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NameLetters and Postcards
UnitLetters and Postcards
File 1732_Planning Literacy Wk 3.doc
File 2732_Grammar Connectives.doc

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Planning Ideas Karyn Walton

Term 1 Week 3


Title: WorldCruiseBigPicture: Letters and Postcards

Year Group:Y3Duration: 1 week

Skills (please highlightthose to be integrated into topic.)

analysingchecking classifyingcooperating considering options designing elaborating estimatingexplaining generalisinghypothesising inferring


interpretingjustifying listeninglocating information makingchoices note-taking observing ordering eventsorganising performingpersuading

planningpredicting presenting in a rangeof ways providingfeedback questioning reading recognising biasreflecting reporting respondingto


others workrestating revising seeing patterns selecting information self-assessing sharing ideassummarising synthesisingtesting viewing


visuallyrepresenting workingindependently working to a timeline


Self assessment; thumbsup/down, peer and teacherassessment (three stars and a wish.)


What information do Ineed?

Where will I find therequired information?

How will I present mywork?


Leadership and Democracy group situations.





Key Aspects oflearning:

enquiryevaluation managingfeelings empathy


creative thinking problemsolving reasoning


self-awarenessmotivation communication


socialskills information processing



Letter, formal, informal,address, date, signature, postcard, opening, closing.


ICT Links:



Topic Links:

Postcards sent while on aholiday.



Guided Reading; How a Bookis Made, Literacy World NF p34 -35 and PCM 2 (write aletter.)











WOD: date




Focus:Framework,modeling and the ingredients of letters.

WALT:Recognisethe features of formal and informal letters.

WILF:I can makea display to show the similarities and differences between formaland informal letters.

1. Warm up Spelling Focus

Prefixes;show PowerPoint about the prefix re-. Look at display cards and putup in class to refer to during week. T with LA to play prefixbingo, MA/HA to work independently with prefix cards to makewords.


Beforereading text ask children if they have ever written a letter orpostcard when theyve been away from home, discuss what might beincluded and explain this is informal letter writing. Introducetext explaining Rosie sent one at beginning and one at end of hertrip. Read first sentence and ask children to summarise in onesentence the main point. What evidence is there to show shes nothaving a good time? Identify words and phrases which signal thetime sequence of events. Summarise and discuss feelings in secondpostcard. Ask children to identify how she ends both postcards.Collect other informal endings on the board.

3. ShortActivity

Work inmixed ability pairs; note down the ingredients children think areneeded for this style of writing. Collect correct answers and writeon board inside a picture of a cooking pot. Give the children theother ingredients needed for letter writing; date, address,greeting, beginning, middle, end, how to sign off.


Askchildren to produce their own display showing ingredients requiredfor letters that will be used during the week.

5. GroupDiscussion/Plenary

Discussusability of display; when might it be used, how could it beimproved? AfL: thumbs up/side/down for teacher information on whomay need more assistance.


LA Teachingassistant or Gap staff.

MA Teacherdirected.

HA Pairs toassist each other.


LA displayonly about informal letters.

MA/HA displayshould show differences between formal and informal letters.


Readers- MA





PrefixesPowerPoint, display cards, bingo and card games.


Wish YouWere Here PCM one between two.


Page 153,Shared Texts Y3


WOD: address

Focus:Drama/RolePlay/ Speaking & Listening

WALT:Use dramagames to develop social skills.

WILF:Participatein social based games.

1. Warm up Grammar Focus

Timesequence vocabulary; LA select appropriate vocabulary to completea text, MA/HA improve a piece of writing with higher levelopeners and connectives.

2. TeacherLed chairs need to be in a large circle, children should bepaired up.

(a) Tellme one thing about yourself; ask children to sit on chairs nextto partner and think about a short sentence that will revealsomething about themselves. Give an example, e.g. My name is Boband I play football every night with my best friend. Allow a fewminutes to prepare a sentence each, with partners helping eachother. Each child then tells the class their sentence.

(b)Acting a Favourite Pastime; Ask children to stand in frontof their chairs and to think of a favourite hobby and then make upan action to go with it. Give a few examples, e.g. kicking afootball, stroking a pet. Let children talk to a partner to helpeach other with ideas for actions. Sit back on chairs. Invite onechild at a time to mime and others guess.

Display Idea; Make a Guess Who? type display withsentences used from (a), e.g. My name is _____ and I hatecheese.


Each childto give partner three stars and a wish verbally.

4. Back up completedisplay work from previous day.

Mixedability partners; team LA with HA/MA.


Differentiation byoutcome.



Peerassessment verbal feedback using three stars and a wish.


