Name | Counting, partitioning and calculating |
Owner | lynsey louise |
Level | 3 |
Topic | Numeracy |
Unit | A2 |
Description | weekly plan for Year 3 |
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Numeracy WeeklyPlanning Sheet Unit: A2 Weekbeginning Spring7.01.07 Year group:3
Unit A2-Counting,partitioning and calculating
Key LearningObjectives:
Partitionthree-digit numbers into multiples of 100, 10 and 1 in differentways
Deriveand recall all addition and subtraction facts for each number to20, sums and differences of multiples of 10 and number pairs thattotal 100
Addor subtract mentally combinations of one-digit and two-digitnumbers
Deriveand recall multiplication facts for the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 timestables and the corresponding division facts: recognise multiples of2, 5, or 10 to 1000
Childspeak =I know the 2,5,10 times-tables
I can use multiplication facts to answer division questions.
Describeand explain methods, choices and solutions to puzzles and problems,orally and in writing, using pictures and diagrams
Roundtwo-digit or three-digit numbers to the nearest 10 or 100 and giveestimates for their sums and differences
Multiplyone-digit and two-digit numbers by 10 or 100, and describe theeffect
Followup others' points and show whether they agree or disagree in awhole-class discussion
Year 4challenge objectives
Year 2objective
2b 6 Ican count on or back in 2s, 5s and 10s
2b 5 Ican explain the value of each digit in a number up to 99 andpartition numbers
2b 3 Ican read order and write all numbers to 100
2b 9 Iknow number bonds to 10 (+ and -)
2bInverse + and
odds andevens
2b-2a group
2a 3 Ican recognise and extend pattern sequences
2a 5 Ican partition a number into hundreds, tens and units
2a 7 Iknow my 2x, 5x and 10 x tables
2a 4 Ican understand other words for + and when solving aproblem
2a 3c group
3c 1 Ican explain how to solve a word problem
3c2 Iam starting to try different ways to solve a problem
3c 5 Ican order numbers to 1000
3c 6 Ican order negative numbers from -10 to 1
3c 14 Ican add two numbers mentally (no carrying)
3c 15 Ican subtract 2 two digit numbers if there is no exchangeinvolved
3c-3b group
3b 1 Ican check my work using estimates and inverse
3b 2 Iknow and use mathematical symbols and know whether to +, -, x ordivide when
solvinga problem
3b4 Ican read and write numbers in thousands and know what each digitrepresents
3b 7 Ican work out different pairs of numbers with a given sum ordifference
3b 3a group
3a 2 Ican select mental methods to calculate answers to writtencalculations
3a 3 Ican order a set of 4 digit numbers
3a 7 Ican work out quickly any pairs of numbers that total 100
3a 8 Ican work out sums like 267 + ___ = 300 mentally and or in writtenform for + and -
3a 4 I can round upany number less than 1000 to the nearest 10 or 100
3a 6 I can mentally+ or any pair of two digit numbers (including bridging 10)
Session | BasicSkills Oral andMental | Main Activityand ICT opps. | Plenary | Assessmentcriteria | Evaluation |
Rounding to nearest 10 or100 Monday
Count on from and back to zero insingle-digit steps or multiples of 10.
Ask the children to count in twosfrom zero to 100, then back until you say stop. What was the lastnumber you said? What would the next number be? And the next?Why? Repeat this for counting in fives andtens.
Develop the game by counting acrossthe hundreds bridge. For example count on from 94 until you reach194 and back again. Count back from 187 to 87 etc.. |
Main teaching Write the headings Hundreds, Tensand Units on the board. Discuss what each column represents. Write548 on the board. What does the 5 represent? The 8? repeatthis with other three digit numbers. Can they write the number inwords on the w/bs?
Give the children the digits 3, 6 and7. How many three digit HTU numbers can they write on theirwhiteboards? Share results and ask children who complete quickly towrite the numbers out in words.
Activities NB Keep 3cs and above on carpet toexplain how to use rounding to estimate answers to sums
Group 3a + 3b WALT Read and write numbersin thousands and know what each digit represents. Collins 4 Bk 1 Pg 5 Refresher andPractice section Making 4 digit numbers and knowingwhat each digit represents.
Group 3c WALT Read and write numbers inthousands and know what each digit represents. Collins 4 Bk 1 Pg 5 Refreshersection Making 4 digit numbers and knowingwhat each digit represents. ( use Practice section as anextension)
Group 2a WALT To partition a number intohundreds, tens and units. Ginn4 Bk 1 Pg 13 Partitioning 3 digit numbers andknowing what each digit represents in words and figures.
Group 2b WALT To partition numbers up to100 Collins Y3 book 2 p 12 Use number line or 100 sq tosupport. Extension- use 0-9 cards to make 3digit numbers and explain what each digit represents
Using some of the numbers thechildren made in the beginning of the session, ask the children toorder them from the smallest to the largest/ largest to smallest.How do they know which is the smallest/largest number?
