Name | Music - Composition |
Owner | miksherlock |
Level | 3 |
Topic | Music |
Unit | Composition |
Description | Medium Term Planning for Music Compostion - Peter and the Wolf |
File 1 | 678_Music MTP Peter and The Wolf.doc |
File 2 |
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Chn must: | Chn should: | Chn could: |
Recognise somedescriptive uses of the elements; create descriptive music, e.g.based on animals, that uses sequence of sound (often soundeffects), movements and words. | Recognise how musicalelements can be used together to compose descriptive music; combinesounds with movement and narrative. | Work in groups ofthree or four to extend their ideas into longer pieces of musicwith several layers of sounds. |
| Assessment notes: (includingprogression) | |
Clarinet Strings Flute Breathe Posture Slow /slower Musicalelements Duration Tempo Horn Flute Strings | Diction FrenchHorn Fast /faster Characteristics PitchBassoon Oboe Drums Composed Movement Pace Represent Dynamics |
Learningobjective | Assessment of outcomes | Activities | Specialresources | Links |
Week1 To know how words candescribe sounds To know about soundsmade by different sound sources | identify and usedescriptive words to create sound pictures | When askedabout roman life, children often mention soldiers, fighting, andthe baths as some of their first thoughts. Discuss how theelements of music will help to convey the image; fast or slow?(Tempo) loud, quiet, getting louder? (Dynamics), one sound or many?(Texture), metal or wood? (Timbre) long/short sounds, rhythm?(Duration) and high or low sounds (pitch). |
Week2 To identify how musiccan be used descriptively. To listen to musiccarefully.
| To illustrate theirfeelings or ideas whilst listening to Prokofievs Peter and theWolf. To recognise howmusical elements are used and combined to describe differentanimals
| INTRODUCTION:Tell the childrenthat Peter and the Wolf was composed in 1936, by the Russiancomposer Sergey Prokofiev, to introduce children to the sounds ofsome of the instruments of the orchestra. As well as usinginstruments a narrator is used to tell the story. The story has arange of characters (people and animals) each are represented by adifferent instrument: Peter :strings, Bird: flute, Duck: oboe, Cat: clarinet, Grandfather:bassoon, Wolf: French horn, Hunters: drums Show childrenwhat each of the instruments look like. ACTIVITY:Listen to the wholeof Prokofievs Peter and the Wolf. Each child to have A4 sheet ofpaper to draw what ever comes into their minds about what theythink the music is trying to describe. (This will hopefully helpthe children to listen carefully to the music). Ask children tolisten carefully and leave any questions to the end. PLENARY:Read the story ofPeter and the Wolf to the children showing the children theillustrations. | Full Recording ofPeter and the Wolf by Prokofiev Pictures ofinstruments (see vocabulary) A4 paper Pencils Pencil crayons |
Week3 To knowhow sounds can becombined To know how sound canbe organised To know how to createa class composition, combining layers of sound within simplestructures |
| Using knowledgeabout the life of the Romans to create a class composition usinginstruments. Soldiersmarching - steady beat,dynamics (loud, quiet, getting louder/quieter), stop/start,silence. Instruments:drums. |
Week4 To listen to musiccarefully. To identify how musiccan be used descriptively. e.g. to represent different animalcharacteristics | Recognise how musicalelements are used and combined to describe differentanimals. To have correctlyidentified the character being described by the music. | INTRODUCTION:Chinese Whispers topass round the circle, get the children to sit in a circle mixedboys and girls. Pass around Is it Peter or is it a bird? This willfollow on to the main activity of the lesson. ACTIVITY:Listen carefully tothe extracts from Peter and the Wolf, describing Peter and thebird. Say to the children that one piece is describing Peterplaying in the meadow even though he shouldnt be there; the otheris a bird singing in the tree. Which one is which? How can we tellfrom how Prokofiev composed the pieces of music? Listen to thetwo extracts again thinking particularly about how the composer hasused musical elements to represents the characters. PLENARY:Singing Children tosit up straight and breathe correctly, diction to be accurate. Tellchildren that all songs that we will sing will involve animals orbe specific about animals. Children to sing two songs that theyshould know (possibly need to reminding of words). Three Blind miceand Baa Baa Black sheep. Followed by Five green and speckledfrogs. | Pictures ofstrings(Peter) and flute (Bird)
Week5 To knowhow sounds can becombined To know how sound canbe organised To know how to createa class composition, combining layers of sound within simplestructures | To choose carefullyand order sounds within simple structures in response to thestimulus of weather To contribute ideas andcontrol sounds as part of a class composition andperformance | Fighting- no beat, long andshort sounds vocal sounds! (Each person could have 2 painfulmoments - aaghh!) Instruments:metal sounds. Make short and long sounds on cymbals, andtriangles. |
Week6 To listen to musiccarefully. To identify how musiccan be used descriptively. e.g. to represent different animalcharacteristics | Recognise how musicalelements are used and combined to describe differentanimals. To have correctlyidentified the character being described by the music. | INTRODUCTION:Remind children ofhow they should sing thinking about breathing, posture and diction.Introduce scale and explain what a scale is this is the beginningof introducing the children to pitch. Teletubby scaleactivity. ACTIVITY:Listen carefully tothe extracts from Peter and the Wolf, describing the cat andgranddad. Say to the children that one piece is describing a catwho appears and the bird then moves onto a higher branch; the otheris describing granddad who warns peter not to get into trouble.Which one is which? How can we tell from how Prokofiev composed thepieces of music? Listen to thetwo extracts again thinking particularly about how the composer hasused musical elements to represents the characters. In small groupschildren are to discuss what characteristics the musical elementsportray. PLENARY:Singing Children tosit up straight and breathe correctly, diction to be accurate.Children will learn two new songs: The bear went over the mountainand Alice the camel. If time sing Five green and speckled frogsfrom last week. | Pictures of clarinet(cat) and bassoon (granddad)
Week7 To knowhow sounds can becombined To know how sound canbe organised To know how to createa class composition, combining layers of sound within simplestructures | To choose carefullyand order sounds within simple structures in response to thestimulus of weather To contribute ideas andcontrol sounds as part of a class composition andperformance | Working/diggingroads - rhythm, no rhythm,short/long sounds, shaking, scraping, hammering, thumpingetc. Instruments:claves, agogos, guiros, woodblocks, drums and maracas |
Week8 To listen to musiccarefully. To identify how musiccan be used descriptively. e.g. to represent different animalcharacteristics | Recognise how musicalelements are used and combined to describe differentanimals. Be able to name allof the instruments and match to relevant animals. To have correctlyidentified the character being described by the music and givereasons for their identifications.
