Name | Oliver's Vegetables |
Owner | blue3 |
Level | 1 |
Topic | Literacy |
Unit | Narrative |
Description | |
File 1 | 552_new framework lit sum 1 unit 1 oilvers veg wk1.doc |
File 2 | 552_new framework lit sum 1 unit 1 oilvers veg wk 2.doc |
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LITERACY WEEKLYPLANNING SHEET | YEAR 1 | LearningOutcomes week 1 Narrative1 unit 1 Sequence 1 stories with familiar settings week1/2 Phase 1 ch canidentify the main character and setting in a story using evidencefrom the illustrations and text Phase 2 ch canre-enact a story sequencing the main events and using phrases fromthe text | ChosenText: Oilvers vegetablesby Vivian French (hodder) what shall we do blue kangaroo by emmachichester clark (Collins) . | |||||||||||
WEEK BEGINNING :31/03/08 TEACHERS: Miss Cipko | ||||||||||||||
CROSS CURRICULARLINKS/ ICT Family familiarevents at home family members Science and dtlooking at vegetables Numeracy days of theweek | ||||||||||||||
HOMEWORK Bear words,spellings, reading books. | ||||||||||||||
| WHOLE CLASS Introduction and keyfeatures | MAIN TEACHING speaking andlistening | DIFFERENTIATION | PLENARY | ||||||||||
SEN Akhila Keenan | LA Blue and GreenTable Gervais,Lewis, Dean, Sukhi, Demi | MA Yellow Table Rochelle,Muna, , Jade, Rahul, Chloe, Moonisha | HA Red Table Andrew,Elizabeth, Gustav, Keeley, Megan, Harry Katie | |||||||||||
Phase 1
| Read the storyOlivers vegetables to the class. Ask who is the story about? Whathappens in the story? Use and explain the terms setting maincharacter and events. Invite them to retell the story using wordssuch as first next at the end
Socialskills Turn taking Creativethinking Applying imaginativeideas | LO I can listen toa story and respond with memories
Display the Oliversvegetables extract showing Olivers Gran and Granpa in the garden.Remind the ch how pilver enjoyed visiting them and findingvegetables growing in the garden. Discuss the chs experience ofvisiting grandparents or other relatives. Divide the class intotalk partners to talk about these memories and describe someonethey enjoy visiting. Explain that they will be reporting theirmemories back to the class. Bring the classtogether and ask pairs to take turns to tell the class about theirpartners chosen character stimulate responses to each othersmemories by asking questions sch as why have you chosen thischaracter? What is special about him/her? Tell ch they aregoing to draw a picture of their character and then write aboutthem underneath. Using an outline of aperson get ch to think of descriptive imaginative words they coulduse put character outline on the working lit wall. Ask ch whereelse could we look to find descriptive words? The working lit wallVicki vocab. Tell ch not to forgetcapital letters, full stops and finger spaces
| Bring the classtogether and look at the chs drawings Re-read olivers vegetables orthe extract discuss the story using the words character setting andevent. | ||||||||||
Akhila and Keenan todraw a picture of their own character and think of a sentence abouthim/her. With 1.1 support of ta keenan and Akhila to write asentence. Ta to support sounding out of words.