Extension 3bs and 3as use 3 digits to make 6different 3 digit numbers on board then swap for partner orderthem. |
Can children explain how they knowthe value of the digits in each column?
Do children know how the digits ina number change when they count in 10s or 100s
3as Count on in tens from agiven number. Which digits change? Why does the ones (units) digitnot change? When does the hundreds digit change, and what happensto the tens digit in this case? What happens when you countback?
Self-assessment by traffic lights
Children found counting across the100 bridge challenging, especially counting in 3s.
Understanding of place value was verysolid and partitioning didnt flag up any areas inparticular. Jake Foxall and Jack Cody veryindependent and proud of their work today.
Presentation was lacking in some ofthe boys big push on number formation and spacing out ofwork |
Adding 3or 4 small numbers BasicSkills Set homeworkSee folder Tuesday
Multiply numbers by 10 and 100 encourage quick recall of answers. Use measures to extend more able andquestions as word problems. Children show answers on white boardsor using number cards. 2bs have 100 sq to support. |
Teaching Focus Nb 2bs to have 100 square tohelp
On the board write 5 x 10. Ask thechildren what is 5 multiplied by 10? Repeat this for other x10 ofsingle digit numbers. What happens when we multipy by 10? Write TUheadings above 5, then 50, 6 and 60 and so on. Emphasise theunderstanding that when multiplying by 10 the digits shift oneplace to the left. Now ask what is the value of the 5 in 5? Or in50? Introduce the concept of dividing by10 as the inverse operation. What is 30 divided by 10? 500 dividedby 10? 100 divided by 10? Discuss how the digits move whenmultiplying and dividing by 10.
Activities 3bs and 3as WALT to select mental methods tocalculate answers to written calculations.
Multiplying and dividing each numberon the easiteach screen by 10.
3cs WALT to select mental methods tocalculate answers to written calculations. Ginn 4 Bk 1 Pg 11 Use word problemsto answer questions on multiplying and dividing by 10.
2as WALT To multiply a single digit by10 or 100
Collins 3 Bk 1 Pg 44 writingmultiplication sentences for each abacus picture.
2bs WALT To count on or back in10s
Collins 3 Bk 1 Pg 32 extendingnumber sequences by counting on in 10s
| Ask the children to completequestions such as...
_ x 10 = 70 _ x 10 = 50
_ x 100 = 400
3as what could the answers be for...
_ x_ x_ = 300 How many solutions can theyfind? |
Can you explain how you worked thisout?
Can they explain how the digits movewhen multiplied by 10 or 100?
Self-assessment by trafficlights.
| Mental session flagged up a few weakareas in multiplication x6 and some hesitant on x4s
recall was quite punchy and chosechildren reluctant to put up their hand to check understanding. -Emma and Ellie
Abacus picture for 2as was difficultfor them to grasp independently and needed some support to explain once that was done they worked very well. |
Adding 2 two digit numbersand looking for patterns Wednesday 2bs Addition as inverse ofsubtraction |
Stick multiple of 5 cards face downon the board. Divide class into two teams, ask one person to comeand turn over 2 cards if the numbers are related as doubles theteam keeps the pair. If no relationship turn back over in sameplace as found. | Review 45 +36 = 48 ask children to writeother facts either addition or subtraction on IWBs Discuss 3 sums and try with otherexamples e.g.97- 43=54
Teaching Focus Write 36+30 on the board and askchildren to offer a method. Then try 36+29 link to strategiesusing 9,10, 11 e.g. +30 then -1. Apply this to 45+39. continuewith 64+21 = e.g.+20 +1 Look at 15+9 = ask child to suggestquick method Then use this answer to complete 15+19, 15+29 etcchildren continue pattern in their note books. Discuss how patternallow us to find answers quickly.
Activities On board write 17+11 , 17 +21, 17+31children continue until reach about 100 Continue 18+9 in same way Continue 78-1 , 78-11, to78-71 Continue 89-9, 89-19 to 89-89
3bs and 3as WALT- to recognise and extend patternsequences
As above extension asappropriate 29+39, 29+49 continue to about200 158-9 , 158-19 3cs WALT- to recognise and extend patternsequences As above but can children continuesubtraction pattern into negative numbers? 2as WALT- to recognise and extend patternsequences As activity above 2bs WALT to give an addition fact and asubtraction fact that are opposites. Ginn Level 3 (garden) p26 Record 2addition and 2 subtraction sums using 3 numbers given. Extension Q 13 15 follow steps to find endnumber.
Ask children to say the numberpattern as you write it on the board e.g. 17+11=28, 17+21 =38continue to 17+81 Ask more confident children to comeout and continue pattern as other say the facts out loud. e.g 17+91 =, 17+101= Ask childrenwhat they notice about the pattern? Repeat for 18+9 ask more ableto continue pattern above 18+79= |
Can you see a pattern in thesenumbers?
What do you notice about the tensnumber and the total?
Can you suggest the next number inthe sequence?