| INTRODUCTION:Match the animal withthe instrument that portrays the animal. Making sure they cancorrectly identify the instruments. ACTIVITY:Listen carefully tothe extracts from Peter and the Wolf, describing the wolf and thehunters. Say to the children that one piece is describing the wolfthat comes into the meadow; the other is the hunters approachingwith their guns. Which one is which? How can we tell from howProkofiev composed the pieces of music? Listen to thetwo extracts again thinking particularly about how the composer hasused musical elements to represents the characters. In small groupschildren are to discuss what characteristics the musical elementsportray. Do any of the other animals appear in either of todaysextracts? How can we tell? PLENARY:Singing Children tosit up straight and breathe correctly, diction to be accurate.Children will learn one new songs: The ants cam marching and alsothree blind mice. | Pictures of Frenchhorn (wolf) and drums (hunters)
Week9 To knowhow sounds can becombined To know how sound canbe organised To know how to createa class composition, combining layers of sound within simplestructures | To choose carefullyand order sounds within simple structures in response to thestimulus of weather To contribute ideas andcontrol sounds as part of a class composition andperformance | Baths- quiet, calm, slow,long, peaceful, watery, drippy. Instruments:Chime bars, glockenspiels, and metalophones. |
Week10 To understand howmusic can create a sound picture through the use of musicalelements. | To correctly identifythe animal being depicted. Can explain why SaintSans makes certain choices within his music. Recognise how musicalelements are used and combined to describe differentanimals. Use appropriatelanguage to talk about what they hear. | INTRODUCTION:Chinese Whispers topass round the circle, get the children to sit in a circle mixedboys and girls. Pass around Kangaroos hop and swans glide Whichwill follow on to the main activity of the lesson. ACTIVITY:Talk about the way akangaroo moves ask children to demonstrate how it does move. Listento Kangaroo Track 13. Can the children hear how the Kangaroo ismoving? How has Saint Sans made it sound like a kangaroo? Listen to asection of the music and ask the children to pretend they arekangaroos. Any child really not wanting to participate may sit atthe side of the room. In contrast howdoes a swan move? Ask a child to demonstrate. How do you thinkSaint Sans has written the piece about the swan? Brainstorm thechildrens ideas on a flip chart or white board. Listen to themusic and ask the children to see if they can hear the suggestionswritten down. PLENARY:At the end as thechildren the following questions: Which ones canwe tick off? Do we need toadd any other musical elements? If time, singtwo already learnt songs of the children choice. | White board / flipchart
Week11 To know how sound canbe organised To know how to createa class composition, combining layers of sound within simplestructures | To choose carefullyand order sounds within simple structures in response to thestimulus of weather To contribute ideas andcontrol sounds as part of a class composition andperformance | Children canthen combine these sounds to create an atmosphere. The performancecould be conducted/led by a leader pointing to each group. Dont forget totape it! Let thechildren hear their work and evaluate it. |
Week12 Understand how musiccan represent an animal through the use of musical elements. | To have workedsuccessfully as a member of a group. To have used musicalelements to represent a snail. Use musical elementsto represent an animal. | INTRODUCTION:Chinese Whispers topass round the circle, get the children to sit in a circle mixedboys and girls. ACTIVITY:Working as a class,explain that we are going to create some music to represent ananimal. All the classwill be working on the same animal today. THESNAIL Thinking of themusic we have listened to and discussed over the last few weeks.Three questions need to be asked: 1. What characteristicsdoes the animal have? 2. How might thesecharacteristics be represented using musical elements? 3. What instrumentsmight be used to create the intended effect? Show childrenchart that they are to fill in as a mixed ability group. All groupsreport back with their ideas and collate them on a large sheet ofpaper. Give aselection of instruments to each group. Each group are to compose ashort piece of music representing a snail. PLENARY:All groups to performtheir compositions. Make sure allinstruments are put away correctly. | Selection ofinstruments Photocopy of chart one per group |