| Ch to draw a pictureof their chosen character and write a sentence about him/her. Ta tohelp support ch by reminding them to sound out words. | Ch to draw a pictureof their chosen character and to write 3 descriptive sentencesusing imaginative vocab. Adult to help extendthe ch instead of big what other word could we use? Look at theworking lit wall | Ch to draw a pictureof their chosen character and to write 4/5 descriptive sentencesusing imaginative vocab. Remind ch they canuse the pronoun he or she instead of the name. Ch to use workinglit walls to write exciting descriptions. | |||||||||||
TAMrs Kaur 1.1 support 5 minseach | TAMrs Kaur groupsupport | TMiss Cipko | I | |||||||||||
| WHOLE CLASS WHOLECLASS Introduction and keyfeatures | MAIN TEACHING speaking andlistening | DIFFERENTIATION | PLENARY |
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SEN Akhila Keenan | LA Blue and GreenTable Gervais,Lewis, Dean, Sukhi Demi | MA Yellow Table Rochelle,Muna, Jade, Rahul, Chloe, Moonisha
| HA Red Table Andrew,Elizabeth, Gustav, Keeley, Megan,Harry, Katie |
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Phase 1 | Ask the ch to recallthe story they heard the day before encouraging them to comment oncharacters settings and events
Communications Discussing their workcollaboratively
Creativethinking applying imaginativeideas | Lo I can listen andrespond to stories
Display the Oliversvegetables extract Ask what part does grandpa garden play in thestory? Work together on retelling the story. Divide the class intosmall groups of 4 and supply each group with cut out pictures ofthe story Olivers vegetables. Ask them to arrange the pictures inorder to remind them of the story sequence. Bring the class backtogether to compare their sequences. Retell the story using one ofthem.
Tell ch I am going togive them a booket each la to sequence pictures in order and writethe name of the vegetable they can work in pairs for this. Ma to cut out andstick pictures in order and then write a sentence for each days ofthe week are at the top of each page. Ha to write days ofthe week on the tops of the pages then write a descriptivesentence for each page ie on Monday oilver ate some juicy ornagecarrots. On Tuesday
| Akhila and keenan tocut out and sequence the vegetable pictures in order of days of thedays in the week ( in prepared zig zag book). Then talk thro thestory with rest of blue and green table.
| Ch to cut out andsequence the vegetable pictures in order the days in the week(prepared zig zag book) and have a go at writing the name of thevegetable sounding out the letter sounds. Suki to write anadjective as well ie juicy carrot
| Ch cut out picturesof the vegetables arrange them in order and stick them in theprepared booklet. Ch to write a sentence for each day of the to think of an adjective for the carrots ie juicy orangecarrots. Adult to help extend ch ie can you think of anotheradjective?
| Ch to write sentencesfor each day of the week. Ie on Monday oliver ate some OnTuesday oliver ate somech to think of an adjective for eachvegetable ie oliver ate some juicy orange carrots | Bring the childrenback together and invite them to point to pages in their books torepresent what happened first, next and at the end of thestory. . |
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I | I | TAMrs Kaur | TMiss Cipko |
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| WHOLE CLASS Introduction and keyfeatures | MAIN TEACHING speaking andlistening | DIFFERENTIATION | PLENARY | |||
SEN Akhila Keenan | LA Blue and GreenTable Gervais,Lewis, Dean, Sukhi, Demi | MA Yellow Table Rochelle,Muna, Jade, Rahul, Chloe, Moonisha | HA Red Table Andrew,Elizabeth, Gustav, Keeley, Megan, Harry katie | ||||
Phase 1 | Read What Shall WeDo Blue Kangaroo? and The Good Mood Hunt and comparecharacters, settings and events. Reactivate prior learning Remindchildren of the story of Olivers Vegetables told earlier.Which of the three stories did they like best?
Communication Discussing their workcollaboratively
Creativethinking Applying imaginativeideas
| LO I can comparestories
Tell ch that I amgoing to read one of these three stories again. Ask indv ch tochoose a favourite one and give a reason for this choice. Read themost popular story again and ask the ch if they notice anything newin the words or illustrations. Read the next mostpopular story and discuss characters, settings and events. Make a list of thecharacters in all three stories under the headings Adultsand Children. Ask which adults would be most fun to be withand why. Ask questions about the child characters, for example:Which ones are happiest? Who would make the bestfriend?
| Akhila to have 1.1support and be seated next to adult Akhila to describe herself andeither the teacher or ta to make work less imaginative. Keenan to have somesupport if needed. | Ch to draw pictures oftheir chosen characters an adult and a child and think of 5 wordsto describe each one. Adult to help support ch in sounding outwords.
| Ch to draw pictures oftheir chosen characters an adult and a child and think of 5 wordsto describe each one. ch to then write a sentences about eachcharacter using the descriptive words in an interesting way. Adultto help extend ch grandpa was an old man what else could we add avery old man with long grey hair! | Ch to draw pictures oftheir chosen characters an adult and a child and think of 10 wordsto describe each one. ch to then write 2 sentences about eachcharacter using the descriptive words in an interesting way
| Bring the classtogether and choose children to introduce their characters anddescribe them. Are there any animals or fantasy creatures?
