Name | Geography- Cities theme |
Owner | shinygoldenlady |
Level | 5 |
Topic | Geography |
Unit | Cities |
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File 1 | 681_Geography- Spring.doc |
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Geography Term:Spring 1Theme : Cities (Salford/Belfast)Class: Year5/6 | ||||
Key knowledge,skills and understanding:
1a)Ask geographical questions [for example, What is this landscapelike?, What do I think about it?] 1c)Analyseevidenceand draw conclusions [for example, by comparing population data fortwo localities] 1e)Communicate in ways appropriate to the task and audience
2a)To useappropriate geographical vocabulary [for example, temperature,transport, industry] 2c)To useatlases and globes, and maps and plans at a range of scales [forexample, using contents, keys, grids] 2d)To use secondary sources of information, including aerialphotographs [for example, stories, information texts, the internet,satellite images, photographs, videos] 2e)To draw plans and maps at a range of scales [for example, a sketchmap of a locality] 2f)To use ICT to help geographical investigations [for example,creating a data file to analyse fieldwork data]
3a) Identify anddescribe what places are like [ 3d) To explain whyplaces are like they are [for example, in terms of weatherconditions, local resources, historical development] 3e) To identifyhow and why places change [for example though the closure of shopsor buildings of new houses, through conservation projects] and howthey may change in the future [for example, though an increase intraffic or an influx or tourists] | Theme:
BOS 6a) Alocality in the United Kingdom. 6b) Alocality in a country that is less economically developed.
Themes 6d)How settlements differ and change, including why they differ insize and character [for example, commuter village, seasidetown].
7a) Study at arange of scales- local, regional and national 7b)Study arange of places and environments in different parts of the world,including the United Kingdom and the European Union.
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Keyareas/theme (What we are learning)
| Activity (How we will learn it) | Outcome (How I/they will know that we have learntit/Success Criteria WILF) | Assessment (Exceeded/not achieved) | Future Action |
1a) To askgeographical questions about a locality, including physical andhuman features. 2a) To useappropriate geographical vocabulary.
| Introduction: Discuss- Q What is a city?Capital city? Q Where isSalford? Display KWLWgrid. Introduce Salfordas the locality we are going to focus on initially and that we aregoing to compare this city to Belfast city (in Europe). Q What do wealready know about each locality? (Pair rallyideas and class discuss) Q What would welike to find out?- discuss use ofcorrect geographical vocabulary. Q What is ageographical question/vocabulary? Create successcriteria for the objective A, P, N, e.g.) includes geographicalvocabulary, provides us with useful information. Activity: Children to workin pairs to come up with 5 geographical question. In groups childrento choose 5 good geographical questions. Plenary: As a class decideon the best five questions- focus on the success criteria. | Q Have thechildren met the class success criteria? |
2c)To useatlases and globes, and maps and plans at a range of scales [forexample, using contents, keys, grids] d) Torecognisehow places comparewith other places [
| Introduction: Refer back to theKWLW and explain one of the things we need to know about Salford isthe location. In table groups ask the children to locate Salford ona map of the UK and also locate their own village/town. Q Whichrailways, roads, main locations is Salford near? Identify anddiscuss with the children differences and similarities in thelocation of the two places. Activity: Ask the childrento plan the best route to Salford (using criteria agreed by thegroup). Show SuccessCriteria: Note the roughdistance. Cleardirections. Noteco-ordinates. Extension: Note the mainsettlements pasted by. Note the maineconomic activity on the way. Plenary Q What have wefound out? Q What can we now fill in in our KWLW grids? Q Whatdo we still need to research? | Q Have thechildren met the success criteria? Note the roughdistance. Cleardirections. Noteco-ordinates. Extension: Note the mainsettlements pasted by.
2d.To use secondary sources of information, including aerialphotographs [for example, stories, information texts, theinternet, satellite images, photographs, videos] 3a. To identifyand describe what places are like [ 1e.To communicate in ways appropriate to the task andaudience.
| Introduction: Explain to thechildren that they think about what think Salford may be like.Record initial ideas on a class mind-map. Activity: Children to workin small groups to research what Salford is like, rotate so eachgroup gets to look at the different types of information, includingthe internet/tourist leaflets/topic books/talking to visitor fromSalford Tourist board. LA To be given thefollowing headings to research under- landscape, population,climate, economic activity and leisure. MA To create theirown headings, using their KWLW grids. Explain to thechildren that we are writing to provide notes for adults on thearea so we need to include the correct geographical vocabulary-recall what this means. Show SuccessCriteria and objective: L.O. To identifywhat places are like, using secondary sources. LA Information oneach section. Geographicalvocabulary used. MA Chosenappropriate headings. Information oneach section. Geographicalvocabulary used. Plenary Q What have wefound out? Q What can we now fill in in our KWLW grids? Q Whatdo we still need to research? | Q Have thechildren met the success criteria? LA Information oneach section. Geographicalvocabulary used. MA Chosenappropriate headings. Information oneach section. Geographicalvocabulary used. |
1e.To communicate in ways appropriate to the task andaudience.
| Introduction: Q What did wefind out about Salford last week? Q What do we still need toresearch? Activity Children tocomplete any research needed from the pervious lesson. Children tocomplete an information sheet aimed at people considering moving toSalford using the information collected the previous week. As a class createSuccess Criteria for writing for this audience, A, P and N. Plenary Read severalreports- Q Has the child met the Success Criteria? Q What havewe found out about what Salford is like? | Have the childrenmet the class created Success Criteria? |
3d) To explain whyplaces are like they are [for example, in terms of weatherconditions, local resources, historical development] 3a) Identify anddescribe what places are like [
| Introduction: Q What do youthink are the positive and negative points aboutSalford? As a class createa brief list of positive and negative points. Activity Children toprepare a debate speech- Half the class for living in Salford andhalf the class against- children to prepare their arguments beforethe debate in pair/share widened out to groups. Discuss anddisplay Success Criteria- LA Geographicalvocabulary used. Strongarguments MA As above +arguments must be backed up using evidence. Good use ofpersuasive techniques. Plenary Review severalperformances in the debate against the Success Criteria. Recallpositive and negative points. Q Would these points bepositive/negative for everyone? Discuss how this can depend onwhat different people are looking for.
| Have the childrenmet the Success Criteria? LA Geographicalvocabulary used. Strongarguments MA As above +arguments must be backed up using evidence. Good use ofpersuasive techniques. |
2d)To use secondary sources of information, including aerialphotographs [for example, stories, information texts, the internet,satellite images, photographs, videos] 2f)To use ICT to help geographical investigations [for example,creating a data file to analyse fieldwork data] 3a) Identify anddescribe what places are like [ 3d) To explain whyplaces are like they are [for example, in terms of weatherconditions, local resources, historical development]
| Introduction: Q What did wefind out about Salford last week? Explain that weare going to move onto looking at Belfast and compare this toSalford. Activity Look at the TwoCities website the interactive board. Discuss with the children how they cango on a City Tour of Belfast. Children to have a print off of thecity map so they can make notes about the tour. Model how to usethe site. Groups use the TwoCities site to go on a city tour and collect information aboutBelfast, through the views of one child. Each group to use adifferent child. Children shouldmake notes about the city on their City Map. LA Children to begiven headings to write under. Individuallychildren should answer the question- Q Would you like to livetheir? Why? Why not? Create classSuccess Criteria for the task. Plenary Feedback answersfrom the question. Create a class list of positive and negativepoints for and against living in Belfast. Discuss the fact thatdifferent people have different views about the city- Q Why isthis?
| Have the childrenmet the Success Criteria they created?