Name | Poetry Week 1 |
Owner | jenvidler86 |
Level | 5 |
Topic | Literacy |
Unit | Poetry |
Description | |
File 1 | 709_LITERACY SPRING 1 Poetry.doc |
File 2 |
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Literacy EnvironmentalPoetry |
| Weekc/e 7thJanuary 2008 | Teacher:
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| SentenceLevel:
| TextLevel:
| Outcomes:Duringthis week the class will experience a variety of poetry dealingwith environmental themes, and use their own descriptive languageto extend and develop their own poetry. | |||||||||||||||||||
| SharedReading/Writing/Speaking& L. <5minutes> | WholeClass KS2 Word/Sentence <10minutes> | MainActivity <20mins>
| Plenary <5 -10mins> | ||||||||||||||||||
L.Intention To know how to, tobe able to, to understand | Vocab. | GuidedGroup | Independent Work(Indiv/pair/grp/collaborative) 20minutes. | |||||||||||||||||||
MON | Share poems fromEarthways Poems on Conservation and Green Poetry with theclass. Highlight the different structures involved; response pairsconsider their own preferences considering style, structure and theuse of language. | Phonics Activity1 The class take thepoems they have been given apart and write down any words they areunfamiliar with onto cards. In pairs they segment these words intotheir phonemes, initially by adding phonic buttons under the wordsthey have identified.
They test each otheron the words using the: Look> Say> Cover> Write> Checkstrategy.
| LI: Tounderstand the use of figurative and descriptive language inpoetry.
Successcriteria: (Pupilswill be able to)
| Simile,metaphor, imagery, vocabulary
Verse,stanza, structure, rhyme, rhythm | CT support more inferential analysis of the language andstructure.
TA develop groups choral performance and record digitally.
| Bugs AA Group discusses theimpact of one of the poems set, they concentrate on what they didor did not like about the structure, rhyming patterns, identifyingsome of the imagery that has been used. They present their chosenpoem to the class. CT support more inferential analysis of the language andstructure.
| Sylvester/Tweety A Working in pairs,groups create a summary for one of their chosen poems, and decidehow this could be presented to share with the class. | Taz / Scooby BA Groups discuss theirchosen poems and prepare one in each group for a choralpresentation, where they use drama to present it, and decide whateach group member will do. TA develop groups choral performance and record digitally. | Place reviews of thepoetry on the display for the class to examine. Each group performstheir chosen poem to the class. | |||||||||||||
| Class investigateFrom My Window and Theres a Dragon - query why it can beuseful to use ambitious vocabulary in a poem and highlight with twoexamples, which deal with simpler themes.
| Offer the class arange of environmental themes to write a poem about the classthen brainstorm words they could use in a poem as well as metaphorsand imagery for some of the processes involved.
Model setting theseout in blank verse, and structuring the poem to reflect itssubject.
| LI: To be ableto use ambitious vocabulary.
Successcriteria: (Pupilswill be able to)
| Synonym,ambitious vocabulary
Simile,metaphor, imagery,
| CT model opening verse and develop groups ideas in a groupsession.
TA guide group in creating similes or metaphors based on their chosentopic. | Bugs AA Group creates someindividual poetry using thesauruses to develop their vocabulary,and avoiding any words that are identified on the sheet. | Sylvester/Tweety A Group works in pairsto research words they could use in their poem; they develop theirlanguage and create some similes for the key imagerysuggested. TA guide group in creating similes or metaphors based on their chosentopic. | Taz / Scooby BA The group are givensome example imagery for their topic, and a number of words to findalternative synonyms for they then use these to create a poemthat expresses their own views through more ambitiousvocabulary. CT model opening verse and develop groups ideas in a groupsession. | Add vocabularyhangers around the room pupils identify with each other whichvocabulary they feel helped to develop the imagery in their poetryand share any similes and metaphors they have created. | |||||||||||||
WED | Classwatch their recorded performances and discuss whether they feelthis put the feel of their poem across.
Responsepartners suggest ways in which the poetry could be developedfurther through performance, i.e. use of gestures orexpression. | Collectsome of the vocabulary and images the class have gathered since thebeginning of the week model how these could be matched tostructure a poem.
