Name | numeracy A1 |
Owner | susanbowes |
Level | 2 |
Topic | Numeracy |
Unit | A1 |
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Maths WeeklyPlanning
Block A Unit 1 Year2
Weeks Beg 1.9.08/8.9.08
Block A Unit 1 KeyLearning Objectives y1 y2-objectives in bold are end of yr objectives. Present solutions to puzzles andproblems in an organised way; explain decisions, methods andresults in pictorial, spoken or written form, using mathematicallanguage and number sentences Describe ways of solvingpuzzles and problems, explaining choices and decisions orally orusing pictures Read and write two-digit andthree-digit numbers in figures and words; describe and extendnumber sequences and recognise odd and even numbers Read and write numeralsfrom 0 to 20, then beyond; use knowledge of place value to positionthese numbers on a number track and number line Count up to 100 objects by groupingthem and counting in tens, fives or twos; explain what each digitin a two-digit number represents, including numbers where 0 is aplace holder; partition two-digit numbers in different ways,including into multiples of 10 and 1 Estimate a number of objects; roundtwo-digit numbers to the nearest 10 Count reliably at least20 objects, recognising that when rearranged the number of objectsstays the same; estimate a number of objects that can be checked bycounting Order two-digit numbers and positionthem on a number line; use the greater than (>) and less than(<) signs Compare and ordernumbers, using the related vocabulary; use the equals ( Add or subtract mentally a one-digitnumber or a multiple of 10 to or from any two-digit number; usepractical and informal written methods to add and subtracttwo-digit numbers Relate addition tocounting on; recognise that addition can be done in any order; usepractical and informal written methods to support the addition of aone-digit number or a multiple of 10 to a one-digit or two-digitnumber Understand that subtraction is theinverse of addition and vice versa; use this to derive and recordrelated addition and subtraction number sentences Understand subtraction as'take away' and find a 'difference' by counting up; use practicaland informal written methods to support the subtraction of aone-digit number from a one-digit or two-digit number and amultiple of 10 from a two-digit number Use the vocabularyrelated to addition and subtraction and symbols to describe andrecord addition and subtraction number sentences Say the number that is 1more or less than any given number, and 10 more or less formultiples of 10 Speaking and Listening Speak with clarity and intonationwhen reading and reciting texts | ||
Vocabularyzero, ten, twenty,, one hundred, two hundred, , one thousand, count in ones, twos,threes, fours, fives and so on, odd, even, pattern, sequence,continue, partition numbers compare, order,larger, greater than, smaller, less than, between, halfway between,difference between, round, nearest 10, tens boundary, roughly,about the same as calculate, mentalcalculation, right, correct, wrong, number sentence, sign,operation, symbol, penny/pence (p), pound () | Learning OutcomesY1 I cantalk about how I solve problems using counting I cancount up to 20 objects I knowthat the number of objects does not change even if I move theobjects around I cancompare numbers up to 20 and say which number is bigger I knowhow to write numbers up to 20 I canread numbers on a number track I canwork out the number that is one more or one less than numbers up to20 I canadd twoone-digit numbers I canuse objects to take away a small number from any number up to20 I cantalk about adding/subtracting I canrecord additions/subtractions
| Learning OutcomesY2 I can explain toothers how I solved a problem I can read and writetwo-digit numbers I know which numbersare odd and which are even I can count objectsby putting them into groups I can partitionnumbers I can write numbersin order and position them on a number lineI can use the greaterthan and less than symbols to show that one number is larger orsmaller than another I can round numbersto the nearest 10 I can add andsubtract some numbers in my head I know thataddition and subtraction undo each other I can write threeother related number sentences for6 + 3 = 9 I can speak clearlyto the class or group when I show and explain how I solved aproblem or my method for a calculation |
Maths Layered TargetsAutumn Term | IEPTargets | Groups | ||||
1. I canuse my own ideas to solve problems. 2. Ican choose a good way to solve simple problems using counting,addition, subtraction, doubling and halving, explaining mymethods. 3. Ican choose the right operations and make good decisions about thecalculation strategies to solve problems. I can explain how theproblem was solved.
| Circles
| Diamonds
| Hexagons
| Rectangles
| Triangles
| Oral andmental objectives/ Activity | MainTeach LearningObjective(s) SuccessCriteria | Whole Class MainTeaching Session
| DifferentiatedIndependent Activities | FocusGroups | Plenary & AfLquestions |
T | LO:Count on and back from any 2 digit number in steps of1,2,5,10
Use 100 grids-to count. Discuss patterns noticed. .