Self-assessment by trafficlights.
Children enjoyed this activity andsaw the pattern instantly, 2as and some 3cs made simple mistakeswhen crossing over the 100 barrier but once it was pointed out tothem they self corrected
extended activity by children makingup their own sequence on whiteboards for a friend tocomplete |
Thursday Solving wordproblems 3b+3a 3cand 2a
2bs adding 2 two digitnumbers |
Convert into pence and viceversa. Word problems involving money cost, cost of several items, change from 1.00 or 5.00, howmany 25p stamps could be bought with 1.00? Adding 3 small amountsof money looking for number bonds or near doubles. Ask childrenexplain mental methods used and compare strategies. | Review RUCSACreview stepsto follow Teaching Focus Look at examples of word problemstogether focus on two step problems and need for accuracy at firststage as this will affect final answer
Activities 3bs and 3as WALT To know how to solve wordproblems with more than one step. Collins Y3 book 1 p17 The problemclassroom Nb some 2 step word problems so children must checkanswers carefully to avoid mistakes. Extension 3as Can children checktheir own work using inverse operation for each answer to identifyany errors?
3cs WALT to know how to solve wordproblems Collins Year 3 book 1 p16. Thinkingabout shopping. Remind children to use correct notation for poundsand pence. Nb some 2 step problems Extension refresher sectionp17
2as WALT to recognise words for + and in word problems Collins Year 3 book 2 p 17 DeliciousProblems involving and P Remind children of link to homework1.00 = 100p and to look carefully at key words to see if they needto add or subtract.
2bs WALT- to subtract multiples often (children may use a hundred sq ifrequired remind them to subtract in groups of ten by findingnumber directly above) Find the Spider! Sheet Extension On reverse canchildren write an addition sum to match each subtraction sum. Canthey think of sums that will spell out word Spider?
| Pair up children MA with LA tosupport and explain steps to follow.
Look at examples of two step wordproblems from p17 ( see ETeach screen) with white boards workthrough answers together. | 3c1 Can you explain the method youused to fing the answer? Can you explain how you know youranswer is right?
3b1 Are children able to self checkusing estimates or inverse?
Can you find the key words in theproblem that show you which operation you need to do?
Can they make effective use of andpence notation? Self-assessment by trafficlights.
| Money problems showed a good basicunderstanding of money but converting p into and vice versa was astruggle for green and blue table.
Red table were able to check answerusing inverse operation Josh lagged behind the others inspeed. |
Findingpairs of numbers that total 100 Friday
JM group inlesson 2bs odds and evens |
Mental maths test 3 on CD Complete then swap and markdiscussing strategies used to answer questions. | Review Ask children to recall num bonds to10 then use these to record multiples of 10 with a total of 100.e.g. 10+90 = 100 and 90+10 = 100. Ask children what other numberpairs they know with a sum of 100 e.g. 0+100, 99+1 etc
Main teaching focus Use 100 sq from Maths Pack (teacherstools)
Explain that children are going tofind pairs of numbers with a total of 100. high-light a number on100 sq and demonstrate how to count on in units to next 10 then intens to 100. Ask children to demonstrate answers to examples usehundred square.
Activities 3bs and 3as WALT to find pairs of numbers witha total of 100. Children use 0-9 dice to generate a 2digit number then work out number needed to make 100. Review after children have completedseveral sums ask them to look carefully at their answers. Can theyexplain what they notice about the sum of the tens numbers (total=90) and sum of units (total= 10) Extension (3as) can they usethis and find pairs of numbers that total 1000. Can they link backto known facts to help them? (e.g.25+ 75 = 100 so 250+750 =1000) 3cc WALT to find pairs of numberswith a total of 100. Collins Y4 Book 2 P16 Find thepair Extension Can children write asubtraction sum as inverse of each addition fact?
2as WALT to find pairs of numbers witha total of 100. Collins Y3 Book 2 p 14. Identifymultiples of 5 up to 100 and use these to find pairs of numbersthat total 100. Extension use 0-6 dice togenerate 2 digit numbers and find other number needed to make atotal of 100.
2bs WALT to recognise odd and evennumbers up to 100. Number Lorries Sheet. Extension Odd or Even? Gridsheet.
Show me using number cards askchildren to show odd and even numbers e.g. an odd number between 30and 40. Extension An odd number that is also a multipleof 5. An even number that is a multiple of 3 and 4? | Evaluate results from mental testidentify key questions that children have found tricky to includein future O and M sessions
Can children find pairs of numbersthat total 100?
Are they able to identify and explainpatterns or findings?
Can children use known facts to helpthem work with larger numbers?
Can children apply rules to identifyodd and even numbers?
Self-assessment by trafficlights.
| Joys group worked with me using themaths pack and saw the connection easily when we highlighted thenumbers to count on Robert and Emily way ahead of others.
All others completed taskindependently and without help. Red and Yellow table moved ontofinding pairs for 1000 after they had finished much morechallenging and them stumped at times. |