Look atone of the poems from the previous lesson, and match the style andrhyming pattern to the new vocabulary. | LI:To be able to extend a poem in the same style.
Successcriteria: (Pupilswill be able to)
| CT model opening sentences, guide use of key vocabulary and buildsentences from this with individual pairs.
TA assist group in identifying key structure of poem to use, anddiscuss what elements can be developed in their ownstanzas. | Bugs AA Pupilschoose a theme and create a version of their chosen poem using thevocabulary developed in the previous lessons sentence levelwork.
Theyconsider to what extent they can match the rhyming pattern andstructure, and where this needs to be changed.
| Sylvester/Tweety A Groupidentify the rhyming and verse structure for their chosen poem thenextend it, adding one or two verses based on their owntheme. TA assist group in identifying key structure of poem to use, anddiscuss what elements can be developed in their ownstanzas. | Taz / Scooby BA Groupwork in pairs following sentence level work to extend that poemusing their own ideas. They consider the vocabulary they will usefrom a set of given cards. CT model opening sentences, guide use of key vocabulary and buildsentences from this with individual pairs. | Pupilsfrom each group share their poetry other groups identify whichpoem was used as a model in each instance. Discuss the use oflanguage within the new poems. |
THU | Use anon fiction book about the environment, explain that pupils will beusing a quick method of scanning books to see if they will beuseful for research display an enlarged copy of a research frame,and complete initial exercise with the class. | In thissession, the class reduce a simple sentence to its key words, andthen develop it into a compound sentence by adding moreinformation. Emphasise where essential meanings are the same reorder to change the subject/object emphasis. | LI:To be able to locate information confidently.
Successcriteria: (Pupilswill be able to)
| Non fiction, scan, skim, index, contents page, headings | CT helpgroup scan for information and locate this within thetext.
TA develop skills in scanning the books provided for information guide use of the research frame.
| Bugs AA Pupilsselect a number of non-fiction sources and scan them forinformation about recycling. They use their own research framebased upon the one modelled. | Sylvester/Tweety A(TA)Groupcomplete a research frame based on one topic using two texts toassist. They compile the research, using key phrases. TA develop skills in scanning the books provided for information guide use of the research frame.
| Taz / Scooby BA (CT)Closesupport to use one text to find information about chosen topic they are guided in entering this into their frame. CT helpgroup scan for information and locate this within thetext.
| Bugsgroup talk to the class about their method of collecting researchinformation response pairs share their ideas with eachother.
FRI | Read anextract from a key non fiction text tell the class to jot downthe key words that jump at them as the text is read. The classfeedback their suggested key words pupils volunteer what thesentence meant using their own words, but keeping the word orderthey have noted down. | Classwork with interactive board to use connectives, conjunctions,commas and full stops to connect the passage together in fewersentences, but still retain the meaning. | LI:To be able to adapt a text in my own words.
Successcriteria: (Pupilswill be able to)
| Key heading, key word, key phrase, summary
Conjunction, comma, connective | CT works with group to scan books after selecting them guide use ofpro forma to record summary of text.
TA develop groups annotations to support effective notation andcreation of sentences that are concise but developed (i.e.connective use etc.)
| Bugs AA Groupuse columns What I know and What I need to know to developtheir previous grid and detail their research and create a briefsummary. TA develop groups annotations to support effective notation andcreation of sentences that are concise but developed (i.e.connective use etc.)
| Sylvester/Tweety A Using ashort passage from a related text, the group models the shared workand look for key headings, words and phrases in the passage theyuse these to write a brief summary of the text. | Taz / Scooby BA Groupuse highlighted words from a text given to rewrite their ownversion they try to use suitable connectives to develop thewording and create a more concise summary. CT works with group to scan books after selecting them guide use ofpro forma to record summary of text. | Sylvestergroup shares their findings about defining words, using fourexamples with the rest of the class. The class then offersuggestions as to how some of these various combinations of wordscan be used within a sentence to create more effectivemeanings. |
| Children not reachingobjectives
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| Notes for next week /term
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ICTOpportunities: 3touse independent spelling strategies, including: usingdictionaries and IT spell- checks; Class nowhave opportunity to present work during ICT club during the week,as well as access to class computers where possible.
| Cross-curricularlinks:
ICT presentation ofclass narratives commencing in week 2.
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