Name | numeracy A1 |
Owner | cobwebs1 |
Level | 6 |
Topic | Literacy |
Unit | A1 |
Description | |
File 1 | 614_wk 2 num plan.doc |
File 2 |
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Class: year 6 set2 | Term: 1 | Week beginning: 2Sept | Unit:A1 |
| Mental maths (10 mins) | Main activity (40 mins) | Plenary (10 mins) | Vocabulary Resources | ||||||
Day | Learning intentions | Activities | Extended | Core | Modified | |||||
M O N D A Y | Counting Stick Busy Bees Triangularnumbers | Find the difference between a positive and anegative integer, or two negative integers, in context | Show powerpoint of picturessome sunny, some rainy and some cold. Elicit ideas abouttemperature. What other ideas do we have, eg cooking temps? | Children will completeharder set of questions and will then construct questions for theirpartner to answer. Also create wordproblems. | Using a counting stick recap negative andpositive integers and the method for calculating difference. Children will then work out a set of temprelated problems. | Supported by TA This group will look at aset of thermometers and understand the relationship between thenumbers on the scale and relate to a number line. | Using pos and neg digitcards, pull 2 from a hat and children to write down on WBs thedifference. | Positive and negative digitcards
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AFL questions Tell me two temperatures that lie between 0 | ||||||||||
T U E S D A Y | Numeracy Passport
Dingo Bingo | Use decimal notation for tenths, hundredths andthousandths; partition, round and order decimals with up to threeplaces, and position them on the number line | Sit selected children onchairs facing away from audience. One child will never move theyare the decimal point. Give others a digit card and progress tomultiplying by 10, 100, 100 etc then divide by 10, 100, 1000.Discuss what happens to the numbers. Will this work for allnumbers? Try again with different ones. | Children to then do thesame in groups using digit cards. They must record the actions intheir numeracy books, eg 0.16 x 10 = 1.6 | This group may need supportto record the actions, TA to provide this, but must elicit thecorrect verbal responses from the group. | I started with a number androunded it to the nearest integer. The answer was 42. What numbercould I have started with? | place value, digit,numeral, partition, integer, decimal point, decimal place,thousandths, positive, negative, compare, order, ascending,descending, greater than (>), less than (<), round, estimate,approximate, approximately | |||
AFL questionsWhat do you look for first when you order a setof numbers? Which part of each number do you look at to helpyou?
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W E D N E S D A Y | Numeracy Passport
Safecracker all timestables | Use decimal notation for tenths, hundredths andthousandths; partition, round and order decimals with up to threeplaces, and position them on the number line | Recap yesterdays work. X10, 100 etc relate to money Partition decimals and putback together, change decimals by adding or subtracting, eg, change1.2 to 1.23 by adding 0.03 | Children to partition a setof decimals in numeracy books. Using calculators they should changedecimals to the required number and record in their books. Marktheir work. Make comments on own progress so far. Discuss areasthey feel weak with decimals and try to address.
| Use place value cards topartition decimals. Discuss the relevance of this with TA, relateit to money and p
| Play spotlight one child will answer questionsrelating to decimals and neg/pos integers. Others mark with tick orcross on WBs | ||||
AFL questionsEnter 5.3 onto your calculator display. How canyou change this to 5.9 in one step (operation)? Now enter 5.34 andchange it to 5.39. Now enter 5.342 and change it to 5.349. | ||||||||||
T H U R S D A Y | Safecracker all timestables
Counting stick back in3s | Calculate mentally with integers and decimals:U.t U.t, TU U, TU U, U.t U, U.t U | The answer is 12.6. Whatwas the question? | Look at Testbase questionslevel 2, 3, 4 and 5 on decimal questions. Children at level 2 look atL2 and L3 with TA and try to ascertain difference in responsesrequired. L3s to look at L3, L4 andsome L5 questions with me. Work through together change answers ifsomeone persuades them with good argument. | Go over L3 questions thatwhole class have covered. Did anyone change their answer?Why? | remainder fractional equivalent counting stick OHT 3.1 factorise whiteboards Resource Sheet 4.1 | ||
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F R I D A Y | Busy Bees Trios as childrenenter room | Use a range of oraltechniques to present persuasive argument | Rapid recall mentaltest Selection ofquestions | Springboard group 2sessions in one with me L3s decimal work lessons 3 and 4 combinedExpress a quotient as a fraction or as a decimal when dividing awhole number by 2, 4, 5 or 10 Representhalves, tenths and fifths as fractions and decimals Use informal written methods to support,record | Lower L3s or below workingwith TA on wave 3 material | Set the children 24 x 51.7. Make surechildren can explain the key steps in the calculations. | ||
| AFL questions
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Homework task: HomeworkSheet 6A mixed questions |