| LO: Count up to 100objects by grouping them and counting in tens, fives or two. LO: Estimate anumber of objects WALT:I can speak clearly to the class or group when I show and explainhow I solved a problem or my method. WALT:I can count objects by putting them into groups
| Look at pictures ofobjects on the IWB. How can I make sure that I count thesereliably? (put in a line, tick when counted) Show chn. a pile ofcubes/ beads/ other counting materials. How can we group these sothat we can count them more accurately and quickly? Takesuggestions from children. Model counting outobject in 2s and recounting to check answer. Repeat but this timeask pupils to estimate number based knowledge of numbers. Stressthat estimation does not have to be exact but is a rounded guess.Record chns estimations. Count, but this time group in 5 s. Rptas necessary. | Circle,Diamonds, Hexagons Inpairs/ threes- Placea number of objects to count in a dish. Estimate number, Decide howto group and then group and count. Record actual count and comparewith estimate. (whiteboards) | Triangles Practisecounting in 2s. Estimate a small number of cubes. Record estimatesas a group. Group and count in twos. Repeat. Once secure move on to5s 10s. Use 100 grids as support. CE
Rectangles. Estimatea small number of cubes. Record estimates as a group. Group andcount in twos. Repeat. Once secure move on to 5s 10s. Use 100grids as support. SH | What should we dowhen we need to count a large number of objects? I have sorted mycubes into 6 groups of 10. How many do I have? |
W | LO: Find a numberwhich is 1 more or less
With 100 ITP grid asreference- cover numbers and ask which are missing. How do weknow? Finish by quick fireqsOne more than? is. | L LO: Read and writetwo-digit and three-digit numbers in figures and words; E Explain what eachdigit in a two-digit/ 3 digit number represents, including numberswhere 0 is a place holder. I canread and write two- threedigit numbers I canpartition numbers.
| Look at the number23. What can children tell you about this number? Focus in on thelesson objective. Explain that 23 is made up of 2 tens an 3 units.Show this using diennes/ unifix sticks. Repeat for other 2 digitnumbers. Invite children tomake 2 digit numbers using arrow cards. Record the number made andthe number of tens and units. Extend this to some 3 digit numbersif applicable. | Diamonds,Hexagons Witharrow cards- make 2 and 3 digit numbers and record numbersmade 100 +20 + 3 = 123 2 tensand 3 units = 23
Rectangles Witharrow cards- make 2 digit numbers and record numbers made 2 tensand 3 units = 23
| Circle Usearrow cards and make 2/ 3 digit numbers. Discuss what each numberrepresents. CE
Triangles Ordernumbers to 20. Usingarrow cards 10, 20 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9- make 2 digit numbers andplace on number line. SH
| Practise reading some2/3 digit numbers. Write a 2/ 3 digit number on the board- howcould we describe this number?
Guess my numbers- ithas 4 tens and 5 units- what am I?
T | LO: Know the numberthat is 10 more or less.
ITP 100 grid- discusspattern of movement to find 10 more. What happens to the 10snumber? Quick fire 10 more. | .LO: Ordertwo-digit numbers and position them on a number line; recognisingmultiples of 10. I canread and write two-digit numbers I canpartition numbers I canwrite numbers in order and position them on a number line
| Briefly reviewyesterdays lessons objectives. Make a couple of 2/ 3 digit numbersusing arrow cards. Describe the numbers. Ask- which have more tens?Units? Do the chn think we order number using the tens or unitsplace holder? Model ordering aselection of 2 digit numbers. Repeat, inviting pupils to thinkabout this in pairs and record on whiteboards.
Now place thesenumbers on a blank multiple of 10 number line. | Circles Make10 2 digit numbers using number/ arrow cards. Orderfrom smallest to largest. Recordthese numbers on blank multiple of 10 number lines. If confidentextend to 3 digits. Rectangles As agroup- make 2 digit numbers and order from smallest tolargest.
Triangles- Order nonconsecutive numbers 0-20. | Diamonds/Hexagons Make10 2 digit numbers using number/ arrow cards. Orderfrom smallest to largest. Recordthese numbers on blank multiple of 10 number lines.Extend to 3 digits. CE-Diamonds. SH-Hexagons | Which digit helps usto order 2 digit numbers? What would we do if we had 2 numbers withthe same tens digit?
EXT: order 3 digitnumbers on a multiple of 100 number line. |
F | LO: Find a numberthat is 1 and 10 more and less than any given 2 digitnumber.
Play 1/ 10 100 gridsgame- roll 10/ 1 die and move accordingly. | LO: Order two-digitnumbers and position them on a number line; use the greater than(>) and less than (<) signs. Recognise multiplesof 10. I canuse the greater than and less than symbols to show that one numberis larger or smaller than another
| Recap on yesterdayslesson by ordering and placing 2 digit numbers on a multiple of 10number line. Which numbers are largest/ smallest/ greater/ lessthan? Introduce more than/ less than signs and illustrate ascrocodiles. Make 2x 2 digit numbers using arrow cards. Write as agreater than/ less than sentences. | Circles/ Diamonds/ Hexagons Make2x 2 digit numbers. Record in books using greater and less thansigns.
| Triangles 1 moreand less within 20 SH
Rectangles As agroup- make 2x 2digit numbers. Discuss which is greater/ less than.How do they know this? Record sentences using greater and less thansigns. CE | 23 is less than 43?True or false?
