Name | Science - magnets |
Owner | tilly07 |
Level | 3 |
Topic | Science |
Unit | Magnets |
Description | This is based on some other planning e.g. QCA and linked with our topic on Ancient Greece |
File 1 | 386_Thinkers and Fighters science.doc |
File 2 |
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Ancient Greece Term3 Science Magnets Year 3/4:
DoubleWhammy | Introduction | Group/independentactivities | Plenary/keyquestions | Comments | |
LessonObjective | Key Skill | ||||
Conceptmap |
| Introduce new topicof Magnets and Springs.
I want to find outwhat we already know about magnets and springs. At the end of ourwork we can then compare our new knowledge.
Explain they aregoing to make a Concept Map. Model how to create. Share key wordlist.
In their sciencebooks, ask children to make their own. Think aboutpresentation.
| What do you knowabout magnets? |
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Investigate do allmagnets behave the same way?
That there are forcesbetween magnets and that magnets can attract (pull towards) andrepel (push away from) each other.
To make and recordcareful observations.
To makegeneralisations about what happens when magnets are puttogether. |
| Do all magnetsbehave the same way?
Tell the childrenthat last night Theseus visited the classroom and left us a letter.Display:
Give each table avariety of magnets: wand, bar, horseshoe, ceramic, circular; tohandle and explore.
Using magnets withclearly labelled ends, ask the children what happens when they areput together.
| Ask the children torecord a letter back to Theseus, explaining what they have foundout.
| Given a magnet withunlabelled ends, demonstrate how it is attracted to, or repelled byanother magnet. |
Which types ofmaterials are magnetic
To make and testpredictions about whether materials are magnetic or not.
To make carefulobservations that magnets attract some metals but notothers.
To use results todraw conclusions, indicating whether they are right ornot.
| Theseus is interestedin the replies, ask the children if we can help him plan a test towork out which materials are magnetic and which are not.
Recap on learning sofar. Present children with a collection of materials on theirtables, including some from the classroom. Ask them to suggest(PREDICT) which are magnetic and consider how they can find out ifthey are right.
Model recording thesepredictions. Decide on method of testing. How will we know if theyare magnetic or not? | In pairs test thematerials with the magnets.
Record in groups:magnetic and non-magnetic.
Ask the children tomake a generalisation about the materials and theirmagnetic-ness. |
How do we usemagnets? Which is the strongest?
That magnets have avariety of uses.
To investigate anaspect of the behaviour of magnets.
To plan a fair testand decide what to measure and the equipment to use. |
| How do we usemagnets? Use books and websites to find out everyday uses. Forexample, recycling.
Which is thestrongest magnet?
Present children withseveral magnets and ask them to find out if they are equallystrong.
How could we testthis? e.g. see how many paper clips a magnet can hold, or how closeit must be to attract. How do we make it a fair test? Explainresults.
What materials canmagnetism travel through?
Give the children amaze with a paperclip and a magnet. Can you guide the magnetthrough the maze?
How about:
A paperclip in aglass of water A ruler Thin piece ofwood Thin piece ofmaterial Thick piece of wood would a bigger magnet help?
| As magnetic forcestravel through most things that cannot be magnetised, the magnet isable to attract the paper clip. Plastic, wood, cardboard, glass andwater are all things that cannot be magnetised. |
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What affects how muchelastic bands or springs will stretch? |
| Which is the mostsquashy? Sequence a series of objects sponge, foam and springs fromsquashy to least squashy.
What affects how muchelastic bands or springs will stretch? Ask children to pullsprings and elastic bands and push them to describe the directionof the force on their hands.
e.g. When I stretchthe band down, I feel a pull up on my hand. When I squash thespring down, it pushes up on me.
SAFETY Careful when usingsprings and stretching elastic bands. If over-stretched, elasticbands may break and flick back painfully.
Record the results ofthe investigation.
S - Use a wordbank.
Homework: at home,make a list of examples where springs are used atschool/home. |
How do springboardswork?
To makepredictions.
To explainconclusions in terms of force. |
| Which will the bestelastic band be?
Show the children howto make a catapult or a push meter using elastic bands to propelsomething along. (LINK WITH GREECE?)
Ask them to predictwhat will happen if the band is stretched differentamounts.
e.g. I think it willgo further, When I used a big force it went further.
Record measurementsin spreadsheet? Create a graph.
Extension: look forpatterns in the results. |
Why did the car gofurther when the band was pulled a longer way out?
Compare concept map.What else can you now add? |
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Making a Greekmagnetic game
Critical SkillsChallenge
To be able to decidewhat to do and what evidence to collect.
To be able tointerpret evidence when drawing conclusions.
2-3 hoursneeded |
Challenge: To make agame using magnets.
Use what you knowabout magnets to make a fun, and easy to play Ancient Greeceinspired game.
The game must bebased on Thinkers and Fighters, as the Greeks were big fish eaters,you might choose to make a fishing game. Or you might use them todesign a thinking game. You might remember the mythswork.
Introduce theresources available (card, glue, paper, computers, magnets,sellotape, string, pens, scissors and crayons).
Allocate roles ingroup:
10 minutes ideastime. Draft idea Resourcelist Plan Make
Link with literacyunit Instructions. Write instructions for the game. Pass toanother class to play and feedback on thegame/instructions.
Explain how your gameworks using the key words from our magnets work.