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NameYear 5 Unit 5 The Piano
DescriptionLiteracy Narrative Year 5 Unit 5 The Piano
File 1478_Literacy NarrativeYear 5 Unit 5 The PianoDate.doc
File 2478_The Piano.notebook

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  • Tell a story usingnotes designed to cue techniques, such as repetition, recap andhumour


  • Reflect on howworking in role helps to explore complex issues

7.Understanding and interpreting texts

  • Infer writers'perspectives from what is written and from what is implied
  • Compare differenttypes of narrative and information texts and identify how they arestructured

6.Word structure and spelling

      Spellwords containing unstressed vowels.

8.Engaging with and responding to texts

  • Compare theusefulness of techniques such as visualisation, prediction andempathy in exploring the meaning of texts
  • Compare how acommon theme is presented in poetry, prose and othermedia

9.Creating and shaping texts

  • Reflectindependently and critically on their own writing and edit andimprove it
  • Experiment withdifferent narrative forms and styles to write their ownstories

11.Sentence structure and punctuation

  • Adapt sentenceconstruction to different text-types, purposes and readers
  • Punctuatesentences accurately, including using speech marks andapostrophes


      Use arange of ICT programs to present texts, making informed choicesabout which electronic tools to use for differentpurposes


Shared Text

Whole Class word/sentence












Assessment forlearning & success criteria



To visually readthe text the Piano


Watch video.

S&L:Think, pair, share opinions on video withjustification. Then watch videoagain using grid to identify patterns etc. Discuss what questionsare left unanswered


Unstressed vowels see Oxford Spelling Kit, shared session A or similar.






7 8&12

To understand the useof film techniques

S&L:Babble gabble -recap of film.

Rewatch the videoasking chdn whaat film makers have to consider when making a film.Brainstorm chdn ideas eg character colour composition camerasetting sound sequence symbol story


Unstressed vowels see Oxford Spelling Kit, shared session B or similar.

S&L:Jigsaw activity part 1

Givechdn printouts of snapshots from video in groups with each grphaving one aspect of film makers craft to discuss.

Video of the piano,Piano

Smart file, OxfordSpelling kit or similar, Success Criteria smart file.

S&L:Jigsaw the outcomes of the discussion (one child from each grp togo together to form another grp to share info)

Can chdn demonstratethat they can infer the authors perspective?


Identifythe differences used in your specific film technique.

Identifyhow the different techniques affect the reader.

Inferwhy the author chose to present it in that way.



To explore how thereader is affected by scenes

S&L:Just a minute on everything they talked about yesterday.

Use zones ofrelevance to explore the mood and atmosphere of the film(think, pair, share)


To identify speech invideo and convert into written form.

GfW unit 16 (pg65),Shared writing - Teacher demonstration.

Watch video of shortclip of soap opera or similar, use pause button, transcribe a sceneas dialogue, including description of what the characters are doingand how they are speaking.

S&L:Envoy part 1 - Give each grp a scene from the video to look at,then discuss the moods and feelings it creates. Annotate photothat represents the scene.

Piano Smart fileshowing zones of relevance, GfW, Success Criteria smartfile.

S&L:Envoy part 2 (nominate one person to visit every other grp andreport back what they discussed)

Can they inferauthors intended moods? Can they form opinions about the moodusing evidence from the text?


Identifymoods conveyed by specific scene.

Explain,using evidence from the text, how the mood is conveyed.

Explainwhy the author wanted you to feel that / those moods.



To identifyrelationships between characters in the text

S&L:Hot seat the main character and investigaterelationships.

S&L:Think pair share discuss different relationships in thetext. Plot sociogramdepicting relationships within the film.


Explore the use ofreporting clauses to reflect mood in speech.

GfW unit 16 (pg65),Shared writing - Teacher demonstration.

Ask child to say thesentence My shoes are blue (or similar) in a particular mood e.g.angry. Chdn then write snippet of dialogue, using accurate speechpunctuation (copied from board where necessary) and choosing anappropriate verb to describe the way the child spoke. Repeat inpairs.

S&L:Group discussion / freeze frame with thought tracking - Working insmall grps identify the feelings and moods of the characters in thefilm through freeze frame and thought tracking (can use digitalcamera to capture for use later)

Piano smart fileshowing sociogram people, digital camera, GfW, Success Criteriasmart file.

Share and compare thefeelings expressed.

Can the chdnsuccessfully describe the relationships between thecharacters?


Identifyhow the characters in the film are related.

Explainhow individual characters feel towards others.

Explainhow the relationships change during the film.


4 7&8

To identify thoughtsand feelings of characters

Use Piano smart fileto write thought bubbles and explore how feelings might change atdifferent points in the narrative. Take the old man character andplot how his mood changes on the mood graph


Identify thedifference between direct and reported speech.

GfW unit 36 (pg108),Sentence level activities, Compare (see resources on GfWCD-ROM).

Ask chdn to look atsentences and describe what is happening when direct speech istransferred into reported speech.