How do you knowthis?
Children create theirown true and false statements. |
Weekly Evaluation |
Week 2 Bock A1
| Oral andmental objectives/ Activity | MainTeach LearningObjective(s) SuccessCriteria | Whole Class MainTeaching Session
| DifferentiatedIndependent Activities | FocusGroups | Plenary & AfLquestions |
M | LO:Count in tens from any 2 digit number.
Focus in onmultiples of 10. | LO: Round two-digitnumbers to the nearest 10 I canround numbers to the nearest 10
| Show children a 2digit number e.g. 23. Explain that sometimes we round a number upor down to the nearest multiple of 10. We round up if its unitsnumber is 5 or above and down if it is 4 or less. Place the numberon multiple of 10 number line. 23 comes between the multiple 20 and30, but it is closest to 20. Which multiple of 10 is 23 nearest to?Repeat with other 2 digit numbers, asking chn. to predict whichmultiple of 10 it will round to. | Circle,Diamonds, Hexagons Rounda given selection of number to the nearest multiple of 10.
Pupils check ownanswers using 100 grids.
| Rectangles Rounda given selection of number to the nearest multiple of 10.CE
Triangles Countin 10s to 100 and back. Practice ordering multiples of 10.Finnish multiple of 10 number sequences. SH | Say any number thatwill round to 70. Name a number thatwill round to 30. |
T | LO: Recognise oddand even numbers.
Introduce Mr. Odd andMrs. evens phone numbers. Count in 2s. Discusswhat we notice about all even numbers. | LO: Add and subtractmentally a one-digit number from any two-digit number; usepractical and informal written methods to add and subtracttwo-digit numbers I canadd/ subtract a 1 digit number from/ to a 2 digit number in my headand explain how I did it. I checkmy answers on a number line | Discuss/ list methodsfor addition/ subtraction. Discuss direction of movement along anumber line when we add/ subtract. Does it matter which way we add/subtract the numbers? Which is the easiest way? Practise counting on/back from 2 digit numbers, adding/ subtracting 1 digitnumbers. Check answers onnumber line. What happens if wewant to add 10? Do we need to count on in ones? | Circle/Diamonds Completedifferentiated additions/ subtraction sentences on IWB- adding/subtracting 1 digit numbers to/ from 2 digit numbers.
Rectangles Completedifferentiated additions/ subtraction sentences on IWB- adding/subtracting 1 digit numbers to/ from 2 digit numbers
Pupils check ownanswers using 100 grids. | Triangles-Counting on/ back- adding / subtracting within 20/ 30back startingat different numbers. Write addition and subtraction sentences.What do these mean? Complete number sentences. CE
Hexagons Completeadditions/ subtraction sentences on IWB- adding/ subtracting 1digit numbers to/ from 2 digit numbers SH
| How could I work thisout? Invite pupils to demonstrate workings. Round answer up tonearest multiples of 10. |
W | LO: Recognise oddand even numbers.
Complete the even andodd number patterns. | LO: Add /subtract mentally a multiple of 10 to or from any two-digit number;use practical and informal written methods to add and subtracttwo I canadd/ subtract a multiple of 10 from/ to a 2 digit number in my headand explain how I did it. Icheck my answers on a 100 grid.
| Add / subtractmultiples of 10 to 2 digit numbers. Use counters on a 100grid to show direction of movement if we subtract / add 10 to a 2digit number. Show childrenaddition sentence 23 + 10. How could we work this out? Do we needto use the 100 grid? How else could we work it out? Repeat, adding andsubtracting 10 and moving on to multiples of 10.
| Triangles-complete addition and subtraction sentences within 30.
Rectangle-add/ subtract 10 from a 2 digit number.
Hexagons add/subtract 10 from a 2 digit number
Pupils check ownanswers using 100 grids. | Add/subtract multiples of 10 from 2 digit numbers. Modelusing a 100 grid to add / subtract 20/ 30 etc. to 2 digitnumbers. Gothrough as a group and then set individual questions. SH-Diamonds CEHexagons | I started on 34.added 20 which number did I finish on? I started on 34 andlanded on 64. Write the addition sentence I solved. |
T | LO: Describe andextend number sequences.
Ghost sequences- topmarks. Com
| LO: I can add/subtract 1 digit numbers and multiples of 10 from 2 digitnumbers.
