Name | Gymnastics Medium Term Plan |
Owner | Moonlight Marauder |
Level | 4 |
Topic | PE |
Unit | Gymnastics |
Description | |
File 1 | 618_Gymnastics HT1.doc |
File 2 |
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Key Skills: To developthe range of actions, body shapes and balances they include in aperformance. To performskills and actions more accurately and consistently. creategymnastic sequences that meet a theme or set of conditions. usecompositional devices when creating their sequences, such aschanges in speed, level and direction. Describehow the body reacts during different types of activity and how thisaffects the way they perform. Describetheir own and others work, making simple judgements about thequality of performances and suggesting ways they could beimproved.
| National CurriculumP.o.S: 1a) Consolidate theirexisting skills and acquire new ones. 1b) Perform actions andskills with more consistent control and quality. 3a) Identify what makesa performance effective. 3b) Suggestimprovements based on this information. 4a) Know how exerciseaffects the body. 4b) To warm upappropriately for the activity. 4c) Know why physicalactivity is good for their health and well being. 8a) Create and performfluent sequences on the floor and using apparatus. 8b) Include variationsin level, speed and direction in their sequences. | ||
LearningObjective | Activity | SuccessCriteria | |
To balanceshowing three different shapes.
To combinebalances and different shapes.
To combinebalances with a travelling action.
To explorebalances and different shapes.
To observeand describe balances.
Warm up: Stand and stretch indifferent directions. Bounce on the spotincreasing height each time. Circle different bodyparts standing and on floor. What part of the lesson is this ? Whydo we need to warm up? Development: Discuss which parts ofthe body they can balance on. Show some of thebalances on these body parts and combinations of them. Observe others anddescribe the shape, explain how balances could be improved. Composition: Select own balance andpractice three times, can they change the shape they make eachtime? Scribe ways in which wecan travel round the hall. Children select from list andtravel. Cool down: Stand and stretchupwards and then relax; repeat six times. |
I can say what abalance is.
I can show a balance on2 or 3 points.
I can identifydifferent ways of travelling. | |
Warm up: Stand and stretch indifferent directions. Bounce on the spotincreasing height each time. Circle hands, arms thenshoulders. Development: Show one of thebalances performed last session. Recap on what constitutes a goodbalance. Remind of points of balance. Can they balance on 2 points?3 points? Perform balances usingpin, tuck and star shapes.
Composition: Recap travelling indifferent ways. Develop sequence including three balances. Can theyremember their path? Extend by adding a change of direction. Cool down: Tell me what makes agood balance. Stand and stretchupwards and then relax; repeat six times.
I can devise a simpletravelling sequence.
I can incorporatebalances into my sequence. | ||
To move onan L shaped pathway.
To selectand link different actions and three different shapes onpathway.
To teachtheir sequence to a partner; to replicate a partnerssequence.
To improveand refine their work. | Warm up: Ch suggest stretchingexercises; perform selected examples. Ch suggest pulseraising actions; perform selected examples. Development: Get out simpleapparatus in groups. Recap shapes from last session. Exploreapparatus using tuck shapes. Observe others in groupand describe/ copy some of their ideas. Composition: Recap on changingdirection, ch walk an L shaped pathway incorporatingbalances. Cooldown: Return apparatus. Lieon front gently raising head then heels. Repeat. |
I can talk about theeffect of exercise on the body.
I can suggest actionsto raise my pulse rate.
I can travel on andaround apparatus incorporating balances at key points in thesequence.
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Warm up: Circle different jointse.g shoulder, wrist, hip. Discuss how increased flexibility canimprove their gymnastic performance. Development: Get out simpleapparatus in groups. Explore apparatus using pin and starshapes. Composition: Practice sequence fromlast session then teach to a partner. Refine performance. Mirror work. Cooldown: Return apparatus. Lieon front gently raising head then heels. Repeat. |
I can travel on andaround apparatus incorporating balances at key points in thesequence.
I can suggest way ofimproving my performance . | ||
To contrastpartner shapes.
In pairs,to explore and choose matched actions and contrastingshapes.
To assessothers work using simple criteria.
| Warm up: To stand, sit and liedown and to stretch their hands as far apart from each other aspossible. Repeat with feet. Ch suggest pulseraising actions; perform selected examples. Development: In pairs side by side,perform a balance on two knees one pin shaped and other tuckshaped. Talk about contrasting shapes. Composition: Travel towards theirpartner, an action when they meet and travel away from partner.Copy each others actions but contrast their shapes. Watch otherpairs and comment on sequence, noting how to improve. Refine ownsequence.
Cooldown: Slowly lift and lowerstraight arms sideways, in front then behind. |
I can work with apartner to produce a sequence of travelling and contrastingshapes.
I can evaluate my workconfidently. | |
Warm up: To stand, sit and liedown and to stretch their hands as far apart from each other aspossible. Repeat with feet. Ch suggest pulseraising actions; perform selected examples. Development: In pairs, onein front of the other, perform a sideways roll; one pin shaped andone tuck shaped. Recap on contrasting shapes. Composition: Briefly; Travel towards their partner, anaction when they meet and travel away from partner. Copy eachothers actions but contrast their shapes. Talk to thechildren about changes of level and improve own sequence. Perform lastperfect presentation starting position, all starting togetherand when finished remaining still until they are told torest. Cooldown: Slowly liftand lower straight arms sideways, in front then behind. |
I can work with apartner to produce a sequence of travelling and contrastingshapes.
I can evaluate my workconfidently. | ||