TMiss Cipko | TMiss Cipko | TAMrs Kaur | I |
ASSESSMENT Can the ch writethree simple sentences about the characters they recall orimagine? Can they describedifferent story settings? Look at learningoutcomes for phase | LOsachieved by ALL
| LOsachieved by MOST
| LOsachieved by SOME
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| WHOLE CLASS Introduction and keyfeatures | MAIN TEACHING speakingand listening | DIFFERENTIATION | PLENARY | ||||||||
Group 1 Akhila Dean Lizzie Megan
| Group 1 ,Lewis Muna,, Sukhi, Demi | Group 3 Rochelle,Andrew, Jade, Keenan | Group 4 Rahul,Keeley, , Harry Katie | Group 5 Gervais Chloe,Moonisha Gustav | ||||||||
Phase 2 | Ask the children torecall the story of Olivers Vegetables and write a list ofthe vegetables grown by Olivers Grandpa on a large sheet of paper.Now display colour sheet of veg and tick the ones that thechildren have mentioned. Have they forgotten any?
Creativethinking Applying imaginativeideas for drama
Communication Workingcollaboratively
| Lo I can re-enact astory Explain that youwould like the children to help you to re-enact the story ofOlivers Vegetables. Say that the words do not need to beexactly the same but should follow the main events. Tell them thatremembering the days of the week and the order in which Oliverpicked the vegetables might help with this. Put the children intogroups of four and ask them to choose who will play the parts ofOliver, Mum, Grandpa and Gran. Provide picture cards and days ofthe week cards. Ask the children to arrange them in sequence asthey appear in the story, with a vegetable next to each card.Encourage children to use this sequence to structuretheir re-enactment,creating their own dialogue as they go.
| Drama practicalsession.
Ask children toconsider how their characters will look and how their voices willsound. Tell ch they will be working in groups of 4 and will haveveg cards, days of the week and character masks. Inform ch that Iwill be picking the group that worked the best and mostimaginatively to act out the story in the plenary.
Ha extend ch tellthem I want then to use lots of talking between thecharacters Ma to be able to joinin and react the story La ch to be supportedand encouraged by other ch in the group. SEN Akhila 1.1 support
T to walk around ansupervise retelling and note down group that worked the bestimaginatively and in retelling the story to act in theplenary
| Choose a group tore-enact the story and discuss how it could be developed.
Leave masks for ch toact out the story in small world .
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Ta MrsKaur to work with group 1 supportingAkhila
Indp mixed ability groupings | |||||||||||
| WHOLE CLASS Introduction and keyfeatures | MAIN TEACHING speakingand listening | DIFFERENTIATION | PLENARY |
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SEN Akhila Keenan | LA Blue and GreenTable Gervais,Lewis, Dean, Sukhi,, Demi | MA Yellow Table Rochelle,Muna, Jade, Rahul, Chloe, Moonisha
| HA Red Table Andrew,Elizabeth, Gustav, Keeley, Megan, Harry Kate |
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No Literacy hour dueto Spellings, guided reading and changing reading books.
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Spellingtest: W1 to secureidentification spelling and reading of initial, final and medialletter sounds in simple words; W9 to spell commonirregular words from Appendix List 1.
Guidedreading W4 to read on sighthigh frequency words specific to graded reading books matched tothe abilities of reading groups W6 to read on sightapproximately 30 more high frequency words from appendix 1
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AdditionalInformation / Implications for future planning