Name | World War 2 |
Owner | jackie001 |
Level | 4 |
Topic | History |
Unit | WW2 |
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File 1 | 642_WW2 summer 08.doc |
File 2 |
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Year 4 History Summer
Children in WWII | |
CHILDRENSHOULD LEARN What was theSecond World War? When and where did it take place?
What was theBlitz?
Why werechildren evacuated?
What was it liketo be an evacuee?
What did peopleeat during the war?
In what otherways might the war have affected people?
What werechildren's experiences of the war?
What it was liketo be a child living in this area in World War II?
How did theSecond World War affect children who lived in thislocality?
What has beendone since to prevent another world war?
to makeconnections between the Second World War and today |
4 weeks owing to SATs andIsle of Wight Trip.
Activity | Notes |
Week 1Can I understand why WW2started?WILF * Name the leaders *Where the war tookplace *Why the war tookplace Brainstorm with the classwhat they already know about WW2. Put on display to discuss at theend of the topic. Go through PPP | Give chn referencebooks. Children to complete sheetsexplaining how the war started, who the leaders were and where ittook place. CLOZE procedure for BA/SENand support locating information |
Week 2 Can I write a diaryentry about the Blitz experience? WILF *Ist person *How did they feel? *What did theysee/hear/smell What was the blitz? Showslides 10-27 on WW2 PPP. Watch Youtube clip Children to go undertables, make the room dark and play the siren. airraid inprogress_clip09.ramHow do they feel? Describe theirfeelings in words. Show ppt - theblitz-.ppt and mind map on theboard
Children to write a diaryentry explaining one night in London during the Blitz Writing frame and wordbankfor BA Writing frame and wordbankfor SEN plus support
Blitz comes from theGerman word blitzkreig, which means lightening war.
CREATIVE FRIDAY: Can I drawLondon during the Bltz using chalk? Chn to draw silhouettesonto black paper for display. |
Week 3 Can I dramatise theevacuation of children during WW2? WILF *Feelings *Good group work *Expression Introduce the idea ofevacuation. Show PPP onevacuation Watch video onevacuation. http://cachepilot/~espresso/modules/t2_20th_century_archive/1940s/index.html
DRAMAactivity. Put children into groups of4-5 and ask them to act out leaving their school and getting onto atrain to an unknown place. Chn to present mini playsto others.
Week 4 LiteracyLink Can I plan and writea letter home describing life as an evacuee? WILF *Ist person *New experiences *Feelings *VCOP account from George in Tooting) Talk about what it musthave been like to be an evacuee. Watch an extract from GoodnightMr Tom and Evacuee You tubefilm. Children to imagine they are evacuees and to write a letterhome. Think about why they might want to be evacuated and why not,what is happening to them and how do they feel about it. | Encourage children to usetheir knowledge of evacuation and appropriate terms, eg. billetingofficer, host family, evacuation, evacuee. Frame for SEN and BA Support forSEN |
Activity | Notes |
Week1 10.06.08 Can I design a safetyposter for the Blitz? (Linked toLiteracy) Remind chn of the work wehave been doing in Literacy on information texts. Tell the chnthat they need to design their own poster telling people about howto stay safe during the Blitz. Use Pathe News clips to showpictures of the Blitz and damage done. Brainstorm the sort ofsafety measures that needed to be put into place-anderson shelters,gas masks and the tube stations. Show some safety posters thatwere used during the war.
| All chn to produce asafety poster.
WILF *Safetymeasures *Clearinstructions *Eye catching |
Week 217.06.08 Can I work out rations for myfamily?What did people eat duringthe war? Discuss why some foods were in short supply. (bombing ofships and docks etc.) Provide descriptions of typical meals and askthem to compare these with what they eat today. Introduce the idea ofrationing. Look at ration books. Calculate how much sugar, eggs,meat, sweets etc, there family would have been able to buy. Watchvideo on rationing. Go through PPP onRationing
| Linked to Numeracy Use 100 Smartboard lessonsPage 142 Children to work outrations for their family BA & SEN-To besupported. WILF *Balanced meal *Rationed items *Correct calculating
Week 324.06.08 Can I design awartime propaganda poster? In what other ways mightthe war have affected people? Discuss term propaganda. Look at a variety ofpropaganda posters, detailing other areas of day to day life egwomen at work, the home guard, growing own vegetables. Considerwhat message each poster is trying to put across and why.
| Chn to design ownpropaganda posters
WILF *Important message *Catchy slogan *Eye catching
Week 4 Visit to theImperial War Museum
| Children to look atvarious exhibitions and visit the Blitz experience.
Week5 08.07.08 Can I write a recountof my visit to the Imperial War Museum? (LiteracyLink) Brainstorm what we learnt.Divide into sub headings in correct order. Model writing the beginningof a recount. | Children to write a recountof their visit to the museum.
WILF *Correct order *Interesting detail *What you learnt |
Week 5 Can I understand whatit was like to be a child during WW2? What was it like to be achild living in this area in ww2? Consider the impact of thewar on this locality. Look at maps. Suggest some similarities anddifferences between the local and national experience. |