Brenden is Teaching


NameThe Romans
DescriptionPlan of work for all KS2 classes
File 1163_romans.doc
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Billinghay Church of England Primary School

Medium Term Planning


KeyStage 2 Year A Term 1 and 2






Suggested Activities

Literacy Links

Recorded Work

Other Links



What do we knowabout the Romans?



Which part ofHistory did the Romans belong to































Why dopeople move away from where they were born?
































Whowere the Celts and who were the Romans?














Why did the Romansinvade and settle in Britain.









What was the Romanarmy like and how did they fight?





























Who wasBoudicca?




















What happened in AD60?













Whatwere the short-term and long-term results of Boudiccasrevolt?











How didthe Romans change Britain when they settled here?

























































































































































































































































































To beable to state what is known about the Romans.



To beable to place Romans in a timeline.



























Toknow what a settlement is?


Torecognise the reasons for people moving away from where they areborn?










To beable to compare the Romans to modern day British people.
















o To makecomparisons

betweenthese lifestyles

Toinvestigate aspects of life in Celtic and Roman Britain, using avariety of






























Tounderstand why the Romans conquered Britain.

Torecognise the influence the Romans had outside of Italy.










Todevelop an understanding of the nature of Roman warfare and theproblems a Celtic King might face in fighting a Roman invasionforce.





























Thatsources about Boudica contradict each other.

thatthere are different

opinionsabout Boudica

to makea comparison of

twoaccounts of Boudica

whichgive different














  themain events in Boudiccas revolt

  thereason for the revolt

thatthere are different interpretations of the revolt.










  aboutthe results of Boudiccas revolt

toappreciate that people have points of view about events in thepast.












  aboutevidence that tells us about life in Roman Britain

ask andanswer questions about what survived from the Roman settlement ofBritain.



























Tostate what now known about the Romans.

Assessment ofknowledge and understanding of the Romans. Produce a concept mapor KWL grid to show what the children know about the topic.


Discuss where theRomans fit in a timeline of history, How long ago were the Romansaround? How long were they in Britain for? Who followed theRomans?

Establish thatgroups of people have been visiting, invading and settlingin

Britainfor a very longtime.

Think inparticular Celts and Saxons as they have greatest influence inregards to the Romans.


The Museum hasasked you to organise the exhibits into chronological order.


Romans,Anglo-Saxons, Vikings, Tudor, Victorians, Greece, Aztecs, AncientEgypt and World War 2.


Ask thechildren to look at the class time line and pick out the people andevents they have already learnt about. Do they know any otherevents that could be placed in our timeline, e.g. the GreatFire, Florence Nightingale.




Discuss thechildrens and their families experiences of moving home tolive

either in adifferent part of the country or in a different country. Use a mapto

establish wherethey moved to and from. Encourage the children to suggest why theyor their families moved, and list the reasons given.

Help them tosort the reasons into those where families chose to move and wherethey had to move.





Use the film tofocus on characters. What are they wearing, how do they know thatthey are from the past.

The film showsRoman soldiers. Show them what a soldier would wear when he was inRome toga and tunic.

Compareclothing to a modern day child, man, woman and what people wear inbattle today.

Add words todescribe how they look.


Year 3/4 givenkey words from a word bank to help them describe theirclothing.


Year 5/6 a moredetailed description a long with any pro and cons of wearing theiritems of clothing.


Ask thechildren to locate the Roman period on the class timeline. Tellthem

that they aregoing to find out about the Romans and also about the Celts,

who lived inBritain before the Romans arrived.

Give theminformation about and pictures of the Celts and/or theRomans.

Ask thechildren to complete a three-column grid with the headings:How

they didthings, Celts, and Romans. In the first column children canlist

aspects such asdress, belief, language, towns, farms, art, technology.They

can use theother two columns to compare the two ways of life.

Discuss thechildrens answers with them, drawing their attention tosimilarities and differences.


Show them theextract in the museum where the Roman exhibit is shown. What canthey see? Buildings, people, etc.

They are goingto write a report on what each exhibit should look like using arange of sources to help them.


Provide thechildren with a range of written sources and ask them to workin

pairs, scanningthem for key words and phrases, and marking/selecting




Look at a mapwhich shows places where the Romans invaded and settled in order tounderstand the journey a Roman soldier would take. Think about howlong it would take today to get to Rome from Britain or vice versa,compare with how they travel to get there.


Create a brochurepersuading the soldiers to travel to Britain. Use information fromreasons why the Romans would invade and settle in Britain and workrelated to the Celts.

Recap on whatthe children know about the Celts.

Discuss whatwould a Celtic king would do if they found out that a Romaninvasion was imminent.