I cansolve problems, working out issuing numbers and explain my answersand working out.
| Look at a selectionof number sentences with missing numbers e.g. 23 + ? = 33 What number would wehave to add to 23 to reach 33? How do we know? How could we work itout and check if we are right? Continue working outa selection of missing number problem. Using knowledge gained fromthis weeks lesson. | Circle/Diamonds/ Hexagons Completedifferentiated missing number problems on IWB. | Triangles Missingnumbers- complete missing numbers in addition/ subtractionsentences within 20. SH
Rectangles Practiseadding/ subtracting 1 digit numbers and multiples of 10 to 2 digitnumbers. Work out missing numbers as a group. CE | Look at this. ? + ? =23 what could the missing numbers be? What different possibilitiescould we have? Repeat. |
F | LO: Describe andextend number sequences.
Ghost sequences- topmarks. Com
| LO: Understandthat subtraction is the inverse of addition and vice versa; usethis to derive and record related addition and subtraction numbersentences I knowthat addition and subtraction undo each other I canwrite three other related number sentences for6 + 3 = 9 I canexplain to others how I solved a problem
| Explore therelationship between addition and subtraction. Look at the 3numbers 3 6 and 9 Can the chn use thesenumbers in a number sentence that would be correct? As a class come upwith the 3 number sentences 3+ 6 = 9 9 3 = 6 and 9 6=3 What do wenotice? Repeat with 3 othernumbers.. 2 4 6 asking the children in pairs to create the 3numbers sentences for these numbers. Discuss the inverse. rel.between addition and subtraction |
Hexagons Createand record related addition and subtraction sentences.
Rectangles Usegiven combinations of numbers and investigate and find the 3 numbersentences tat link them.
Triangles Completeinverse addition and subtraction sentences.
CirclesCE Diamonds SH Createand record related addition and subtraction sentences.
| Describe the inverserelationship between addition and subtraction to a partner. |
Weekly Evaluation |
Children count on andback from any two-digit number in steps of 1, 2, 5 and 10. Theynotice patterns in the count, including those involving odd andeven numbers. They find the number that is 1 or 10 more or lessthan any given number.
Children count a largeset of objects efficiently, for example grouping them into twos,fives or tens. They understand that it is more reliable, and can bequicker, to group the objects rather than count them in ones. Theysolve problems involving counting such as:
How many 2p coinsare needed to make 12p?
Count on in tensfrom the number 27. Will the number 85 be in the count? How do youknow?
Children explain theirreasoning and use equipment or images such as a 100-square tosupport their explanations.
Children read andwrite two-digit numbers, recognising the difference between,for example, fifty and fifteen. They know what each digit in atwo-digit number represents. When shown numbers using the ITPPlace value they explain why, for example, the 5 in 25 has adifferent value from the 5 in 50. They discuss why it is necessaryto write 0 in the units place for the number 40.
Children ordernumbers by discussing the value of their digits and byconsidering their relative positions on a number line. They knowthat when they order two-digit numbers the tens digit is moresignificant than the units digit. They use this to explain how toidentify the larger or smaller of two numbers. They compare thesize of two numbers and use the < and > symbols to recordtheir comparison.
Children partitiontwo-digit numbers and use this to solve problems. For example,they show that 53 = 50 + 3 or 40 + 13or 30 + 23, and so on. They establish, for example, howmany different numbers can be made with the place value cards 20,40, 3 and 5. They record their solutions in an organised way usingpictures or symbols. Children know which two-digit numbers aremultiples of 10. They recognise which two multiples of 10 anytwo-digit number lies between. They use this to place two-digitnumbers on a number line and to round numbers to the nearest 10 byconsidering which of the two multiples of 10 is closer.
Children add orsubtract a one-digit number to or from any two-digit number bycounting in ones, taking particular care when counting over a tensboundary. They begin to use their knowledge of number facts to 10and partitioning to add and subtract numbers crossing the tensboundary, for example:
48 + 7 = 48 + 2 + 5 = 55
34 6 = 34 4 2 = 28
They demonstrate theircalculations on a number line.
They explore what happenswhen, for example, you add 7 to any number and then subtract 7.They understand that addition and subtraction are inverseoperations, i.e. that subtraction undoes an addition and viceversa. They record related addition and subtraction sentences suchas:
48 + 7 = 5555 7 = 48
62 6 = 5656 + 6 = 62
Children solve wordproblems using notes, number lines and number grids to supportand explain methods. For example, given that a purse contains 54p,they explain how much money is left inside when 10p is taken out.They solve number puzzles such as:
Put + or in eachcircle to make these calculations correct:
27 8 = 3562 55 = 738 2 5 = 41
They explain theirmethods and results using mathematical language, jottings andsymbols