Name | Weather around the World |
Owner | ellietubby |
Level | 3 |
Topic | Geography |
Unit | Weather |
Description | |
File 1 | 652_Wether medium term plan.doc |
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HawleyPrimary School Medium termPlanning E.Quare2008-2009
Area ofLearning: Geography Unit 7 Weather Aroundthe World | Year Group: 3/4 Date: Autumn 1 |
Key LearningObjectives:
| Keyvocabulary:
| ICT:
GoogleEarth Globalweather simulation |
PriorLearning It ishelpful if the children have:
investigatedthe local area
developedthe concept of travel
startedto develop geographical skills - mapping, using secondary sources,using geographical vocabulary
investigatedthe weather in their own locality through simple measurement andobservation
startedto develop cooperative and thinking skills necessary for workingcollaboratively to make judgements, support and defend their ownideas and offer sound reasons for their thinking
| Differentiation:Summary (circle)
ByActivity: Outcome Extension Different Tasks
BySupport:Pupil CollaborationTeacher OtherAdult(s)
ByOrganisation:Subject Set Groups PupilChoice Resources
Expectations: Most childrenwill: respond toquestions about where places are, beginning to offer observationsabout locations and patterns, eg areas of the world where thereare particular types of climate; respond to geographicalquestions about places and begin to suggest their own geographicalquestions; undertake simple investigations using maps and secondarysources mainly provided by the teacher Some children willnot have made so much progress and will: respond toquestions about where places are; make simple observations inresponse to tasks set by the teacher Some childrenwill have progressed further and will also:offer appropriateobservations about locations and patterns; respond to geographicalquestions and begin to suggest their own appropriate geographicalquestions |
| SharedLearning & Teaching |
Differentiated IndependentLearning |
Outcomes |
Review/Keyquestions |
Resources |
Topic Intro
What is weather | 1. Todevelop a topic wordbank. 2. To askand respond to gepographical questions. | Introducetopic of weather to pupils discuss question what is weather? develop thought cloud. Establish what pupils already know whatthey need to know. Show themtopic outcomes and discuss ways forward. | 1.BBCweather site develop definitions for different weather termsatmosphere, pressure, cloud, temperature, wind, sun,humidity 2. Makesome simple weather recording instruments. 3. Set upa class weather station. | To knowsome simple weather terms and what they mean | What isthe weather? How doesit affect me? How can werecord the weather around school? |
Week 1
Where in theworld
| 1.Tolocate and describe where places are on a map
2.To use and interpret maps | Showa blank world map. Find out what pupils already know aboutcontinents, oceans and even countries where are theylocated. IntroducePowerpoint about continents and oceans. | 1.Worldmap jigsaws. 2.Maps from memory children work in pairs, groups to reproduceworld map, labeling continents and countries check work usingatlases. 3.Place the picture children to add a picture to their maps in theappropriate place e.g cowboy, kangaroo etc | Tolocate and name continets and oceans. Toknow where major countries are located U.K, USA, China, Canada,Australia, Russia, Japan | Where arethe main continents and oceans located on a world map? Where isthe U.K in relation to other major countries? | Worldmaps, atlases, place photographs |
Week 2
Be a weatherman | 1. To ask and respond to geographical questions 2 To recognise patterns 3.To use geographical vocabulary 4. To know about weather conditions around the world
| ADiscusswith the children where hot and cold places tend to be locatedthrough discussion of recent holidays and atlas work. As aclass discuss weather photographs and discusssimilarities/differences. Where might such weather conditions befound? What activities are possible because of the weather? Introduceappropriate vocab.
BIntroducethe notion of climate zones. look at simple climate graphsshowing temp and rainfall for four different climate zones. Askpupils to identify which of these is hot and dry, wet and cold,cold and dry, cold and wet. Locate each of the places on a worldmap. Match this to a world map showing simple climate zones desert, tropical, polar, temperate. | AWorking intwos and threes children complete - Where are you most likely to beactivity. Record reasons for their responses.
B 1.Compare two graphs and come up with statements relating to theclimate, weather e.g In March you are most likely to..