If they were tospy on the army in France what questions would they need to ask inorder to find things out ready to write a report.

Questions suchas:

What did thesoldiers wear? How many weapons did they have? What were they?Where will the soldiers attack first?


Watch anextract from the film Gladiator The battle scene (miracles ofmiracles extract, lots of detail. Stop the extract at differentpoints in order to focus on specific aspects of militarylife.)


Use variouspictures and sources to try and answer some of theirquestions.


After usingdifferent sources the group/pairs give a report on the Romaninvasion including advice they would give to the Celticking.


Think aboutwhat it would be like as a Roman soldier who is ready to fight forRome. How do they feel?

Think about howlong it has taken them to get there, do they miss? Do they want togo into battle?

Show thechildren images of Boudica. Ask them to describe what theysee,

drawing theirattention to the differences in how she is portrayed. Discuss withthe children what kind of person they think she was and why theythink this. Ask the children to record their findings. Help them tofind evidence that confirms or contradicts their ideas.

Linkswith aspects of literacy: Read two different descriptions ofBoudica. Ask

thechildren to identify the different viewpoints within thestories

Encourage thechildren to make contributions and present simple arguments indiscussions.

Ask thechildren to draw a picture of Boudica and write a short descriptionof

what they thinkshe was really like.



Tell,read, or ask the children to read, the story of Boudiccas revolt.Ask them to retell the story in storyboards. Ask the children toread a different version of the story, eg a play, andlook for similarities and differences between the twostories.

Askchildren to compare the two interpretations of the story byanswering targeted questions.

Discusswith the children the causes of the revolt and, with their help,arrange the causes in order of importance.


Discusswith the children the immediate consequences of the revolt for theCelts and the Romans and record these on a big piece of paper. Alsodiscuss the longer-term impact of the revolt on Britain.

Ask thechildren to think about how a Celtic or Roman survivor of therevolt might feel. Provide them with a suitable sentence-starterand ask them to write about the results of the revolt from thepoint of view of either a Celt or a Roman. Discuss with thechildren why people might view the revolt differently.





Locatewhere the Romans settled using town names. Link with Lincoln andLindum Hill. Discuss and look at important Roman roads that havebeen used today Ermine Road/Way.


Arrangea visit to the collection in Lincoln. Before the visit, tell thechildren that many Romans settled in Britain and introduced some oftheir customs and ways of life, eg towns, baths, new formsof religion and farming methods. Tell them that the Celtsresponded by building villas and adapting Roman styles of potteryand dress.

Linkvisit with the film A Night At The Museum. They will use thisvisit to help them create their own museum/display on the Romans link with D & T

See ifthey have artefacts the children can handle so they can pretend tobe curators at the museum.


Afterthe visit, ask the children to create a classroom display on allthat they have learnt about the Romans.


Eachgroup produce a short talk on their display and what they decidedto show as curators and why they displayed them like theydid.


Finishwith assessment of knowledge and understanding of the topic















Spelling- topicwords. Use dictionaries to locate their meaning.



































Report onclothing.

































Non ChronologicalReport.

Scanning and Skimmingskills.



























Speaking andListening.

Report writing

























Diary extract of aRoman soldier who is about to go into battle








Linkswith aspects of literacy: Read two different descriptions ofBoudica. Ask

thechildren to identify the different viewpoints within thestories

Encourage thechildren to make contributions and present simple arguments indiscussions.












































Concept map/KWLgrid.
















Place key periods ontimeline.

Year 3/4 decadeswritten down for them.


























Label pictures ofRoman soldiers, Roman citizens, British army and everydaycitizen.

Write a shortdescription on what they are wearing so they can compareclothing.




























Use secondary sourcesto write a report on what to include in the exhibits and why










Travel brochure onCeltic Britain.












Questions related tothe Roman invasion.


Report on what theythink the Celts should do and what the army are doing, going todo?


























On a wanted posterdescribe Boudica as if she was being described on a police wantedposter.















Storyboard of themain events of the revolt.





























Map work





















Children decide howthey will show their learning by producing a display on what theyhave found out.






In a different colourcomplete concept maps.

































Speakingand Listening

Citizenshipcommunities are madeup of people from different places, backgrounds andcultures.







































Links to othercurriculum subjects such as R.E Religious beliefs,































































































































D & T





































2.Knowledge and Understanding of people, events and events in thepast.


4.Historical Enquiry.






4.Historical Enquiry


5.Organisation and communication.











Knowledgeand Understanding



Organisationand communication

























Knowledgeand understanding













Knowledgeand Understanding




Organisationand communication.




























Organisationand communication















Knowledgeand understanding


Organisationand communication





























Knowledgeand understanding




Organisationand communication