Readers- LA




LA clozestyle text, copy into books.


MA/HArewrite a piece of text in books.




WOD: greeting


WALT:Shareviews in a guided reading session.

WILF:Complete atask related to guided reading from prompt sheet.

1. Warm up VCOP Focus

Kung Fupunctuation: Whole classin circle on carpet. Refer to teacher information book.

2. Taught 5 minutes

Decide inability based groups who will be the leader and how the readingwill be divided e.g. a page/paragraph at a time. Allow freedom ofchoice.

3. ShortActivity 15 minutes

Childrengiven time to read and discuss the text in groups; likes anddislikes; giving reasons for choices.

4.Activity 20 minutes

Each groupgiven reading task cards appropriate to ability level each pupilto select an independent activity they feel they can do butchallenges them slightly.

5. Groupdiscussion 15 minutes

Each pupilshould be encouraged to report on what they did; how they tackledthe activity and explain to others.

6. Plenary 5 minutes

Peerassessment using three stars and a wish system.


Differentiatedthroughchoice of activity cards and outcomes.



Selfassessment of work, using three stars and a wish.






Readers- HA












Drawncruise ship on large whiteboard.


Texts andchoice sheets, How a Book is Made.



WOD: formal

Focus:Sharedreading and writing.

WALT:Recognisethe features of formal and informal letters.

WILF:Write aletter with a partner.

1. Warm up Handwriting

Completehandwriting exercise commensurate to individual levels.


Afterreading ask children who the letter is to and from, identifying howthey know that. Brainstorm other reasons why people may writeletters invitations, adverts, bills, thank you letters,complaints, enquiries, cards for different occasions Read togetherand identify spelling/ punctuation errors. Review formal/informal.Where should the address be? Explain P.S. means postscript, anadditional paragraph at the end of a letter. Discuss what iswritten and why Goldilocks might have added this.

3. ShortActivity

Give eachchild a copy of the text, highlight spelling errors in yellow, askthem to hunt for a missing apostrophe. Rewrite letter on board,asking children for suggestions, inserting an address, date,correct spelling and punctuation. Ask them how they could up-levelthe letter, verbally.


Brainstormother traditional tales e.g. Little Red Riding Hood, The ThreeLittle Pigs where one character may write an apology to another.Ask the children to write a short letter of apology in the firstperson (paired writing.)

5. GroupDiscussion/Plenary

Peerassessment using three stars and a wish one pair assess anotherpair, written onto letter.


Mixedability pairs; buddy teaching.


Differentiation byoutcome.


LA Peer/Ind




Readers- LA


The JollyPostman.

Page 154,Shared Texts Y3




Specialpaper for writing letters.




WOD: informal


WALT:Torecognise the features of good writing.

WILF:Use VCOPin independent writing.




1. Can weshow what we know about VCOP?


2. Can weidentify features of good writing?










4. Can weplan a letter of apology?






5. Can weuse VCOP in unsupported writing?











6. Can weuse what we have found?

1. Warm up 5 minutes

Verballycollect 5 features of letter writing discuss why these areimportant.


2. ShortActivity 5 minutes

Coverdisplays made regarding ingredients for this style of writing. Askchildren to identify as many as possible; prompt any forgotten.Erase from large whiteboard when finished.


3. ShortActivity 5 minutes

Collect aword bank of ideas children could use to write a letter of apologyaddressed to Cinderella from the Ugly Sisters. Why might they wantto apologise?


4.Activity 10 minutes

Givespecial paper, demonstrate a suitable plan - respond with immediateideas as a single bubble or list. Discuss. Independently - expandinto planning map for the letter.


BREAK 5 minutes


5. WritingActivity 30 minutes


Discuss useof target record and ingredients as prompts. Children write.Stop after10 minutes. Pass to apartner; ask who has used more than one type of punctuation, aninteresting opener, more than 2 different connectives and a WOWword. Praise one piece of fruit per VCOP feature. Continuewriting. Stop after10 minutes. Pass to apartner; ask who has used more than one type of punctuation, aninteresting opener, more than 2 different connectives and a WOWword. Give 5 then 2 minute warnings to end of writing time.

6. Plenary 5 minutes

Relate toobjective, did we achieve it? Collect writing forassessment. Teacher to give three stars and a wish return to child respondvia written comment.



Independentunsupported writing; unless child has Learning Support.



Teacher assessment written feedback, child to respond to feedbackin folders.


Readers MA &HA





Fruit forbreaks.



Oilburner, dimmed lights, Mozart in background.


Bigwriting folders.

MyTarget Sheet one per student.