2.Give each group a country(climate) to research seeworksheet 1.Naxos, Greece warm temperate 2.Belfast cool temperate 3.Barbados, W.Indies hot, wet 4.Aswan, Egypt hot and dry, desert 5.Spitzbergen, Norway - polar
| Toidentify different weather conditions - hot and cold places in anatlas or on a globe.
Torecognize that not all places are simply hot or cold.
Toidentify climate zones on a world map.
Toresearch the climate, temperature and rainfall in a particulararea. | Whatdifferent types of weather conditions are there around theworld? Where arehot and cold places located? |
Week 3
Finding adestination
| Todescribe what places are like in terms of weather or climate
Tounderstand how places are similar or different | Ask thepupils to identify places that they have visited on holiday on theworld map encourage them to report on weather conditions andleisure activities. Bring in postcards etc (Homeworkactivity)
Discusswith the pupils why people go on holiday, identifying weather asone of the major factors. Ensure that children know weather oftenaffects activity e.g skiing, sailing etc
| Divide the children into small groups and ask them to decide wherethey will send/ plan a holiday for a person with particular likes,dislikes and needs on holiday this summer. This could be someonethey know or they could use profiles of staff members to ensurethat a range of holidays, in terms of weather and climate, areconsidered. Pupils may need to consider any further questions that they mayneed to ask the staff member in order to establish a suitabledestination.When each group has chosen a holiday destination, askthem to locate the place, using an atlas, and identify the climaticzone. Then ask them to mark, on a base map of the UK or world, theroute from 'home' to the holiday destination and state the type oftransport they would use. Information from all groups could becollated and transferred to a whole class display. Ext : Group poster to advertise holday destination. | To make and justify decisions about best locations for holidaysbased on specified criteria
To show awareness of the types of sources they will need to helpthem plan the holiday
| Whydo people go on holiday?
Where dopeople go on holiday?
Howcan we decide on a destination for a specific person?
Howcan we get there?
| Holidaybrochure atlas |
Weeks 4/5
Planningthe holiday
| To investigate places To ask and respond to geographical questions To use secondary sources and ICT To consider weather conditions around the world To identify similarities and differences | Showchildren 4 left luggage destination labels and suitcases. Explainthat they have got muddles up in pairs children discuss whichcase is going to which destination. Recap onplaces identified last week for chosen member of staff.
Showpupils websites containing details of activities which could beundertaken in certain places e.g the adventure company, nielsonski holiday etc. | Each group needs to conduct further research into the destinationand develop an information booklet/ holiday intinery for staffmember. Can even prepare pp if resources available. e.g places of interest , activities, day trips vaccinations, visas,weather , list of clothing and essential items etc Children present finished travel plans to staff member perhaps inassembly. Evaluate the planned holiday together with the member ofstaff.
| To use a range of sources to collect information To present information clearly in a booklet for theclient. To understand how weather conditions and associated activitiesaffect what needs to be packed for a holiday. | What is the place like? What can we do there? What do we need to take with us? | Internet
Week 6
| To ask and respond to geographical questions To use geographical vocabulary To know about weather conditions around the world
| Look atsome examples of holiday postcards and scrap books. Discuss whatis similar/different about postcards e.g most people mentionweather , if they are enjoying themselves etc. | Ask the children to imagine they are on the holiday chosen for thestaff member. Children to write a postcard describing the range of weatherconditions and leisure activities they are able to do.egvisiting an indoor leisure pool on a wet day, going to the beach ona hot day, staying in the shade by a hotel pool on a very hotday. The postcards could be read out and then added to thewhole class display. The activity may be extended for more able children by asking themto find out about weather conditions for particular days at thechosen destination, eg from newspapers or the internet, andto compare them with claims and climate graphs in travelbrochures.
| Toshow awareness of the impact of weather on human activity | Where arewe on holiday/
Whatis the weather like?
Isit as expected?
Whatsort of things are we doing?
Whatdoes it feel like to be here? |
Weeks 7
Assess andreview
Possiblelinks to other curricular areas | |
DT | Makingweather instruments |
Literacy | Poetry,Report writing |
Maths | Datahandling |
Music | Weathersongs, making weather sounds etc |
Science | Materialsfor appropriate weather sun(heat), rain(waterproof) |
ICT | Internetresearch, powerpoint presentations, booklets |
Dance | Weatherdance |