Name | poetry year 6 unit 1 - week 2 |
Owner | upperks2 |
Level | 6 |
Topic | Literacy |
Unit | poetry |
Description | power of imagery linked to mountains topic |
File 1 | 560_lit plan wk 2.doc |
File 2 |
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NLS LEARNINGOBJECTIVESY5 Strand 7 understanding in interpretingtexts useevidence from text to explain events/ideas. Inter writersperspectives from what is written/implied. Explore writers langfor dramatic effect. Strand 8 engaging with andresponding to texts. Compare usefulness of techniques such asvisualisation. Compare how a common theme is presented in poetry.Stand 9 creating/shaping texts reflect indep andcritically on own writing and edit and improve it. Strand 12presentation adapt handwriting for specific purposes. Userange of ICT to present text. Y6 Strand 3 group discussion and interaction understandand use a variety of ways to criticise constructively and respondto criticism. Strand 6 word structure and spelling use range of appropriate strategies to edit, proofread and correctspelling in own work, on paper and on screen. Strand 7understand and interpreting texts understand underlyingthemes, causes and points of view. Understand how writers usedifferent structures to create impact. Strand 8 engaging withand responding to texts read extensively and discuss personalreading with others. Compare how writers fro different times uselanguage. Strand 9 creating and shaping texts select wordsand language drawing on knowledge of literary features. Strand12 presentation - Use range of ICT to present text. |
RESOURCESDevlit text level Y5/6 works, read me, apple raid, focus on lit Y6.senses poem outline. | VOCABULARYAslast week. | HOMEWORK
| LINKS TO OTHER CURRICULUM AREAS. Geog - mountains | ||||||||||||
WEEKLY OUTCOME: TO write own poem about mountains usingfigurative language. | |||||||||||||||
MON | LEARNING INTENTION | We Are Learning To: | |||||||||||||
| RED GP. | YELLOW GP | PLENARY | |||||||
TUES | LEARNING INTENTION | We Are Learning To:understand how poets use different structures to createimpact. | |||||||||||||
RECAPAskfor examples of personif, metaphor and similes. | INTRO Goback over poems read last week. | MODELLING AND INPUT Show city jungle and goodnight stroud from ApplePie raid. Discuss examples of personification and simile. Why hasthe poet used these human features? What part of the inanimateobject is being described? Discuss work on mountains from lastweek, show range of ideas. Begin with human action or humanfeatures senses. List words to do with mountains mighty, tall,majestic, silent, foreboding, giant etc. | SUCCESS CRITERIA Must be able to identify some personification inpoem. Should be able to highlight all personification inpoem. Could identify what features are beingdescribed. | PURPLE GPUnit 9 from focus on lit Y6 Xmas and Silverpoems. | GREEN/ BLUE GP Green ICT learn premium literacy Y6 metaphorsand similes Blue . Writing group with JJ 10:00 10:25 othersas red gp | RED GPuselist of human features from last week, begin to link to mountains white hair tickling the clouds, clouds covering its eyes etc | YELLOW GP Spelling work with JJ 9:30 9:55
LW go back over work on mountains from last week,edit. | PLENARY Read The Guide from The Apple Raid pg 51. what dothey think is being described? Who or what is the guide? What cluesare there in the poem? Why does it disappear when the sun comesup? | |||||||
WED | LEARNING INTENTION | We Are Learning To:understand how poets use different structures to createimpact. | |||||||||||||
RECAPCananyone add to list of mountains words? Discuss spellings. | INTRO What was theme of yesterdays poem? Which otherpoem have we read with same theme? | MODELLING AND INPUT Read A poem to be read silently by Pie Corbettfrom the Works pg 167. discuss feelings about poem, personificationexamples, any rhyming words, punctuation etc. could we use thistype of example to write a similar poem about the mountains? Givefew minutes to think of words and begin class poem. Go back overother poems class written this week, can they be bettered? How?Discuss importance of editing and redrafting. | SUCCESS CRITERIA Must be able to identify some personification inpoem. Should be able to highlight all personification inpoem. Could identify what features are beingdescribed. | PURPLE GPICT- learn premium literacy Y6 metaphors andsimiles
| GREEN/ BLUE GP 10:00 10:25 blue spelling with JJ | RED GPLW - go back over work on mountains from last week,edit. | YELLOW GP Spelling work with JJ 9:30 9:55
Letts sentence work on punctuation. Year 4 | PLENARY Continue work on a joint class selection of poemswhich house imagery. Discuss words chosen. | |||||||
THURS | LEARNING INTENTION | We Are Learning To: selectwords and language appropriately to create own poems on atheme. | |||||||||||||
RECAPHangman using spelling words. | INTRO Which poem is favourite so far and why? | MODELLING AND INPUT Goover own mountains poems on IWB what do they think of them? Showand read Mountains from works 2 pg 124, discuss personification,use of language, what images does it portray? What does it mean bythe moods change like the weather? Why is the sun described as alighthouse? Read What the Mountains do from Read me 1 pg 244.discuss structure, layout, words used etc. look at both poemstogether, what human features have the authors given to mountains?How have they shown this? Show senses plan If I were in the LakeDistrict I would feel etc. can we add some personification ormetaphors to this? | SUCCESS CRITERIA Must be able to write one or two lines which includepersonification. Should be able to write a simple poem which has aspectsof personification. Could write a selection of poems which haveimagery. | PURPLE GPGreen use list of human features from last week, beginto link to mountains white hair tickling the clouds, cloudscovering its eyes etc | GREEN/ BLUE GP9:30 9:55 green spelling withJJ
Blue gp ICT learn premium literacy Y6 metaphors andsimiles Green use list of human features from last week, beginto link to mountains white hair tickling the clouds, cloudscovering its eyes etc. LW | RED GPSpelling work with JJ 10:00 10:25 | YELLOW GP Spelling work with JJ 9:30 9:55
Edit and redraft mountain personificationpoem. | PLENARY Continue work on a joint class selection of poemswhich house imagery. Discuss words chosen. | |||||||
FRI | LEARNING INTENTION | We Are Learning To: selectwords and language appropriately to create own poems on atheme. | |||||||||||||
RECAPspelling test | INTRO Which poem is favourite so far and why | MODELLING AND INPUT Read some of own poems read this week. Discussimpact, language used, stylistic features. Show dev text level Y5pg 14. give out range of poems used this week and children completeforms using one of the poems. Give 10 mins to complete thenfeedback ideas and results. Explain everyone has diff ideas aboutpoetry no right or wrong answers as own opinions. | SUCCESS CRITERIA Must be able to give ideas about a poem. Should be able to justify ideas about preferences for apoem. Could use evidence from poem to justifyopinions. | PURPLE GPedit and redraft mountains personif poem or writepoem which includes the senses.LW | GREEN/ BLUE GP Green edit and redraft mountainspersonification poem or write poem which includes thesenses. Blue gp- go back over work on mountains, edit and redraft.JJ | RED GPICT type out poems insert mountain pic asbackground | YELLOW GP ICT type out poems insert mountain pic asbackground | PLENARY Discuss work done over 2 weeks onpersonification, metaphor and simile. Can these only be used inpoems? How could they be used in own writing? Ask for examples ofsentences which house imagery show on own w/bs. | |||||||