5.

Children complete Activity 6 based oncomparing how differently rich and poor people ate.



What objects survive from the time ofthe ancient Egyptians?

  • To classify information in differentways.
  • About the range of objects which havesurvived from ancient Egypt.
  • To make inferences from objects aboutthe way of life in ancient Egypt.

Lesson 6.

Watch Programme 3 from BBC DVDEveryday Life. After discussion, children complete Activity 2 aboutEgyptian houses. Children to draw in activities themselves in emptyrooms from own knowledge.

Lesson 7.

Children complete Activity 4 aboutlife for women. Children use PC6 to answer questions about life forwomen. Discuss childrens responses.




What do objects that have survivedtell us about ancient Egypt?

  • About aspects of life in ancientEgypt.
  • To make inferences and deductionsfrom objects and pictures.
  • That what we know about the past isdependent on what has survived.

Lesson 8.

Children watch Programme 4 from BBCDVD Science and Technology. After discussion, children completeActivity 1 about how heavy things were moved in the building ofpyramids. Children use picture on Activity Sheet 7 to work out howheavy things were moved, and then answer questions using thepicture.

Children then complete Activity Sheet8, identifying the jobs people are doing from the pictures andcaptions. Discuss childrens responses. Stick sheets intobooks.

(BBC DVD Pyramid will also feed intothis section of work but will be watched in stages in place of someclass reading sessions at the end of the day.


What did the ancient Egyptiansbelieve about life after death?

  • About Egyptian tombs, pyramids andburial sites.
  • To use sources of information in wayswhich go beyond simple observation.

Lesson 9.

Watch Programme 5 from BBC DVDPolitics and Religion. After discussion, children complete Activity2 about whether or not Egyptian pictures always tell the truth.Children decide how probable a variety of statements are based onan illustration.

Lesson 10.

Held in ICT room. Children choose oneEgyptian god or goddess to research. Children encouraged to copyand paste information and pictures. All children to have one sheetof information by end of lesson.


What can we learn about ancient Egyptfrom what has survived?

  • What we can find out about ancientEgypt from what has survived.
  • To produce a structured account aboutlife in ancient Egypt.

Lesson 11.

Children write a structured reportabout life in ancient Egypt. H/A children can use own structurewhile writing frame provided for L/A. To prepare for writing,children complete a mind map about what they know about ancientEgypt.


Useful websites.






P8 x 5

P9 x 5

P10 x6 cut into strips and stucktogether to make a timeline




PS 1 and 2

Activity Sheet 1x 15

Activity Sheet 2 x 30




Replicas from resource box.











PC 2

Activity Sheet 3

Colouring pencils



Activity Sheet 4

Colouring pencils








Activity Sheet 5 x 30



Activity Sheet 6 x 30

Photo Card 6













Activity Sheet 7 x 30

Activity Sheet 8 x 30


Colouring pencils











Activity Sheet 9



ICT room