S&L:Paired improvisation - In pairs allocate characters from the textand have a short conversation discussing thoughts and moods atspecific times in the story. Using digitalimages of allocated characters and speech bubbles chdn record theconversation.

Piano smart fileshowing thought bubbles and mood graph, GfW, Success Criteria smartfile.

Establish successcriteria for writing the short conversation for followingday

Can the chdn identifythe thoughts and moods of the characters at each stage of thetext


Identifyfeelings of the characters at different stages during thetext.

Explainhow you know they feel like that.

Explainwhy moods change over the course of the text.


8 9&11

To write a shortconversation between two characters

S&L:Telephone conversation - Have a phone conversation between the twocharacters about the text. Demo write a shortconversation between two characters focusing on correct use ofspeech punctuation


Turn direct speechinto reported speech.

Following on from GfWunit 36 compare activity.

Demonstrate how toconvert direct speech into reported speech.

In pairs take onroles of reporter and character. Character should say somethinglike I went to the park today and reporter converts into reportedspeech: Alice said that she went to the park today.

Chdn to write theirown conversations between two characters using correctpunctuation

GfW, demo writing,Success Criteria smart file.

Peer assess lookingat partners work against the success criteria and identifyexamples where this has been achieved

Can the chdn followthe conventions of writing the short conversation?


To be decided by thechildren on day 5.



To create astoryboard demonstrating an understanding of narrativestructure

Watch video ofdifferent multimodal text. Demo how to capture key images fromtext using smart notebook. Demo how to sequence them to create astoryboard. Demo writing captions to retell the story.

S&L:Babble Gabble story of The Piano.


Unstressed vowels see Oxford Spelling Kit, shared session C or similar.

Using ICT allow allchdn access to the piano video to capture images and createstoryboard of the piano including writing captions which reflectcamera angle, colour, composition, symbol, throughout thetext.




OR provide chdn withprint out of previously captured images to sequence and createstoryboard

Multimodal text(other) eg taps, gone in 60 seconds etc, Success Criteria smartfile, Oxford Spelling kit or similar.

Self assessstoryboard for sequence and retelling of the story. Retell thestory orally using the storyboard

Can the chdn create astoryboard to retell the story demonstrating an understanding ofnarrative structure?


Sequenceevents in the story correctly, commenting on characters.

Comment oncolour and composition.

Commenton camera angles and symbols.


1 9&12

To write own versionsof the Piano using narrative structure

Discuss narrativestructure. S&L: Think pair sharehow film text can be reordered to follow basic narrativestructure. Record resequencing so that chdn can use itas a guide. Remind chdn of work done previously on storyopenings. What makes a good story?


To include direct andreported speech in narrative writing.

GfW, Unit 36,(pg109), Shared Writing.

Explain that in astory in which characters talk a lot, it is a good idea to use bothtypes of speech. Demonstrate write passage on pg 109 or make up ownlinked to possible speech in The Piano. Discuss the use ofreported speech in narrative writing.

Chdn write shortstory.

Success Criteriasmart file, GfW

Peer assess edit andimprove work.

Can chdn write ownversion of piano?


Tell ownversion of the piano, covering main events.

Includedescription of events.

Includethoughts and feelings of the characters, through description anddialogue.


1 9&12

To begin to create amultimedia presentation by importing pictures and text

Demo how to importpicture and text into power point or similar software

Chdn import picturesand text into power point to begin their multimediapresentation.

Success Criteriasmart file, ICT suite, multimedia authorising package e.g. Powerpoint.

S&L:Think, pair, share discuss with partner what has gone well withtheir work and what they need to improve on tomorrow. Join withanother pair to discuss.

Can chdn importpictures and text to powerpoint to tell story?


UsingICT, create text on different slides to represent pages in abook.

Using ICT,add pictures to your pages.

UsingICT, add sound / voice overs to your pages.


1 9&12

To completemultimedia presentation by adding titles, voice overs and soundeffects

Demo how to addimported sound and how to record sound to power point

Chdn add sound andvoice overs to power point presentation and finalise.

Success Criteriasmart file, ICT suite, multimedia authorising package e.g. PowerPoint.

S&L:Peer assess against success criteria, through Think, Pair,Share.

Can chdn import soundand create voice overs to aide the story?


UsingICT, create text on different slides to represent pages in abook.

Using ICT,add pictures to your pages.

UsingICT, add sound / voice overs to your pages.

Referenceto original National Literacy Strategy

Year5, Term 1: T2, T3 and T4 compare the structure of differentstories; investigate how characters are presented referring to thetext; consider how texts can be routed in the writer's experience;T5 understand dramatic conventions; T9 develop an active attitudetowards reading seeking answers, anticipating events, empathisingwith characters and imagining events that are described; T13 recordideas, reflections and predictions about a book, for examplethrough a reading log or journal; T14 and T15 map out texts showingdevelopment and structure; write new scenes or characters into astory, in the manner of the writer, maintaining consistency ofcharacter and style, using paragraphs to organise and developdetail.Year 5, Term 2: T13 review and edit writing to produce afinal form.