Name | Film Narrative |
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Level | 5 |
Topic | Literacy |
Unit | Film narrative |
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File 1 | 576_Film narrative sessions.doc |
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PHASE 1: Read,re-read and investigate film text.
WALT: Form opinionsabout films and justify opinions with reference to thefilm.
WALT: Transferunderstanding of a film into different modes (written,oral).
WALT: Demonstratethat chn can infer information from a film.
Watch and re-watchthe film The Piano.
Chn complete puzzlesgrid page split into quarters saying likes, dislikes, patternsand puzzles (questions the children have about the film).
As a class share anypatterns in the film, and list any questions.
Re-watch the film.Answer peoples questions as far as possible, then ask whatquestions does the film leave unanswered? E.g. who was the othersoldier, who was the lady, what were they fighting for?
Generatesuggestions, e.g. I think it was his dead wife because she wassee-though and she kissed him.
In pairs or smallgroups, get children to consider what words best describe thefilm.
Activity: Write aparagraph about whether or not you liked the film, saying why, andreferring to the film itself.
Discuss what a filmdirector needs to think about when creating a film lighting,props, camera angles, sound. Introduce chn to 4 Cs (character,colour, composition and camera), and Ss (setting, sound, sequenceand story) powerpoint/IWB presentation to come.
Teacher to hotseatbeing a famous director get your best sunglasses outluvvies!
Chn to ask questionsabout it and take notes.
Activity - Forumtheatre: Get all chn in 3sto improvise a scene of a child being excluded from a game in theplayground. Choose 1 group to perform at front. Other members ofclass become the directors, asking the cast to speak / move etcin a different way or giving an alternative interpretation. Howdoes this affect the effect of the piece?
PHASE 2: Analysisand investigation of aspects of the film text.
WALT: Use workingin role to explore characters complex feelings andthoughts.
Re-watch film ThePiano and identify key plot points:
Piano playingstarts.
Memory of hisex-wife.
Memory of thewar.
Friend dying.
Playing as aboy.
What is the overallmood of the film at the different stages? Happy or sad? Watch thefilm again, get chn to draw the mood of the film on a graph (time xmood) they are not allowed to take their pen off the paper.Emphasise how the characters feelings change over the course ofthe film.
Activity:Freeze frame keyscenes in the film, paying attention to body language and facialexpression. Take photos using DigiBlue cameras.
Activity:Chn to get intosame groups as freeze-framing to improvise a conversation betweenthe characters in the Piano.
In advance, teacherto add thought bubbles and speech bubbles to the pictures usingword (I can show you this if you want). Chn to add thoughts andspeech using ideas from improvised acting highlight identify thatthere might be differences between what people are thinking andfeeling.
WALT: Use speechpunctuation effectively.
Revise use of speechmarks. GFW exercises?
Activity: Chn towrite a scripted conversation between 2 characters using speechbubbles as scaffolding revise speech marks.
PHASE 3: Storyboarding and writing a film.
WALT: Chn canmanipulate narrative structure.
As a class, take itin turns to orally tell the story of Cinderella.
Teacher to modelcreating a story board for the story (Ill produce a template forthe IWB). Recap high and low points of the story tragedy,excitement, problem and triumph!).
Activity:In groups, chn plankey points of the story of Hansell and Gretel, using the sameschema:
Something goes wrongfor the characters maybe a problem caused by baddies.
Goodies try to solvethe problem and the baddies try to stop them.
Goodies win andsolve the problem.
Everyone liveshappily ever after.
Chn to create abullet point list of their plan (i.e. shooting sequence).
Chn to write anarrative voice over based on key plot points.
WALT: Chn canreflect critically on their own writing and edit and improveit.
Activity:Chn create a storyboard of their plan, showing what positions the characters will bein for each voice over (perhaps with limited movement).
Chn criticallyreflect on their voice over and edit with improvements.
Activity:Chn design theircharacters and create puppets (instructions to follow, butessentially main torso and legs made of card, arms made of card andjoined at shoulder and elbow by butterfly pins, movement achievedby cane attached to body and hands), and backdrops. Other childrenin group plan any sound effects.
Activity:Chn to film thefilm using DigiBlue cameras, with narrator by the camera andsomeone else doing the sound effects all at the same time.
Sound effecttechnician
Puppet manipulator x2 or 3.